St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.Com. 2013 II Sem Financial Accounting II Question Paper PDF Download



 B.COM – II SEMESTER (Travel & Tourism)


Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                   Max. Marks: 100




  1. Answer any TEN of the following questions.                ( 10 x 2  = 20)
  1. What do you understand by the term ‘Mark up or Loading’ in invoicing goods in Branch accounts?
  2.  Shyam sundar’s goods costing Rs.50,000 were destroyed by fire, stock saved was Rs.5,000. He had insured his goods for Rs.2,00,000, but the actual stock on the date of fire was Rs.1,50,000. Is average clause applicable for calculating claim, give reasons? What is the amount of claim?
  3. What do you understand by the term ‘Independent Branches’ in Branch Accounting ?
  4. How is the Credit sales ascertained during conversion of single entry into double entry?
  5.  What is the difference between Branch Debtors system and Branch Final account system?
  6. Calculate the missing figure
    Opening Capital ?
    Closing Capital Rs. 36,400;  Capital Introduced Rs. 9,400; Drawings Rs. 5,600; Loss Rs. 2,800
  1. Calculate Sales; if Opening Debtors – Rs. 10,000; Cash Received From Debtors &

B/R – Rs. 20,000; Opening Balance of B/R – Rs. 4,000 and Closing Balance

of B/R –   Rs. 2,000; Closing Balance of Debtors – Rs. 16,000


  1. Write the journal entry for bills receivable dishonored?
  2. Calculate Purchases:

Cost of goods sold Rs.4,00,000, opening stock Rs.50,000 and closing stock           Rs.60,000.

  1. A trader had taken a Fire Insurance Policy for  Rs.3,42,000 with an average           clause. The stock on date of fire is Rs.4,56,000 and the stock salvaged was      Rs.56,000.  Calculate the claim.
  2. The Gross Profit for the year ending 31/3/06 was 40% of sales. The selling price

has been reduced by 10% in order to increase sales from 1/4/06.  What would be

the expected Gross Profit percentage?









  1. II) Answer any FOUR of the following      ( 4 x 5  = 20)


  1. 12. Fire occurred in the premises Janatha Enterprises on 30-9-2009 and stock of the value of Rs.1,01,000 was salvaged and the books of accounts were saved. The following information is given:

Purchases during the year ended 31-3-2009               Rs.7,00,000

Sales during the above period                                     Rs.10,00,000

Purchases from 1-4-2009 to 30-9-2009                      Rs.2,40,000

Sales from 1-4-2009 to 30-9-2009                              Rs.3,60,000

Stock on 31-3-2008                                                    Rs.3,00,000

Stock on 31-3-2009                                                    Rs.3,40,000

Stock on 31-3-2009 as over valued by Rs.20,000.  Calculate the fire claim based on the rate of profit for the previous year.


  1. 13. A head office in Mangalore had branches at Puttur and Udupi. Give entries in the books of the head office to rectify or adjust the following, assuming the books are closed on 31st March 2007.
  2. Expenses of Rs.4,800 to be charged to Udupi Branch for work done on its behalf by the Head office
  3. Puttur Branch paid Rs.3,600 salary to a visiting Head office official. The Branch has debited the amount to salaries account.
  4. Depreciation at 10% p.a. is to be charged on Furniture at Puttur costing Rs.10,000, the account of which is in the Head office.
  5. Goods costing Rs.2,400 purchased by the Head office from D’souza Brothers, but the payment was made by Puttur Branch.
  6. A remittance of Rs.3,750 made by Udupi Branch to the Head office on 28th March 2007, was received by the latter on 1st April 2007.


  1. Prepare the Debtors account and Bills receivable account from the following ON 31/03/2005 .


Debtors on 31-3-2005 40,000 B/R as endorsed dishonoured 2,000
Bills receivable 31-3-2005 30,000 Discount allowed 1,000
Stock on 31-3-2005 30,000 Discount received 2,000
B/R dishonoured 5,000    
B/R endorsed to creditors 15,000    



  1. A head office in Madras sends goods to its branch in Kannur. Prepare Branch Account and calculate the profit.
Debtors on 1st July 2004 12,000
Stock on 1st July 2004 10,000
Goods sent to Branch 32,000
Cash sales 16,000
Cash received from Debtors 29,000
Goods returned to Head office 1,920
Cheques sent to Branch for expenses 14,510
Stock on 31st March 2005 12,000
Debtors on 31st March 2005 22,500


  1. What are the differences between Single Entry system and Double Entry system of

Book keeping?


  1. Explain the salient features of Branch Accounting?




III) Answer any THREE of the following questions.                                ( 3 x 15  = 45)


  1. Hameed enterprises suffered loss of stock due to fire on May 15,2010. From the following information, prepare a statement showing the claim to be lodged.

Stock on 1-1-2009                                                 Rs.38,400

Purchases during 2009                                           Rs.1,60,000

Sales during 2009                                                  Rs.2,02,600

Closing stock on 31-12-2009                                 Rs.31,800

Purchases from 1-1-2010 to 15-5-2010                 Rs.54,000

Sales from 1-1-2010 to 15-5-2010                         Rs.61,400

An item of stock purchased in 2008 at a cost of Rs.10,000 was valued at Rs.6,000 on 31st. December 2008.  Half of this stock was sold in 2009 for Rs.2,600 the remaining was valued at Rs.2,400 on 31-12-2009.  One fourth of the original stock was sold in March  2010 for Rs.1,400 and the remaining stock was considered to be worth 60% of the original cost.  Salvage was Rs.12,000.  The amount of the policy was Rs.30,000 and there was an average clause in the policy.


