Rnr Computer Center TP Under PBSSD in Dhupguri Jalpaiguri

Name of the TP Under PBSSD:  Diyasha Academy Of It

Centre Name:  Rnr Computer Center

Address:  Rnr Computer Center,Jalpaiguri,Dhupguri


Sub-Division:  Jalpaiguri

Block:  Dhupguri

District:  Jalpaiguri

State: West Bengal

Approved Sectors:  BAN,SS

Approved Modules:  BAN101,SS101,SS102

Capacity of Batch per Shift:  3

Batch Size:  BAN101 20, SS101 20, SS102

Empanelled:  Empanelled

S.R Infotech,Egra TP Under PBSSD in Egra-I Purba Medinipur

Name of the TP Under PBSSD:  S.R Infotech

Centre Name:  S.R Infotech,Egra

Address:  At-Aklabad, P.O-Egra,Dist- Purba Mednipur,Pin- 721129

Municipality:  Egra Muncipality

Sub-Division:  Egra

Block:  Egra-I

District:  Purba Medinipur

State: West Bengal

Approved Sectors:  ICT,BAN,SS

Approved Modules:  ICT701,ICT702,BAN101,SS 101

Capacity of Batch per Shift:  2

Batch Size:  ICT701 20,ICT702 20, BAN101 20, SS101 20

Empanelled:  Empanelled

S.R.Infotech TP Under PBSSD in Ramnagar-I Purba Medinipur

Name of the TP Under PBSSD:  S.R.Infotech

Centre Name:  S.R.Infotech

Address:  At- Ashirbad Building, P.O.- & P.S.- Ramnagar, Dist.- Purba Medinipur, Pin- 721441.


Sub-Division:  Contai

Block:  Ramnagar-I

District:  Purba Medinipur

State: West Bengal

Approved Sectors:  ICT,BAN,SS

Approved Modules:  ICT701,ICT702,BAN101,SS 102

Capacity of Batch per Shift:  2

Batch Size:  ICT701 20, ICT702 20, BAN101
20, SS102 20

Empanelled:  Empanelled

S.R.Infotech, Contai H.O TP Under PBSSD in Contai-1 Purba Medinipur

Name of the TP Under PBSSD:  S.R.Infotech, Contai H.O

Centre Name:  S.R.Infotech,
Contai H.O

Address:  At- Padmapukhuria, P.O.- & P.S.- Contai, Dist.- Purba Medinipur, Pin- 721401.

Municipality:  Contai Muncipality

Sub-Division:  Contai

Block:  Contai-1

District:  Purba Medinipur

State: West Bengal

Approved Sectors:  HOS,ICT

Approved Modules:  HOS704,HOS705,ICT705,I CT707

Capacity of Batch per Shift:  4

Batch Size:  HOS704 20, HOS705 20,
ICT705 20, ICT707 20

Empanelled:  Empanelled

S.R.Infotech, Contai H.O TP Under PBSSD in Contai-I Purba Medinipur

Name of the TP Under PBSSD:  S.R.Infotech, Contai H.O

Centre Name:  S.R.Infotech,
Contai H.O

Address:  Renukanibas 2Nd Floor, Karkuli, P.O. & P.S.- Contai,
Dist.- Purba Medinipur, Pin. 721401

