St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.Com. 2014 I Sem Marketing Management Question Paper PDF Download


End Semester Examinations – OCTOBER 2014



Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                   Max. Marks: 100

Section – A


  1. Answer ALL the questions. Each carries 2 marks.                         (10×2=20)
  2. What is meant by marketing? Explain the significance of marketing.
  3. What is C2C transaction in Ecommerce?
  4. Explain “Marketing Mix.”
  5. State the basis for segmentation of consumer markets with relevant examples.
  6. Give the meaning of Consumer Behaviour.
  7. What are the dimensions of product mix?
  8. Mention the three levels of material used in packaging.
  9. Elucidate on Promotional mix.
  10. What is an advertisement copy?
  11. What is marketing ethics? Give two criticisms.


Section – B

  1. Answer any FOUR questions. Each carries 5 marks.                                (4×5=20)


  1. Explain the objectives and techniques of sales promotion.
  2. 12. Ferrari Wants to launch its sports car in India (This car is doing well in the international market in the premium class). You as a marketing manager, what pricing method would you choose for the India launch? Validate your choice. Additionally explain three other pricing methods in general.
  3. You are the proprietor of a newly established Agro Based Company. You have had a great harvest this season. What are the factors that will affect your choice of distribution channel members?
  4. What is the role of ethics in marketing in the present business scenario?
  5. Why is product positioning important? In what ways can the manufacturer or seller positions his product in the market to fight competition?
  6. 16. Explain the stages in buying decision process.

Section – C

III) Answer any THREE questions.  Each carries 15 marks.                            (3×15=45)

  1. 17. Explain in detail the forces of Company’s Macro and Micro Environment with relevant examples?
  2. Apple Computers wants to better its performance and increase profits from the I-Pod division. Market research shows that the products (I-Pods) are no longer in demand. The company decides that it needs a new product. You being a member of the top management, state how you will take the company through this process.
  3. Mr. Guptha a Managing Director of Shell Petroleum, is planning to take his wife and two children out for dinner. His options are as follows:
    – Mainland China (Chinese) – Cost for 2 People = Rs.1,800/-
    – Meghana’sBirayani (South Indian) – Cost for 2 People = Rs.350/-
    -Punjabi Time (Punjabi) – Cost for 2 People = Rs.850/-
    -The Grill House (American) – Cost for 2 People = Rs.1,500/-
    -Italia (Italian) – Cost for 2 People = Rs.1,800/-
    What are the factors that will influence Mr. Guptha’s (the consumer) choice of restaurant and cuisine. Also explain the other factors that will influence the consumer behaviour in general.
  4. If you are the advertiser of a company, on what basis will you select the media in order to convey your advertising message? Explain in detail.
  5. Write short notes on :
  6. a) E- commerce.
  7. b) Relationship Marketing.
  8. c) Virtual marketing


Section – D

  1. Compulsory Case study (No choice)                                            (15 Marks)


The Kellogg Company is the world’s leading producer of breakfast cereals and convenience foods, such as cereal bars, and aims to maintain that position. Product lines include ready-to-eat cereals and nutritious snacks, such as cereal bars. Kellogg’s brands are household names around the world and include Rice Krispies, Special K and Nutri-Grain.Nutri-Grain was originally designed to meet the needs of busy people who had missed breakfast. It aimed to provide a healthy cereal breakfast in a portable and convenient format. From launch in 1997 it was immediately successful, gaining almost 50% share of the growing cereal bar market in just two years. It maintained growth in sales until 2002 through expanding the original product with new developments of flavour and format.


By mid-2004 Nutri-Grain found its sales declining whilst the market continued to grow at a rate of 15%. The question that arose was “Should Kellogg let the product ‘die’, i.e. withdraw it from the market, or should it try to extend its life?”


Kellogg had to decide whether the problem with Nutri-Grain was the market, the product or both.. The market in terms of customer tastes had also changed as more people missed breakfast and therefore there was an increased need for such a snack product. The company was now faced with two choice. It could adopt either product development strategy or go in for a diversification strategy. Diversification carries much higher costs and risks. Kellogg decided that it needed to focus on changing the product to meet the changing market needs.


Research showed that there were several issues to address:

  1. The brand message was not strong enough in the face of competition. Consumers were not impressed enough by the product to choose it over competitors.
  2. Some of the other Kellogg products had taken the focus away from the core


  1. The core products of Nutri-Grain Soft Bake represented over 80% of sales but received a small proportion of advertising and promotion budgets.
  2. Those sales that were taking place were being driven by promotional pricing

(i.e discounted pricing) rather than the underlying strength of the brand

Implementing the extension strategy for Nutri-Grain

Having recognised the problems, Kellogg then developed solutions to re-brand and re-launch their product in 2005.

  1. Kellogg looked at the core features that made the brand different and modelled the new brand image on these. It marketed the fact that, Nutri-Grain is unique as it is the only product, of this kind, that is baked. The unique selling point, hence, needed to be the ‘soft bake’. This meant that the new product was no longer hard and gritty.
  2. Researchers also found that a key part of the market was a group, termed ‘realistic snackers’. These are people who want to snack on healthy foods, but still crave a great tasting snack. The re-launched Nutri-Grain product needed to help this key group fulfil both of these desires.
  3. Kellogg decided to re-focus investment on the core products of Soft Bake Bars as these had maintained their growth (accounting for 61% of Soft Bake Bar sales). Three existing Soft Bake Bar products were improved and three new ranges introduced
  4. New packaging was introduced to unify the brand image.
  5. An improved pricing structure for stores and supermarkets was developed.


As a result Soft Bake Bar year-on-year sales went from a decline to substantial growth. The Nutri-Grain brand achieved a retail sales growth rate of almost three times that of the market and most importantly, growth was maintained after the initial re-launch.

  1. Questions: (3 x 5 = 15)
  2. Explain the modifications made in the marketing mix with regards to the above case in order to sustain in the market.
  3. The company did not choose diversification strategy to sustain in the market because it was expensive and risky. Give possible reasons to validate their decision.
  4. Diagrammatically explain a product life cycle with reference to the above case.


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