MALLICK, SHRI LAKSHMAN, [Congress (I)—Orissa Jagatsinghpur, 1984] s. of late Shri Arjun Mallick; b. at Badakhandaita Village, Cuttack District, November 12, 1927; Intermediate; ed. at Christ College, Cuttack; m. Smt. Haramoni Mallick, 1954; 1 s. and 3 d.; Agriculturist, Political and Social Worker; Minister in Government of Orissa, (i) Works and Transport and Excise, 1972-73, (ii) Works and Transport and Agriculture and Cooperation & Rural Development, 1974-76 and (iii) Works and Transport, December, 1976—May, 1977; General Secretary, Utkal Pradesh Congress, Cuttack, 1957-59; President, District Congress Committee, Cuttack, 1974-76; Vice-President, Utkal Pradesh Congress Committee, 1974-76; General Secretary, Orissa, Depressed Classes League 1952-80; Member, Orissa Legislative Assembly, 1952-57, 1961-67, 1971-73 and 1974-77; Member, Committee on Public Undertakings 1964-65; Member, (i) Seventh Lok Sabha, 1980–84, (ii) Committee on Government Assurances, 1980-82 and (iii) Committee on Public Undertaking, 1982-84
Social activities: Educating the Harijans and the Poor Classes; Relief work during floods, fires and cyclone; Uplift of the poorer sections of the society, Rendered tremendous assistance in the work relating to flood relief during the floods in 1955 and 1982 in, Orissa specially during the breach of Dalai Ghai of Cuttack District.
Favourite pastime and recreation: Reading and cultural activities.
Special interests: Social work and literature.
Publications: “BHAI BHAUNI” in Oriya.
Travels abroad: Hony-Kong, Singapore, Thailand, China, Czechoslovakia, France, West Germany, and Switzerland.
Permanent address: Badkhandaita Village, Sompur P.O., Cuttack District.