Municipality:  Contai Municipality

Sub-Division:  Contai

Block:  Contai-I

District:  Purba Medinipur

State: West Bengal

Approved Sectors:  ICT,BAN,SS

Approved Modules:  ICT701,ICT702,BAN101,SS 102

Capacity of Batch per Shift:  4

Batch Size:  ICT701 20, ICT702 20, BAN101
20, SS102 20

Empanelled:  Empanelled

Sahebnagar Pragati TP Under PBSSD in Jalangi Murshidabad

Name of the TP Under PBSSD:  Pragati Private Iti

Centre Name:  Sahebnagar Pragati

Address:  Vill+Po- Sahebnagar, Disi- Murshidabad


Sub-Division:  Domkal

Block:  Jalangi

District:  Murshidabad

State: West Bengal

Approved Sectors:  RET,BAN,BSC

Approved Modules:  BAN101,RET103,RET202,B SC101,BSC205,

Capacity of Batch per Shift:  1

Batch Size:  BAN101 20, RET103
20,RET202 20, BSC101 20,
BSC205 20

Empanelled:  Empanelled

Sai Technical Institute TP Under PBSSD in Gangaram Pur Dakshin Dinajpur

Name of the TP Under PBSSD:  Diyasha Academy Of It

Centre Name:  Sai Technical Institute

Address:  Vill-Bhodonpara,Po+Ps- Gangarampur,Dist-Dakshin Dinajpur,733124 West Bengal

Municipality:  Gangarampu R

Sub-Division:  Gangaramp Ur

Block:  Gangaram Pur

District:  Dakshin Dinajpur

State: West Bengal

Approved Sectors:  ICT,BAN,SS

Approved Modules:  ICT701,BAN101,ICT702,SS 101,SS102

Capacity of Batch per Shift:  4

Batch Size:  ICT701 20, BAN101 20, ICT702
20, SS101 20, SS102 20

Empanelled:  Empanelled

Pragati Private Iti TP Under PBSSD in Suti-Ii Murshidabad

Name of the TP Under PBSSD:  Pragati Private Iti

Centre Name:  Pragati Private Iti

Address:  C/O- We Are Seven Technical Institute, Vill- Dihigram, P.O- Dafahat, P.S.-Suti, Block- Suti-Ii, Dist Murshidabad, Pin- 742224. Wb


Sub-Division:  Jangipur

Block:  Suti-Ii

District:  Murshidabad

State: West Bengal

Approved Sectors:  ICT

Approved Modules:  ICT701,ICT702

Capacity of Batch per Shift:  4

Batch Size:  ICT701 20, ICT702 20

Empanelled:  Empanelled

Rise Computer Education TP Under PBSSD in Bhagbango La-1 Murshidabad

Name of the TP Under PBSSD:  Rise Computer Education

Centre Name:  Rise Computer Education

Address:  Rise Computer Education,Bhagbangola,Vill- Maheshnarayanganj,P.O+P.S- Bhagbangola,Dist-Murshidabad,Pin- 742135


Sub-Division:  Lalbag

Block:  Bhagbango La-1

District:  Murshidabad

State: West Bengal

Approved Sectors:  BAN,SS,GAR,IC T,BSC`

Approved Modules:  SS102,GAR501,ICT701,BA N101,RET101,RET103,BSC 101,BSC102

Capacity of Batch per Shift:  3

Batch Size:  SS102,GAR501,ICT701,BAN10 1,RET101,RET103,BSC101,BSC

Empanelled:  Empanelled

Pragati TP Under PBSSD in Hanskhali Nadia

Name of the TP Under PBSSD:  Pragati Private Iti

Centre Name:  Pragati

Address:  Vill+Po- Bagula, Ps- Haskhali, Diat- Nadia, Pin- 741502


Sub-Division:  Ranaghat

Block:  Hanskhali

District:  Nadia

State: West Bengal

Approved Sectors:  BAN.ICT,RET,B SC

Approved Modules:  BAN101,RET103,RET202,B SC101,ICT701,BSC205,ICT 702,ICT703

Capacity of Batch per Shift:  2

Batch Size:  BAN101 20, RET103 20,
RET202 20, BSC101 20, ICT701
20, BSC205 20, ICT702 20,
ICT703 20

Empanelled:  Empanelled

Pratiksha Infocom,,Cossim Bazar TP Under PBSSD in Berhampore Block Murshidabad

Name of the TP Under PBSSD:  Madhabdip Education Society

Centre Name:  Pratiksha Infocom,,Cossim Bazar

Address:  Pratiksha Infocom,,Cossimbazar,2Nd Floor, Shibangan Market, 4 No Manindra Nagar, Po : Cossimbazar Raj, Ps : Berhampore, Dist : Murshidabad. Pin : 742102.


