Initially called as Sainik School, Madras, the school soon had an academic block, labs and the dormitories for the cadets. Within another few years the school was rechristened as Sainik School, Tamilnadu and the academic and the mess buildings were replaced with new ones. Over a period of time these were also found insufficient and inconvenient and very recently the school has been equipped with the state of the art buildings for its Academic Block, Admin Block, Cadets’ Mess, MI Room and CSD and Non CSD stores, Floodlit Basket Ball Complex with eight courts, Volleyball Complex, Boxing Ring, well equipped Gymnasium, Athletic Complex with Galleries, Tennis Courts, Drill Square – thanks to the financial aid from the Central and State Govts and the Alumni Association.
Living and learning in the campus makes leaders of every cadet. The effective prefectorial system gives an opportunity to the cadets to manage men and material. Learning is made easy and interesting with facilities like the Language Lab, Maths Lab, Multimedia centre, and well equipped science labs. A plethora of Inter House Competitions in almost all areas keep the spirit of winning alive in the cadets. All co-curricular and extracurricular competitions are held under three categories- juniors, sub juniors and seniors. Every Thursday and the second Saturday is earmarked for these competitions and the Four Houses viz. for the Cock House Trophy based on these competitions.
The adventure spirit in the cadets is brought to the fore in activities like rock climbing, canoeing, trekking and overnight camps in the jungles, cycling, horse riding, karate, etc. The Hobby Clubs like Photography Club, Aero Modeling Club, Ship Modeling Club, Arts and Crafts Clubs, and the Science Clubs provide opportunity for every single cadet to hone his creative skills and innovative thinking.
We also have a Ham Radio Club and train our cadets to get the Ham license. Rendering humanitarian service is an obligatory activity and the cadets take to various social service activities like awareness drives, shramdhaan, adopting local rural and tribal schools.
Apart from the Inter Sainik School Competitions, the cadets take part in the inter school competitions held at the taluk and district headquarters by various organizations like the Rotary Club, Lions Club, schools and colleges and establish their supremacy. Educational tours are made compulsory every year for all cadets to facilitate them to come into direct contact with lands and peoples and appreciate the rich heritage of our motherland. The school recently raised a company of the Senior Division NCC and the first set of cadets have acquired their B certificates in their XI Std and are being trained for C certificate in the current year.
Though situated in the farthest part of the state, and in a very remote area, the school has never been ignored by the dignitaries. The school was honoured by the visits of statesmen like Babu Jagjeevan Ram the then Def Minister, Mr Bhakthavatsalam, Dr Kalaignar Karunanidhi, Dr MG Ramachandran- the Chief Ministers, Hon Minister Sri Pallam Raju, the RRM, and an endless list of State Ministers.
With the kind of support the school gets from the State and the Central govts and the alumni, the school is poised to achieve greater heights.
Postal Address of the School
Sainik School Amaravathinagar
Udumalpet Taluk
Tiruppur Distt
Tamilnadu. PIN : 642102
Contact Details : Officers
Appointment | Rank | Name | Contact No(s) | Official E-mail Address |
Principal | Captain(IN) | SANDEEP CHAKRAVARTI | TEL – 04252-256296 MOB – +91 9489051666 | |
Headmaster | Wg Cdr | P RAVI KUMAR | TEL – 04252-256206 MOB – +91 9442256206 | |
Registrar | Sqn Ldr | B KHAN | TEL – 04252-256466 MOB – +91 9442156246 | |
FAX Number | Official Website Address | Official Email Address |
04252-256296 | | : [email protected] |
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