Smt. Bonily Khongmen Member of Parliament (MP) from Autonomous District-ST (Assam) Biodata

Name of Member: Smt. Bonily Khongmen

Political Party: Congress

Constituency & State: Autonomous District-ST (Assam)

Lok Sabha Experience: 1

First Lok Sabha
Members Bioprofile

 KHONGMEN, SHRIMATI BONILY, B.A., Cong [Assam-Autonomous Distts. (Reserved—Scheduled Tribes)—1952 ]: D. of Late Dr. M. S. Timung; B. Jowai (Khasi-Jaintia Hills), June 25, 1912; ed. at Welsh Mission Girls’ High School, Shillong and Diocesan College, Calcutta; m. Shri W. Khongmen,. B.L., 1934; 4 S. and 1 D.; Headmistress, Golaghat Girls’ School, 1932-33, Assamese Girls School, Shillong, 1935—40, Lady Reid School, Shillong, 1940—46; M.L.A. (Assam) and Deputy Speaker, Assam Legislative Assembly, 1946—52; Was Vice-President of the Khasi Jaintia National Conference and Member, Advisory Councils of Khasi and Jaintia Hills and Mikir Hills, till 1952; Was member of Indian Red Cross Society; Founder of several schools, in the Assam Hills; Social worker, working for the welfare of tribal people and for advancement of female and basic education and also makes clothes and garments for refugees.

Accomplishment in Arts and Science: Plays violin, spins and weaves clothes.

Hobbies: Collecting books and Gardening.

Special interest: Education and uplift of Scheduled Tribes.

Recreation: Reading, Sewing and Knitting.

Permanent address: Laban, Shillong, Assam.


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