Sub-Division:  Berhampore

Block:  Berhampore Block

District:  Murshidabad

State: West Bengal

Approved Sectors:  4

Approved Modules:  RET103,RET202,BEA703,B SC101,BSC205,ICT702

Capacity of Batch per Shift:  4

Batch Size:  RET103 20, RET202 20,
BEA703 20, BSC101 20,
BSC205 20, ICT702 20

Empanelled:  Empanelled

Pratiksha Infosys, Raiganj, TP Under PBSSD in Uttar Dinajpur

Name of the TP Under PBSSD:  Madhabdip Education Society

Centre Name:  Pratiksha Infosys, Raiganj,

Address:  2Nd Floor, Hazarilal Market, Bidhan Nagar More, Po : Raiganj, Ps : Raiganj, Dist : Uttar Dinajpur

Municipality:  Raiganj Municipality

Sub-Division:  Raiganj


District:  Uttar Dinajpur

State: West Bengal

Approved Sectors:  ICT,BAN,BSC

Approved Modules:  ICT704,ICT702,BAN101,BS C101,BSC104

Capacity of Batch per Shift:  2

Batch Size:  ICT704 20, ICT702 20, BAN101
20, BSC101 20, BSC104 20

Empanelled:  Empanelled

Purulia Ncsm TP Under PBSSD in Purulia 1 Purulia

Name of the TP Under PBSSD:  National Computer Saksharta Mission (Ncsm)

Centre Name:  Purulia Ncsm

Address:  Purulia Ncsm ; Opp: M S A Studim, Ashoka Lodge Bulding 1St Floor, Post +Dist: Purulia Pin.723101(Wb)

Municipality:  Purulia Municipal

Sub-Division:  Purulia Town

Block:  Purulia 1

District:  Purulia

State: West Bengal

Approved Sectors:  ICT,BSC,BAN,G AR

Approved Modules:  BAN 101,GAR 501,ICT 701,BSC101,ICT 702,BSC
205,GAR 509

Capacity of Batch per Shift:  3

Batch Size:  BAN 101 20, GAR 501 20, ICT
701 20, BSC101 20, ICT 702
20, BSC 205 20, GAR 509 20

Empanelled:  Empanelled

Quivan Briddhi – Chandrakona TP Under PBSSD in Chandrako Na 2 Paschim Medinipur

Name of the TP Under PBSSD:  Quivan Skill Empowerment Pvt.

Centre Name:  Quivan Briddhi
– Chandrakona

Address:  Quivan Briddhi – Chandrakona, Vill- Khirkibazar, Po- Chandrakona, Ps- Chandrakona, Dist- Paschim Medinipur, Pin- 721201, Wb

Municipality:  Chandrakon A Town

Sub-Division:  Ghatal

Block:  Chandrako Na 2

District:  Paschim Medinipur

State: West Bengal

Approved Sectors:  SEC,MED

Approved Modules:  SEC104, MED134

Capacity of Batch per Shift:  5

Batch Size:  SEC104, MED134

Empanelled:  Empanelled

R.N Vocational Training Provider,Bandel TP Under PBSSD in Chinsura Mogra Hoogly

Name of the TP Under PBSSD:  R.N Vocational Training

Centre Name:  R.N Vocational Training

Address:  R.N Vocational Training Provider; South Narayanpur,Bandel,Hooghly,Pin-712123


Sub-Division:  Chinsura

Block:  Chinsura Mogra

District:  Hoogly

State: West Bengal

Approved Sectors:  BEA,GAR

Approved Modules:  BEA 701,GAR516

Capacity of Batch per Shift:  2

Batch Size:  BEA 701 20, GAR516 20

Empanelled:  Empanelled

R.N. Tagor Vocational Training Institute TP Under PBSSD in Balighai-2 Purba Mednipur