  1. Manikchand carries on business as retail merchant.  He does not maintain regular account books.  From cash sales effected by him he effects business and other payments, always retain cash of Rs.1,000 on hand and deposits the balance in the bank account.  The stock inventories for the year ended 31st December 2005 are lost.  However, he informs you that he has sold goods invariably at a price, which yields him a profit of 33 1/3% on cost.  From the following additional information supplied to you prepare necessary final accounts for the year ended 31st December 2005.
Assets and Liabilities 1st Jan. 2005 31st Dec. 2005
Cash in hand  Rs.1,000  Rs. 1,000
Sundry Creditors   4,000 9,000
Cash at Bank N.A.   8,000
Sundry Debtors 10,000 35,000
Stock of Goods 28,000 N.A.

(N.A. = not available)


Analysis of the Bank Pass book reveals the following information:

Payment to Creditors Rs.70,000
Payment for Business Expenses 12,000
Receipts from Debtors 75,000
Loans from Azad taken on 1st Jan., 2005 @ 10% p.a. 10,000
Cash deposited in the Bank 10,000

In  addition, he paid to the creditors for goods Rs.2,000 in cash and salaries Rs.4,000 in cash.  He also withdrew Rs.8,000 cash for his personal expenses.

  1. A shoe company of Kanpur has its branch at Mangalore. Goods are invoiced to the branch at cost plus 25%.  Branch has been instructed to deposit daily all cash received by it in the H.O except the petty cash expenses, which are met by the branch manager from the petty cash amount sent by the H.O. from time to time.  From the following particulars, prepare Mangalore Branch Account in the books of the H.O at  Kanpur.  The branch sells goods at the invoice price only.
Stock on 1st April 2000 at invoice price

Sundry debtors on 1st April 2000

Cash on hand on 1st April 2000

Office Furniture on 1st April 2000





Cash sales 1,00,000  
Credit sales 60,000  
Expenses paid by the H.O for

Rent                 2,400

Salary              4,800

Printing and stationery            600







Goods invoiced from H.O (invoice price) 1,60,000  
Goods returned form the H.O (invoice price) 2,000  
Cash received form debtors 60,000  
Discount allowed by debtors 600 Petty expenses paid by the branch manager  


Goods returned by debtors 960  
Depreciation to be provided on branch furniture at 10% p.a.      
  1. Greenply has 2 departments P and Q, Department P sells goods to Department Q at normal selling prices. From the following particulars, prepare Departmental Trading and P&L account for the year ended 31-3-2004 and ascertain the profit to be transferred to Balance sheet.
Particulars Dept P Dept Q
Opening stock 1,00,000 Nil
Purchases 23,00,000 2,00,000
Goods from Department P ——— 7,00,000
Wages 1,00,000 1,60,000
Traveling expenses 10,000 1,40,000
Closing stock at cost to the Dept 5,00,000 1,80,000
Sales 23,00,000 15,00,000
Printing and stationery 20,000 16,000


The following expenses incurred for both the departments were not apportioned between the departments.

  1. Salaries Rs.2,70,000
  2. Advertisement expenses Rs.90,000
  3. General expenses Rs.8,00,000
  4. Depreciation @ 25% on the machinery value of Rs.48,000

Advertisement expenses are to be apportioned in the turnover ratio, salaries in 2:1 and depreciation in 1:3 ratio, between the Departments P and Q. General expenses are to be apportioned in the ratio of 3:1


  1. Following is the trial balance of Bangalore Branch as on 31-3-2005
  Debit Credit
Furniture 1,400  
Cash at bank & on hand 1,780  
Office expenses 470  
Rent 960  
Debtors & creditors 3,700 1,850
Salaries 1,500  
Goods supplied to Head office   6,000
Sales   38,000
Goods received from head office 8,000  
Purchases 18,800  
Stock on 1st April 2004 6,000  
Head office account 3,240  
  45,850 45,850


Closing stock was valued at Rs.2,700. The Branch Account in the Head office books stood at Rs.400 (Dr). Goods worth Rs.2,500 sent by Head office and remittance of Rs.1,200 sent by Branch to Head office was in transit.

You are required to incorporate the above trial balance in the Branch in Head office  and to prepare the  Bangalore Branch account in the books of the Head office.


  1. IV) Compulsory question     (15 marks)
  2. A trader, who has not kept a complete set of books, asks you to prepare his final accounts for the year ended 31st December 2005.  You are, however, able to obtain the following information:


Balance of Cash on 1st January, 2005 51,700
Receipt from Debtors 4,20,500
Personal Drawings 30,000
Payment to Creditors 3,24,000
Salaries 25,000
Rent 12,000
Electricity Charges 3,500
Printing and Stationery 2,500
Advertising 4,500

Additional Information:

Debtors 33,500 51,000
Creditors 14,000 35,000
Rent Outstanding 1,000 1,000
Electricity Charges Outstanding 200 150
Advertising Outstanding   2,500

The stock on 31st December 05 was valued at Rs.45,000, but the trader has no record of the Stock on 31st December 04.  He informs you, however, that he invariably sells, his goods at cost plus 33 1/3  percent.

Prepare his Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ending 31st December 05 and his Balance Sheet as on that date.  Give detailed working of arriving at the different unknown figures.


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