St. Joseph’s College of Commerce VI Sem Corporate Knowledge Integration Question Paper PDF Download



Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                             Max. Marks: 100
I) Answer any five questions.  Question No. 1 is compulsory. Each carries 20 marks.


  1. Summer started very early in Bangalore in the month of March 2016. Early rain was a quick relief to a Bangalurian. However, I am in deep trouble as I had constructed three story apartments two years back with a single bore well. I had spent Rs. 3,00,000 for the bore well having a depth of 600 feet.  Half tank of water is insufficient for the entire apartment. One of my friends has advised me to drill the existing bore well for a further depth of 500 feet which will cost me further Rs.2,50,000.  Another friend suggested to drill another bore well for a depth of 900 feet which will cost Rs. 3,00,000. My neighbour drilled a bore well just one month back and was forced to close down due to mud sliding.  In case of mud sliding, cementing of mud sliding is possible by spending additionally Rs. 1,00,000.

On 24th March 2016, Kannan Borewell arrived, drilled 600 feet. I had paid advance of Rs. 1,90,000 for 600 feet. There was 2 inch water which is more than sufficient for the apartments. The existing driller can not go beyond 600 feet, therefore Kannan Borewell started removing the driller one by one. While removing the last leg of 100 feet, the driller was stuck due to mud sliding. They  panicked and tried for two days to remove  it  but could not do so. Kannan Borewell went off without their driller.

I tried to call them again and again over a phone and spoke to the general manager about the incidents. Finally he had agreed to drill another borewell upto 600 feet on 4th April 2016. I have agreed to spend additionally upto 600 feet Rs. 50,000 more. This time I have decided to cement the mud sliding from the beginning which will cost me additionally Rs. 1,00,000.

Required with reason(s):

i)                   What costs are relevant before 24th March 2016 for decision making?

ii)                 Identify the costs that are irrelevant before 24th march 2016.

iii)              Identify costs that are relevant  and irrelevant on 24th march 2016 before drilling and after drilling the bore well.

iv)               Identify costs that are relevant and irrelevant on 4th April 2016.


  2. Progen BPO has a capacity to process 50,000 accounts per month because of liquidation of one of the European clients the company has excess capacity. For the next quarter current monthly accounts processes is expected to be 35,000 accounts at a selling price of 4 pounds per account. The expected cost and revenues for the next month at an activity level of 35,000 accounts are as follows

Particulars Pounds Pounds per accounts
Direct labour 42,000 1.2
Variable processing overheads 35,000 1.0
Processing non variable overheads 28,000 0.8
Marketing costs 10,500 0.3
Total costs 1,15,500 3.3
Sales (Collection) 1,40,000 4.0
Profit 24,500 0.7


a) Another European client has asked his 3,000 accounts to be processed every month for 3 months at a price of 2.3 pounds per account. Do you advice the company to go for this proposal?

b) The existing labour force is not reduced but as per labour agreements minimum 3 months notice has to be given. The company feels that the jerk is a temporary phenomenon. Do you advice the company to go for 2 pounds?

c)  If upsurge is going to be permanent the future sales will be 35,000 accounts for next one year. How much would be the price advisable to accept this offer?

d) If the demand will remain for 35,000 accounts for the next one year and the permanent employees will be sent out after 3 months, What would be the best price to accept?

e) If the labourers are contract labourers do you accept to process at 2 pounds per account?


  3. Platinum  airways is planning to begin a new fleet of Domestic flights. The following information with regard to its proposed operations is provided.



Revenues 8,18,40,000 53,61,76,000
Total available seats 6200 72850
Average utilisation rate 60% 80%
Average variable cost per seat 14,960 4,968
Fixed costs 22,53,04,576
Depreciation 96, 81,056
Total Investment 34, 32,37,440


They require you to estimate the following for the Co.

a)      The Breakeven point in terms of seats

b)     The Cash Break even in terms of seats

c)      The Break Even seats to target a post tax return of 6% on investments if  tax rate is 40%.

  4. A cement manufacturer has provided you with the details of the two grades of cement manufactured and sold for a given period

(in Rs)

Particulars Cement Grade 53 Cement Grade 43
Sales amount

Sales quantity (kg)

Variable cost

Fixed cost

Product mix














·         Estimate their respective break even quantity

·         The margin of safety in units and value

·         The revised break even if the overall profit after tax estimated by the company is 20%


  5. Mr. D had completed 12th standard, securing 200 marks in Accountancy and commerce. Due to poor economic conditions in the family he could not go for higher studies but did a diploma in printing and designing. With high level of inclination to further studies he joined BBM by correspondence and completed it successfully. With high level of ambition he started a small business with a simple capital by supplying furniture worth Rs. 25,000, Computer Rs. 30,000, and paid advance for rented building Rs. 50,000 in Coimbatore. Under self employment scheme he borrowed Rs. 50,000 from the bank for working capital @14% per annum. Following are the transactions on a day to day basis.

