St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.B.M. 2014 V Sem Human Resource Development (Elective –II – Hr) Question Paper PDF Download





Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                       Max. Marks: 100


  1. I) Answer ALL the questions. Each carries 2 marks.                                    (10 x 2 =20)


  1. What is Cultural sensitivity?
  2. “HR manager should have a global mindset.” Bring out the meaning of the quote.
  3. Give four qualities of a good mentor
  4. Explain the term Role Play. What is the purpose behind conducting role plays?
  5. Narrate the role team building in organizational development.
  6. Highlight main feature of “country club management.”
  7. What are the different elements of TQM.
  8. What are strokes? What are the different strokes?
  9. Explain the concept of “ulterior transaction” with proper example.
  10. How do Suppression of Democratization in the Work Place, become an ethical issue. Give suitable examples.




  1. II) Answer any FOUR Each question carries 5 marks.                  (4 x 5 = 20)


  1. What is meant by virtual workplace? How do the HR managers stay connected to the virtual work place?
  2. Explain the term “understudy.” What are its merits and demerits?
  3. Briefly discuss methods and techniques used in executive development programs for inculcating decision making skills in trainees.
  4. Explain the meaning of the term “unfreezing.” For bringing unfreezing into effect, what all changes should be implemented?
  5. Discuss different steps that are to be accomplished for obtaining ISO 9000 registration.
  6. What is meant by life script? What are the various life script positions which people take in interacting with others?




III)      Answer any THREE questions.      Each question carries 15 marks.     (3 x 15 = 45)

  1. What is personality Quotient? What are the different ways of developing people?
  2. Briefly explain various methods and techniques used in training of employees in industrial organizations.
  3. What is meant by organizational development? Discuss different organization development techniques.
  4. What is meant by alternative work arrangements? Discuss a few alternative work arrangements introduced by some organizations.
  5. “Dyad relationship can be studied properly if a person can perceive his own behavioural style and at the same time how it is perceived by others.”Discuss.





  1. IV) Case study- Compulsory questions.                   (15 marks)
  2. Training for Whom?

Microelectronics, a California-based electronics defense contractor, has enjoyed a smooth growth curve over the past five years, primarily because of favourable defense funding during the Reagan administration’s build-up of U.S. military defenses. Microelectronics has had numerous contacts to design and develop guidance and radar systems for military weaponry.

Although the favourable funding cycle has enabled. Microelectronics to grow at a steady rate, the company is finding it increasingly difficult to keep its really good engineers, Based on extensive turnover analyses conducted by Ned Jackson, the human resources planning manager. Microelectronics’ problem seems to be its inability to keep engineers beyond the “critical” five-year point. Apparently, the probability of turnover drops dramatically after five – years of service. Ned’s conclusion is that Microelectronics has been essentially serving as an industry college. Their staffing strategy has always been to hire the best and brightest engineers from the best engineering schools in the United States.

Ned believes that these engineers often get lost in the shuffle at the time they join the firm. For example, most (if not all) of the new hires must work on non-classified projects until cleared by security to join a designated major project. Security clearance usually takes anywhere from six to ten months. In the meantime the major project has started, and these young engineers frequently miss out on its design phase, considered the most creative and challenging segment of the program. Because of the nature of project work, new engineering often have difficulty learning the organizational culture – such as who to ask when you have a problem, what the general dos and don’ts are, and why the organization does things in a certain way.

After heading a task force of human resource professionals within Microelectronics, Ned has been designated to present to top management a proposal designed to reduce turnover among young engineering recruits. The essence of his plan is to create a mentor program, except that in this plan the mentors will not be the seasoned graybeards of Microelectronics, but rather those engineers in the critical three-to-five-year service window the period of highest turnover, These engineers will be paired with new engineering recruits before the recruits actually report to Microelectronics for work.

According to the task force, the programme is twofold (1) it benefits the newcomer by easing the transition into the company, and (2) it helps the three-to-five-year service engineers by enabling them to serve an important role for the company. By performing the mentor role, these engineers will become more committed and hence less likely to leave. As Ned prepared his fifteen minute presentation for top management, he wondered it be had adequately anticipated the possible objections to the program in order to make an intelligent defense of it. Only time would tell.


(a)  Identify the salient issues from HR point of view for this case.
(b)  If you were to study this turnover problem, how would you conduct a need                                        analysis or evolve a counseling programme?
(c)  What are the causes of dissatisfaction and turnover in Microelectronics?
(d)  Do you find the mentoring programme suitable to reduce turnover? Justify                       your answer.


















