KHAN, CHAUDRY TAYYAB HUSAIN, B.A., LL.B., (Cong.) Haryana-Gurgaon—1971, Son of late Chaudry Mohammed Yasin Khan; b. at Gurgaon, April 5, 1936; ed. at B. Meo School Nuh D.S.D. College, Gurgaon and Aligarh Muslim University; m. Shrimati Jamila Begun May 28, 1964; 2 s. and 2 d. Agriculturist and Advocate; was always an active member of the Congress party but for a short period was associated with the Vishal Haryana Party; Sarpanch Village Rehana, 1960-62; President, (i) Nuh Cooperative Marketing-cum-Processing Society Ltd., Nuh (Oil Mills) 1963-66, (ii) B. Meo High School, Nuh, since 1968, (iii) Mewat Educational Board (Regd.), Nuh since 1970 and (iv) All India Meo Panchayat, since 1970; Chairman, Punjab Wakf Board, since 1965; Honorary Secretary, B. Meo High School, Nuh, 1963-68; Member, (i) Panchayat Samiti, Nuh, 1961-62, also took over as Chairman of the Samiti early in 1962, (ii) Central Wakf Advisory Council, 1963-64, (iii) Punjab Pradesh Congress Committee, 1964-66 and (iv) Wakf Act Amendment Committee of Central Wakf Council, 1967-68; Member, Punjab State Legislature, 1962-1966; Depute Minister for Health and P.W.D., Government of Punjab, March 1962-Dccember, 1962; Member Haryana State Legislature, 1966-67.
Social activities.—Takes keen interest in the work relating to social and educational uplift of the people.
Hobbies.—Gardening and travelling.
Favourite pastime and recreation.—Listening to music and walking.
Special interests.—Rural uplift, social reforms and education; Also interested in study of religious law and customs.
Sports.—Football, Kabadi and Badminton.
Travels abroad.—Pakistan.
Permanent address.—Village Rehna, P.O. Nuh, Distt. Gurgaon, Haryana.