Name of the TP Under PBSSD:  Rabindranath Tagor Health Institution Social Welfare Trust

Centre Name:  R.N. Tagor Vocational
Training Institute

Address:  R. N Tagore Vocational Training Institute ; Vill- Dakshin Chowmuck, P.O-Pirijkhanbar, P.S-Egra,
Dist-Purba Mednipur


Sub-Division:  Egra

Block:  Balighai-2

District:  Purba Mednipur

State: West Bengal

Approved Sectors:  MED

Approved Modules:  MED102

Capacity of Batch per Shift:  3

Batch Size:  MED102 20

Empanelled:  Empanelled

Rabindra Path Bhaban, Agarpara TP Under PBSSD in Kolkata

Name of the TP Under PBSSD:  Rabindra Path Bhaban

Centre Name:  Rabindra Path Bhaban, Agarpara

Address:  R.N Tagore Road,East Station Road,Agarpara,Kolkata-700109

Municipality:  Panihati Municipality

Sub-Division:  Barrackpur


District:  Kolkata

State: West Bengal

Approved Sectors:  BEA, SS,BAN, CON

Approved Modules:  BEA 701,BEA 702, BAN 101,SS102,CON705, CON707,CON712

Capacity of Batch per Shift:  

Batch Size:  BEA 701 20,BEA 702 20, BAN
101 20, SS102 20, CON705 20,
CON707 20, CON712 20

Empanelled:  Empanelled

Rabindranath Tagor Health Institution Social Welfare Trust TP Under PBSSD in Egra-2 Purba Mednipur

Name of the TP Under PBSSD:  Rabindranath Tagor Health Institution Social Welfare Trust

Centre Name:  Rabindranath Tagor Health Institution Social Welfare Trust

Address:  R.N. Tagor Vocational Training Institute
; Vill. Paniparul, P.O.- Paniparul, P.S.- Egra, Dist.- Purba Medinipur-721448


Sub-Division:  Egra

Block:  Egra-2

District:  Purba Mednipur

State: West Bengal

Approved Sectors:  MED

Approved Modules:  MED102

Capacity of Batch per Shift:  2

Batch Size:  MED102 20

Empanelled:  Empanelled

Raiganj Institute Of Inspiration And Empowerment For Livelihood TP Under PBSSD in Burdwan – Ii Burdwan

Name of the TP Under PBSSD:  Skill Ventures/Riielg,

Centre Name:  Raiganj Institute Of Inspiration And Empowerment For Livelihood

Address:  Shkatigar Sagar Market, Burdwan, Burdwan-Ii, Borsul-I


Sub-Division:  Borsul-I

Block:  Burdwan – Ii

District:  Burdwan

State: West Bengal

Approved Sectors:  BSC

Approved Modules:  BSC101, BSC102,BSC 104

Capacity of Batch per Shift:  2

Batch Size:  BSC101 20, BSC102 20, BSC
104 20

Empanelled:  Empanelled

Raiganj Institute Of Inspiration And Empowerment For Livelihood TP Under PBSSD in Raiganj Uttar Dinajpur

Name of the TP Under PBSSD:  Skill Ventures

Centre Name:  Raiganj Institute Of Inspiration And Empowerment For Livelihood

Address:  Raiganj Institute Of Inspiration And Empowerment For Livelihood Generation, Birnagar

Municipality:  Raiganj

Sub-Division:  Raiganj

Block:  Raiganj

District:  Uttar Dinajpur

State: West Bengal

Approved Sectors:  GAR,CON,BSC

Approved Modules:  GAR 502,CON 707,BSC104

Capacity of Batch per Shift:  3

Batch Size:  GAR 502 20, CON 707 20,
BSC104 20

Empanelled:  Empanelled

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