Human Resource Development (Answer Key)


  1. Awareness of own culture. It is the recognized and accepted differences in values, perception, traditions and habits among segments of population.
  2. HR manager should have the ability to “LOOK FOR BIGGER PICTURE”. Should be able to integrate diverse view points through a global system approach in decision making.
  3. i. Listen to mentee and understand them, ii.Challenge his intellect and stimulate the learning process, iii. Coach, iv. Build self confidence, v. Provide wise counseling, vi. Teach by examples act as the role model, vii. Share experiences, viii. Offer encouragement
  4. A method of human interaction. It involves realistic behavior in imaginary situations, action, doing and practice. Purpose: for developing interpersonal interactions and relations.
  5. Basic objective of organization is building better team throughout the organization. OD tries to tie all the groups, small and large to make one integrated and cooperative group, by solving differences. The result of effective team work will be improved organizational performance.


  1. High concern for employees, but low concern for production.


  1. 1. Quality is first, 2. Quality of New product development, 3. Customer orientation and product orientation, 4. Use of a Continuous Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) in all business elements, 5. There should be a Respect for humanity.
  2. Giving some kind of recognition to the other , strokes are exchange when ever two persons interact with each other . Three types of strokes :- Positive stroke, Negative stroke, Mixed strokes


  1. A transaction in which an overt message and a covert message are conveyed at the same time. e.g., A: Would you like to come in for a drink, (meaning: I would like to be alone with you for a while). B: Yes, I would love a drink (meaning: I would like to be alone with you too!).


  1. It amounts to suppression of democratic rights of employees such as; Suppression of employees rights of representation in bodies that would promote their collective interests. E.g., Tempting and bribing pliable union leaders, Union busting, Strike breaking.


  1. Virtual workplace is not located in any one physical space. It is usually in a network of several workplaces technologically connected (via theInternet) without regard to geographic boundaries. Focus of Management: Managing virtual worker, Virtual performance management, Selecting and managing outsourced services, Work-life balance, Telecommuting strategies and training, Virtual organization design, Legal and regulatory compliances, Developing policies and procedures suitable for virtual work place, Privacy/Monitoring.


  1. Understudy is designed as the heir apparent the person who is specially, Trainee is prepared to perform the work or fill the position of his superior when the superior leaves the job due to promotion, retirement or transfer, Department manager discusses problems with under study and allows to participate in decision making. Merits: Creates a practical and realistic situation, Designates persons for greater management responsibilities, Emphasizes learning by doing, Relieves boss of some workload, Demerits: May spark jealousy and rivalry among competing subordinates, Understudy will perpetuate existing practices, bad as well as good


  1. i. In basket exercises, ii. Business /management games, iii. Case study


  1. Means that old ideas and attitudes are set aside to give place to new ideas. It refers to making people aware that present behavior is: inappropriate , irrelevant , inadequate and hence unsuitable for changing demand of the present situations. Changes to be implemented: A) Physical removal of individual. B) Individual being changed from accustomed routine.
  2. C) Demeaning and humiliating experience to help individuals being changed to see their old attitudes or behavior as worthy and think to be motivated to change. D) the consistent linking of reward with willingness to change and of punishment with unwillingness to change.


  1. i. Existing quality procedures are evaluated, ii. Corrective actions to be taken are identified, iii. Certifiable quality management system is prepared, iv. The new procedure is defined , documented and implemented, v. Quality manual is prepared, vi. A pre-assessment meeting with registrar to analyze quality manual is held, vii. The actual assessment of system is held, viii. The system is certified & registration is done.


  1. Script Analysis: ERIC BERNE-” a script is an ongoing programme, developed in early childhood under parental influence which directs the individual behaviour in the most important aspect of his life.” Every person in his life time plays three basic roles which are called as the persecutor, the rescuer and the victim. Legitimate Role, Illegitimate Role: A person when confronted with a particular situation, acts according to his script which is based on what he expects from his life or how he views his life position.

The life position of a person affects his interpersonal relationships. Script plays a very important role in transactional analysis.

  1. PQ helps in identifying candidates and personal with: Key entrepreneurial qualities, Capabilities, Personalities traits, Creative Problem Solving abilities, and Leadership skills.

