SHRIVASTAVA, PROF. SHAILENDRA NATH, M.A., Ph.d. [B.J.P.—Bihar, Patna, 1989]: s. of Late Dr. Murlidhar Shrivastava; b. at Chausa, Bhojpur District, Bihar, October 26, 1936; ed. at Patna University, Patna, Bihar; m. Dr. Veena Rani Shrivastava, June 28, 1959, 1 s. and 2 d.; Journalist, Writer, Political and Social Worker;
Previous Association with Political Parties: President, Bharatiya Jan Sangh, Patna Metropolitan District, Bihar, 1973—75; President, Janata Party, Patna Metropolitan District, Bihar, 1977—79;
Previous Membership: Legislative Assembly, Bihar, 1980—85;
Committee Experience: Member, Library Committee, 1980—82, Committee on Government Assurances, 1982—84 and Committee on Petitions, 1984—85, Bihar legislative Assembly; Member, Committee on Official Language, March 23, 1990, Consultative Committee, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, 1990, Hindi Advisory Committee, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Industries and Ministry of Steel & Mines, 1990;
Favourite Pastime and Recreation: Literature, discussions, drama, music, journalism, travelling;
Publications: Vigyan Ki Den (A book on General Science for Neo-Literates), Adbhut Rus aur Bhartiya Kavya Shastra (Part of thesis), Lifafa Dekhker, (Personal Essays Collection), Nirla Jeevan aur Sahitiya (Ed.), Andolan Ki Kavitayen (Ed.), Pratiyogita Nibandh, Mahavidalaya Nibandh, Samkshepan Kaise Karen?, more than hundred articles published in periodicals and journals; besides to his credit, has above 120 radio broadcasts and telecasts from AIR, Patna and New Delhi and from Doordarshan;
Special Interests: Education, literature, culture, social welfare, mass communication, painting, youth affairs, urban development;
Accomplishment in Letters, Literature, Art and Science: Awarded first prize by the Bihar Rashtra Bhasha Parishad for an essay in 1957, awarded Hari Bhushan Award in 1967 for outstanding writings;
Social Activities: Co-ordinator, NSS, Patna University, 1973—80; President, Patliputra Lions Club, 1977—78; President Indian Council of Social Welfare, Bihar 1985;
Other Information: Participated in Jai Prakash Movement, 1974—75, arrested under Maintenance of Internal Security Act in 1974 and under Defence of India Rules in July 1975; All India President, Samskar Bharati; Member, FUNA and ‘Bhojpuri Sahitya Sammelan’; Life Member, Bhartiya Hindi Parishad, President, Patna University Teachers Association, 1982—84, 1988—90; Member, Patna University Syndicate and Senate, 1978—87; Professor and Head of Department, B.N. College, Patna University; Member, Court, JNU, January 19, 1990;
Permanent Address: M. 2/11, Dr. Murli Dhar Srivastva Path, 10-E, Rajendra Nagar, Patna, Bihar.