DHANKHAR, CH. JAGDEEP, B.Sc., LL.B. [Janata Dal*—Rajasthan, Jhun-jhunu, 1989]: s. Ch. G.C. Dhankhar; b. at Kithana, Jhunjhunu District, Rajasthan, May 18, 1951; ed. at Rajasthan University; m. Sudesh Dhankhar, February 1, 1979, 1 s. and 1 d.; Senior Advocate, Social Activist;
Public Offices held: Union Dy. Minister, Parliamentary Affairs, April 21, 1990—November 5, 1990;
Previous Association with Political Parties: Executive Member, N.F. Parliamentary Party, 1990;
Committee Experience: Chairman, Committee on Absence of Members from the Sittings of the House, January 19, 1990—April 23, 1990; Member, General Purposes Committee, January 24, 1990—May 28, 1990 and Committee of Privileges, May 14, 1990;
Favourite Pastime and Recreation: Reading, sports, music;
Publications: Articles in various journals on legal subject;
Delegation to Foreign Countries: Member, Parliamentary Delegation to European Parliament;
Travels Abroad: Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Europe, U.K., USA,. Luxemburg;
Special Interests: Cooperative movement, agriculture, fine arts;
Sports and Clubs: Table Tennis and Swimming; President, Rajasthan Olympic Association;
Other Information: President, Rajasthan High Court Bar Association, 1986, Member, Rajasthan Bar Council, 1987; Member, Rotary Club, Jaipur; Patron, Surajmal Education Trust, Delhi, Patron, Dayanand Mahila Sarganya Education Trust, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan, Gramin Mahila Vidyalaya, Swami Keshvanand Smriti Charitable Trust and Gramothan Vidyapith, Sangaria, Sri Ganga Nagar, Rajasthan;
Permanent Address: Vill. & P.O. Kithana, District Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan.
*Member, Janata Dal (S) with effect from January 11, 1991.