Day 1 Purchased stationary Rs. 4,000
Day 2 Purchased software Rs. 2,000
Day 3 Received an order for Rs. 10,000. Cost to fulfill the order is Rs. 6,000
Day 4 Printed Materials and supplied the order received on day 3
Day 5 Received cash for the supply of the order received on day 3
Day 6 Purchased ink for printing Rs. 2,000
Day 7 Rest day


Required: assume interest occurs once in a year. Prepare a daily balance sheet incorporating changes in the balance sheet.


  6. A company is considering two alternative proposals for conveyance facilities for its sales personnel who have to do considerable travelling; every sales person approximately  travels 20,000 kilometres every year.

The proposals are as follows:

i)             Purchase and maintain its own fleet of cars. The Purchase  cost of a car is Rs. 4,00,000. Each sales personnel will be provided one car.

ii)                                                                                                        Allow the executive use his own car and reimburse expenses at the rate of Rs. 9.7 per kilometre and also the company bears insurance cost.

The following further details are available:

Diesel Rs. 4.5 per kilometre.,

Repairs and maintenance Rs. 1 per kilometre.,

Tyre Rs. 0.80 per kilometre.,

Insurance Rs. 6,000 per car per annum

Taxes Rs. 4,000 per car per annum

Life of the car: 5 years with annual mileage of 20,000 kilometres

Resale value Rs. 80,000 at the end of 5th year. Depreciation  is as per straight line method.

Work out the relative costs of two proposals and rank them.

What are the other factors that have to be considered while deciding the alternatives?







  7. Bombay steel manufactures four products, namely A,B,C and D, using the same plant and process. The following information relates to a production period:

Product Volume Material cost per unit (Rs.) Direct labour per unit Machine time per unit Labour cost per unit
A 500 5 ½ hour ¼ hour 3
B 5,000 5 ½ hour ¼ hour 3
C 600 16 2 hours 1 hour 12
D 7,000 17 1 ½ hours 1 ½ hours 9

Total production overhead recovered by the cost accounting system is analysed under the following headings:                                                                                                                                                       (Rs)

Factory overheads applicable to machine oriented activity 37,424
Set up costs are 4,355
Cost of ordering materials 1,920
Handling materials 7,580
Administration for spare parts 8,600

These overhead costs are absorbed by products on a machine hour rate Rs. 4.80 per hour giving an overhead cost per product of:

A=Rs1.20, B=Rs.1.20, C=Rs.4.80, D=Rs.7.20

However, investigation into the production overhead activities for the period reveals the following totals:

Product Number of set-ups Number of materials orders Number of times material was handled Number of spare parts
A 1 1 2 2
B 6 4 10 5
C 2 1 3 1
D 8 4 12 4

You are required:

(i)                 To compute an overhead cost per product using Activity based costing, tracing overheads to production units by means of cost drivers

(ii)              To comment briefly on the differences disclosed between overheads traced by the present system and those traced by Activity based costing.


  8. An agriculturist has 480 hectares of land on which he grows potatoes, peas, Tomatoes and carrots.  Out of the total area of land 340 hectares are suitable for all four vegetables but the remaining 140 hectares of land are suitable only for growing peas and carrots.  Labour for all kinds of farm works is available in plenty.

The market requirement is that all the four types of vegetables must be produced with the minimum of 5000 boxes of any one variety.  The farmer has decided that the area devoted to any one crop should be in terms of complete hectares and not in fractions of a hectare.  The only other limitations is that not more than 1, 13,750 boxes of any one vegetables should be produced.

The relevant data concerning production, market prices and costs are as under:

Particulars Potatoes Peas Carrots Tomatoes
Annual yield:

Boxes per hectare










Direct Material per hectare









Direct Labour:

Growing per hectare









Harvesting and packing per box 7.20 6.56 8.80 10.40
Transport per box 10.4 10.40 8.0 19.20
Market price per box 30.76 31.76 36.80 44.55

It is possible to make the land presently suitable for peas and carrots, viable for growing potatoes and tomatoes if certain land development work is undertaken.  This work will involve a capital expenditure of  `6,000 per hectare which a bank is prepared to finance at the rate of 15% per annum.  If such improvement is undertaken, harvesting cost of the entire crop of tomatoes will decrease on an average by  `2.60 per box.


i)                   Calculate the area to be cultivated with respect to each crop within the constraints and profits before land development work is undertaken.

ii)                 After development of land, find the acres of land for each product and also find maximum profits.



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