Marston identified that people are motivated by four intrinsic drives which he called “DISC”

D-  Dominant Type, I – Inspiring   Type, S – Supportive Type, D  – Cautious Type. 1. The Dominant type : An outgoing, task oriented individual, will be focused: The key insight in developing a relationship with this type of person is “Respect and Results”. 2.The Inspiring type: An outgoing, people oriented individual, loves to interact, socialize and have fun. The key insight is developing a relation with this type of person “Admiration and Recognition”. 3. The supportive type:  A Reserved, people oriented individual. The key insight in developing a relationship with this type of person is “Friendliness and Sincere Appreciation”. 4. The Cautious Type:  A Reserved, task oriented individual The key insight in developing a relationship with this type of person is” trust and integrity”.


  1. A. On the job Training: 1. Job Instruction Training (JIT), 2. Coaching, 3. Mentoring, 4. Position Rotation, 5. Apprenticeship, 6. Committee Assignments. B. Off the Job Training: 1. Vestibule Training, 2. Apprenticeship training, 3. Class room Training, 4. Internship training, 5. Conferences, 6. Role Playing, 7. Programmed Learning. C. Electronic Training: 1. Audio-Visuals, 2. Computer Based Training, 3. Electronic Performance Support Systems (EPSS), 4. Distance and internet based training, Tele-training, Video-conferencing, Internet, Business portals


  1. Organizational development is a technique used for bringing change in the entire organization rather than focusing attention on the individual , so that change in readily absorbed.Techniques of OD: i. Survey or feedback, ii. Process consultation, iii. Third party Peace making, iv. Role Playing, v. Goal setting and planning, vi. Managerial grid: style-training, team development, intergroup development, organizational goal setting, goal attainment, stabilization


  1. Alternative work arrangements have the effect of: Improving employee motivation, productivity, and

Satisfaction. In most organizations people work an eight hour day for five days in a week. Some of the recently introduced alternative work are: 1. Compressed Work Week: Employees work for less days in a week. The most popular forms of Compressed Work Week is 4 days in a week for 10 hours a day. It gives more leisure time to workers and more shopping time. Employees can avoid office rush hours.

2/3rd working adults prefer this method. 2. Shorter Work Week: Employees have to work for eight hours a day for four days in a week. This program is considered in various countries in the world.It helps to solve the unemployment problem as more people can be employed. This will result in a reduction of salaries of employees. 3. Flexi time: Flexi time is short form of flexible working hours Instead of following a rigid work schedule, the employer allows employees to decide when go to work and when to leave. The employees will have to work a specified number of hours in week, but they can vary their working hours within specified limits.  A common core period is fixed during which every employee supposed to be present. The time before and after core period can be adjusted by the employee as per their requirements. This method is a very popular scheme. 4. Job sharing: Recent innovation of work schedules. In this method, two or more employees share a job. One may work in the morning shift and the other may work in evening shift or they can work on alternate days. This method also gaining popularity. 5. Telecommuting: Employees work at home on their computers that are linked to the office. There is no commuting to and for the office. Flexi hours of work. Telecommuting is the fastest growing trend in work scheduling. 6. Flexi staffing: Flexible or temporary staffing. Temporary staffing services are seen as “professional Service Organization.” Approximately 3-5% of the global work force are in the temporary mode. Flexi-staffing has now become a strategic tool for risk management and improving productivity of capital.  USA Flexi-staffing is 60 years old. Japan, Neteherlands, France and UK are prominent in Flexi-staffing. Flexi-staffing in India is a decade old. Flexi-staffing is recognized as a sound business decision that permits companies to adjust production schedules and thereby reduce overheads. International studies shows that temporary workers are more productive than permanent counterparts. Employers find that hiring a temporary worker even at a hourly rate, works out to be more cost effective than a full time employee.


  1. Interpersonal relations are concerned with inter self. Self is the core of personality pattern. Self awareness is a cognitive concept. It describes the self in terms of image, both conscious and unconscious. Joseph Luft and Harington Ingham have developed a diagram called as Johari window

Johari Window has Four Regions: What is known by the person about him/herself and is also known by others: open area, open self, free area, free self, or ‘the arena.’ What is unknown by the person about him/herself but which others know: blind area, blind self, or ‘blind spot.’ What the person knows about him/herself that others do not know; hidden area, hidden self, avoided area, avoided self or ‘facade’

What is unknown by the person about him/herself and is also unknown by others: unknown area or unknown self.

  1. Issues raised: Quality circles, TQM, Alternative work schedules, vision, work settings so on.
  2. Issues or problems: increased competition, Management and Supervisory support, new standards on labour conract, cost of implementation, Employees fear.

iii. How to minimize problems: Orientation, socialization, cross cultural training, skills and technical training, team training, quality training, career development, stress management, coaching, high performance work systems.



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