Name of Member: Shri Kondaji Basappa
Political Party: Congress
Constituency & State: Davangere (Karnataka)
Lok Sabha Experience: 5,6
6th Lok Sabha
Members Bioprofile |
BASAPPA, SHRI KONDAJJI, B.Sc., LL.B., Congress, (Karnataka—Davangere—1977): s. of Shri Lingappa; b. at Kondajji Village, Chitradurga District, December 11, 1915; m. Smt. Sarvamangalamma, 1938; 7 s. and 1 d.; Advocate; was President, District Board, Chitradurga, 1944—47; State Chief Commissioner, Bharat Scouts and Guides Association, Karnataka from 1962; Chairman, (i) State Warehousing Corporation, Karnataka, (ii) State Handloom Advisory Board and (iii) Panchayat Raj Samiti; Member, Karnataka State Legislature, 1962—71; Deputy Minister for Cooperation, Government of Karnataka, 1962—67; Member, Fifth Lok Sabha, 1971—77; Deputy Minister, Government of India, 1972—74; Indian Delegate to the World Conference of the Boy Scouts Movement held in Austria, 1951.
Social activities: Associated with boy scouts and girl guide movement from 1941.
Favourite pastime and recreation: Scouting.
Sports and clubs: Volleyball and tennis; President, Karnataka State Mountaineering Association.
Travels abroad: Countries of Europe, West Asia and South East Asia.
Permanent address: Middle class colony, Davangere, Chitradurga District, Karnataka.
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