Father’s NameDate of Birth
Place of Birth
Marital Status
Spouse’s Name
Educational Qualifications
Permanent Address
Present Address
Positions held
March 1985 to Dec. 1989
April 1985 to Mar. 1986
April 1986 to Mar. 1987
April 1987 to Dec, 1989
May 1985 to Dec. 1989
21st April 1990 to 10th Nov. 1990
21st Nov. 1990 to 20th Feb. 1991
Social and Cultural Activities
Special Interests
Favourite Pastime
and Recreation
Sports and Clubs
Other Information
Late Shri Laksman Bhagey31st October, 1934
Jamshedpur in Distt. Singhbhum (Bihar)
Married on 22nd December 1961
Smt. Nirmal Bhagey (Nee Suppal)
One son and two daughters
B.Sc., (Hons.), M.Sc., Tech.
Educated at R.D. Tata High School, Jamshedpur (Bihar); MPC College, Baripada, Mayurbhanj (Orissa); Ravenshaw College, Cuttack (Orissa); College of Science and Technology, Calcutta University, Calcutta
Engineer, Teacher and Educationist, Civil Service, Political and Social worker
(a) ‘Shangrilla’, Plot No. 3731-A, Samantrapur, Sri Ramnagar, Bhubaneswar-2, District Puri, Orissa
(b) Vill. Manbir P.O. Tarana (Via-Jamda) Bamanghaty, Distt. Mayurbhanj, Orissa
19, Dr. Bishambar Dass Marg, New Delhi-110 001 Tel. 3782188
President, Janata Party, Distt. Mayurbhanj, Orissa
Member, Orissa Legislative Assembly
Member, Estimates Committee, Orissa Legislative Assembly
Member, Committee on Subordinate Legislation, Orissa Legislative Assembly
Member, Public Accounts Committee, Orissa Legislative Assembly
(1) Member, House Committee on Environment, Orissa Legislative Assembly; (2) Member, Statutory Committee on Reservations for ST/SC in posts and services
General Secretary, Janata Dal, Orissa;
Elected to Lok Sabha (Ninth)
Union Minister of State, Planning and Programme Implementation
Union Minister of State, Human Resource Development
Re-elected to Lok Sabha (Tenth)
Tribal Upliftment, Promotion of Education through Tribal Languages, Prohibition, Abolition of Superstitious practices among tribals and mass literacy
Science and Technology, Revamping of Public Services, public distribution system, development of agriculture, generation of employment opportunities, poverty alleviation programmes and development of infrastructure
Gardening, Reading, Music, Painting and Dance
Creation of infrastructure for sports in rural areas
Engineer and Lecturer (1961-63) for three years before joining Indian Administrative Service, Orissa Cadre (1963 Batch); served in various capacities in Government of Orissa, in the Departments of General Administration, Revenue and Excise, Community Development and Panchayati Raj, Forests, Co-operation, Tribal and Harijan Welfare, Agriculture, Labour, Employment and Housing; Also as Secretary to Government and Commissioner, Additional Member, Administrative Tribunal, Commissioner, Training and Coordination, etc.; took voluntary retirement from IAS in October 1989 to join politics; joined Janata Party in November 1984 and joined Congress (I) in April 1991.