VERMA, SHRI RAGHUNATH SINGH, B.A., LL.B. [Janata (S)- Uttar Pradesh, Mainpuri,1980] s. of late Choudhary Hiralal Nambardar; b. at Akbarpur Kutakpur Village, Jasrana, Mainpuri District, December 17, 1938; ed. at Lodhi Rajput Inter College Jasrana, Ahir College, Shikohabad and Agra College, Agra; m. Smt. Mithlesh Kumari, May 17, 1962; 2 s. and 1 d.; Advocate and Agriculturist; previously associated with the Indian National Congress, Congress (O), Bharatiya Lok Dal, and Janata Party; participated with 100 workers in the “Delhi Chalo” Demonstration in March, 1975 at the call of late Shri Jaya Prakssh Narain, and also in the demonstration before the Uttar Pradesh Assembly during “Save Democracy” Agitation; was imprisoned during 1975 in connection with the Anti-Levy Agitation and also Anti-Fare Agitation; detained under D.I.R. and MISA and sent to Jail during Emergency; Member, U.P. Provincial Congress Committee, 1967; President, (i) D.C.C., Mainpuri, 1974, and (ii) Bharatiya Lok Dal, Mainpuri District, 1976; Convener, District Janata Party, Mainpuri; Manager and Secretary, Lodhi Rajput Inter College, Jasrana, 1962-74; Manager, Karya-Vikraya, Committee, Shikohabad, 1963-66; Life-Member, Ahir College, Shikohabad; president, (i) Lodhi Rajput Provincial Sabha, 1965, (ii) All India Lodhi Rajput Mahasabha, 1970-72; Member, Working Committee of U,P. Backward Classes Sangh; Member, U.P. Legislative Assembly, 1967-68 and 1969-74; also of its Public Accounts Committee; and Public Undertakings and Corporations; Member, (i) Sixth Lok Sabha, 1977-79, (ii) Committee on Private Members’ Bills and Resolutions; presently Member, Committee on Petitions.
Social activities: Constructive work, for the uplift of the backward classes and down-trodden.
Favourite pastime and recreation: Sports, study of History and Political Science.
Special interests: Reading, Sports, Gardening, and Agriculture.
Sports and clubs: Hockey, Cricket, Kabaddi and rural games; remained Captain, of Hockey and Football Teams of Lodhi Rajput Inter College in 1954-55; Member, First Eleven Team of Ahir Kshatriya College, Shikohabad, 1956-57.
Permanent address: Akbarpur Kutakpur Village, Jasrana, P.O. Mainpuri District, Uttar Pradesh.