End semester examination – MARCH / April 2013
Creative Leadership (HR ELECTIVE PAPER- III)
Duration: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Section – A
- Answer ALL the following questions. Each carries 2 marks. (10×2=20)
- What do you mean by an “Old Boy Network”?
- Explain the conflict intensity continuum.
- Who is an isolate?
- Explain the leader member exchange theory?
- Mention any four factors influencing morale?
- What is BATNA?
- What do you mean by Group Loyalty?
- Describe any two qualities that a good leader should possess.
9) Explain (a) Task conflict (b) Process conflict.
10) Mention the methods to solve Communication Dilemma.
Section – B
- Answer any FOUR (4×5=20)
- What do you mean by Proxemics? Explain the various categories of non verbal communication.
- Who are third party negotiators? Also differentiate the two main negotiation
- A was appointed as a team head for a marketing activity. He has to form a team to develop new marketing strategies for the company. Explain the different stages of group formation and development that Mr. A has to witness and also the need for carrying out the activity in a group.
- Highlight the main characteristics of power in an organization.
- Imagine yourself in the position of a manger and explain the barriers that can retard or distort your communication with your subordinates.
- Explain the various styles in which a leader can influence his followers.
Section – C
- Answer any THREE (3×15=45)
- Managers of modern and highly competitive organizations exhibit different behavioural leadership dimensions. Substantiate the above statement by explaining the behavioural theories of Ohio State University, Likert’s system and the Managerial grid.
- Explain the Psychological tool developed by Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham. Also describe the network of grapevine communication.
- “Morale of the employees affects the productivity of the company”. Validate the statement by bringing out the relationship between morale and productivity. Also suggest the methods to measure the morale and ways to improve morale.
- Outline the stages in conflict process.
- Describe the different ways to translate the power bases into specific actions. Also explain the effectiveness of the various power bases.
Section – D
- Compulsory case study (1X15=15)
- Shirley and Abdul both work for a public sector software development company. The manager of the product development division along with Shirley had interviewed Abdul. Shirley strongly opposed hiring Abdul for the project because she thought he was not competent to do the job.
Seven months after Abdul was hired, the General Manager recommended that Abdul and Shirley have to serve as joint leaders for the project. Shirley agreed reluctantly with the stipulation that it be made clear that she was not working for Abdul. Within a month Shirley was angry because Abdul was representing himself to others as the leader of the entire project and giving the impression that she was working for him.
Shirley said – “Right after the joint leadership, Abdul called a meeting of the project team without even consulting me about the time and content. He just told me when it was being held and said I should be there. Then he sends out letter and signs himself as project director which obviously implies to others that I am working for him.
Abdul said – Shirley is all hung up with feeling of power and titles .She mostly lets things slide. But when I take initiative to set up a meeting she starts jumping up and down about how I am trying to make her work for me.
Shirley had filed a complaint to the GM with regard to the discomfort in working with Abdul. Then the GM had called for a meeting to resolve the conflict.
- Mention the causes for conflict between Shirley and Abdul?
- What conflict resolution techniques can be adopted by the GM?
- If Shirley is not able to get an answer for her grievance, what steps she has to go through in the grievance procedure, being in an unionized
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