PATIL, SHRI SONUSINGH, B.A., LL.B., Janata, (Maharashtra—Erandol—1977): s. of Shri Dhansingh; b. at Bhawali, Jalgaon District February 6, 1912 ; ed at Wadia Collage and Fergusson Collage, Poona and Bombay University; m. Smt. Bhim Kunwarbai, May 10, 1933; 3 s. and 5 d.; Advocate, Farmer, Political and social worker; previously associated with the Congress (Organisation); Founder and Chairman, (i) Arts, Science and Commerce College, Chalisgaon, 1961—72 and (ii) Cooperative Spinning Mill, Jalgaon, Founder-Director, Belganga Co-operative Sugar Factory and Vasant Co-operative Sugar Factory at Chalisgaon and Kasoda, Committee Member, Buffer Stock Operations in Cotton, Chairman, (i) Maharana Pratap Educational Trust, (ii) Blind Relief Association, Chalisgaon and (iii) Agricultural Produce Market Committee, Chalisgaon; Member, (i) Executive Committee, Rashtriya Co-operative Shikshan Prasarak Mandal, Chalisgaon, (ii) Central Committee of Employment and Rural Housing, (iii) Defence Consultative Committee, (iv) National Committee of Posts and Telegraphs, (v) Poona University and (vi) State Transport Corporation, Maharashtra; Member, Bombay Legislative Council, 1946—57 and was Chief Whip for 7 years Member, (i) Rajya Sabha, 1957—64, (ii) Public Accounts Committee for 2 years and (iii) Executive Committee of the Congress Parliamentary Party, 1962—64; Minister of State in the Ministry of Home Affairs since August, 1977.
Favourite Pastime and recreation: Agriculture, Horticulture.
Special interests: Co-operation, education and village upliftment.
Publications: Translated into Marathi the autobiography of Shri Morarji Desai.
Sports and clubs: Bridge and Tennis; Member, Local Club.
Travels abroad: Japan, Hong Kong and Bangkok, in 1961.
Permanent address: “Rachana”, Bhadgaon Road, Chalisgaon, Jalgaon District, Maharashtra.