St. Joseph’s College of Commerce (Autonomous)
B.Com – iii Semester
Duration : 3 Hours Max Marks: 100
Section – A
- I) Answer the following questions in about four paragraphs each (3×15 =45)
- The essay ‘Is there an Indian way of thinking?’ by A.K. Ramanujan speaks about the struggle that Indians have experienced over the years to hold on to their traditions and culture and at the same time embrace modernity. As students of this century how have you dealt with tradition and modernity? Narrate your experience.
- Muhammad Yunus went out of his way to reach out the concerns of the society. What is your opinion about the step taken by Muhammad Yunus? Comment on the practical learning experiences of present education system.
- As members of an urban society how do you relate yourself with the problems that the farmers face? Being a student of commerce what would be your perspective on the economic policy that would help Indian farmers? Discuss with reference to P. Sainath’s essay.
Section – B
- Summarize the arguments of Arundhathi Roy against the use of nuclear weapons in the essay ‘The End of Imagination’. (10 marks)
- Interpret the picture with reference to the essay by Arundhathi Roy ‘The End of Imagination’ (5 marks)
Section – C
- II) Answer the following questions in about 100 words each (ANY THREE) (3X5 = 15)
- Briefly explain need and functions of a Business Letters?
7. Explain the layout of the formal letter with a structure.
8. What are the barriers of communication? Discuss.
9. What do you think are the limitations that a fresher faces while attending an interview?
10. Write a note on the pre-interview preparation techniques. - Draft the following letter (ANY TWO) (2×10 =10)
- You had ordered some goods to be delivered by a specified date. The goods did not arrive on time and are of no use to you now. Write to the supplier cancelling the order and pointing out that you have incurred considerable loss on account of his negligence.
- Write a letter to a retail store reminding them that they have neither settled their account, nor replied to your earlier reminders. Offer to take installment payments to help them to settle the account.
- The head of you organization is worried about the amount of time employees are spending during the ‘tea break’. Draft a memo to be signed by him and circulated to all employees, asking them to be at their desk during duty hours.
Section – D
- Write a letter of application with C.V in response to the following advertisement.
(10 marks)
We require young men with brilliant academic record for our management trainee scheme. Selected candidates will be trained for two years in accounts purchase, administration and technical functions. On successful completion of training they will be absorbed in a suitable scale on our management cadre and posted to our units in Goa, Bangalore and Chennai. During training they will be paid a fixed stipend of Rs 80,000/-p.m. Applicants should be first class graduates in arts, commerce, science or engineering, and possess qualities of leadership. Age not more than 25 years. Apply within 15 days to Dion Engineering Works Ltd., 43/17, Antony Nicolus Street, Mumbai -5600001.
- Write a conversation between an interviewer and interviewee of six questions and answers in a role play situation. (5 marks)
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