St. Joseph’s College of Commerce M.I.B. 2013 III sem International Financial Management Question Paper PDF Download

Duration : 3 HOURS Max. Marks: 100
I) Answer SEVEN questions from the following : (7x 5 = 35)
1. What is balance of payments?
2. What is cross border finance?
3. What are the techniques to appraise projects?
4. What are the various risks prevailing in international transactions?
5. Write a note on Capital budgeting?
6. Why does disequilibrium in BOP exist?
7. How is international financial management different from domestic financial
8. What are the factors effecting exchange rates?
9. What is the difference between risk and exposure with respect to foreign
exchange management?
10. What is translation exposure?
II) Answer any THREE questions from the following (3×15 = 45)
11. Why do companies enter global markets?
12. Critically analyse the statement” NPV is a simple method of assessing projects”
13. Explain the factors that discourage FDI in India?
14. What are forward rate agreements?
15. What are the risks faced by multinational companies?
III) Compulsory question. (20 marks)
Big Oil is wondering whether to drill for oil in Westchester Country. The
prospectus is as follows:
Total Cost
Millions of Cumulative
PV of Oil (If found)
Millions of
Feet Dollars
of Dollars
Finding Oil
2000 4 0.5 10
4000 5 0.6 9
6000 6 0.7 8
Draw a decision tree showing the successive drilling decisions to be made by Big
Oil. How deep should it be prepared to drill?

St. Joseph’s College of Commerce M.I.B. 2013 III sem Global Resources & Legal Environment Question Paper PDF Download

Page 1 of 2
Duration: 3 hours Max. Marks: 100
Please read the questions carefully. Please write legibly. Do not copy the question. It is
sufficient if you will mention the section number and question number before writing your
answers. Please answer only the required number of questions in each section. Answering
more questions than what is required will entail negative marking.Provide examples where
necessary. For Section ‘C’ and ‘D’ please provide an answer based on your conceptual
understanding of the topic.
I) Answer any TEN questions. (10×1=10)
Please expand the abbreviations:
1. HSN
7. CFR
8. URC
9. EXW
11. WCO
12. ICC
II) Answer any FIVE questions. Answer not to be more than 6 lines. (5×2=10)
Please provide a brief definition of the following words:
13. Goods
14. Letter of Credit
15. Negotiable Documents
16. A Condition in a Contract
17. Liquidated Damages
18. Negotiable Instruments
III) Answer any FIVE questions. Answer should not be more than one page. (5×6=30)
Please write an essay on the following topics:
19. Carbon Credits
Page 2 of 2
20. Harmonized System of Nomenclature given by the WCO
21. Importance of Privatization for Economic Development
22. Economic Integration in International Trade
23. International Chamber of Commerce
24. Difference between GATT and WTO
IV) Answer any FIVE questions. Answer not to be more than 2 pages. (5×10=50)
25. State any 5 risks in an International contract. Explain what are the means available to
mitigate these risks?
26. State the different types of renewable and non-renewable Energy Resources. Taking
the example of any one resource, explain the issues faced and action plans needed for
sustainable development with respect to that energy resource?
27. State the different types and categories of law. Why are laws different in different
28. What are the different types of Letters of Credit? Provide a brief explanation for each
type of letter of credit?
29. What are the important objectives of the WTO? What are the current merits and
demerits of the WTO?
30. Explain the terms ‘Anti-Dumping Duty’ ‘Safe Guard Duty’ and ‘Countervailing

St. Joseph’s College of Commerce M.I.B. 2013 III sem German Language Question Paper PDF Download

St.Joseph’s College of Commerce (Autonomous)
MIB-II 3rd Sem. End Semester Exam- Sep. 2013
German Language
Time: 2 hrs. Total Marks: 100
(A) Mündliche Prüfung:
I. Das Diktat: 9
II. Termine bei der Ärztin machen. Hören Sie und tragen Sie die Termine von
Herrn Martens, Herrn Wagner und Frau Seidel in den Kalender ein.
Heute ist Montag. 6
(B) Schriftliche Prüfung:
III. Ergänzen Sie die Dialoge: haben und sein im Präsens und Präteritum.
Achten Sie auf die Verbform! 13
(1)• Gestern ………….ich keinen guten Tag. Ich ……….in der Stadt und ……….
um fünf einen Termin mit Michael.
•• Wer …………das?
• Michael ………. mein Freund und er ………immer pünktlich.
Aber gestern …… nicht zu Hause
••Wo ………er denn?
• Er ……………eine neue Freundin und ……………bei ihr!
(2) • ……… ihr letzten Donnerstag nicht im Ausländeramt?
•• Nein, wir ………………nicht im Ausländeramt.
• ……………..ihr keine Zeit?
•• Das ………… nicht das Problem. Wir …………. einen Termin um zwei Uhr,
aber unser Auto …………… kaputt. Es ……. schon alt.
(3) • Hallo, mein Name ……. Bergmann. Ich ……… heute einen Termin bei Ihnen.
••Ach, Herr Bergmann, Ihr Termin ………… gestern. Wo ………. Sie ?
• Wirklich gestern? Ich …………. zu Hause. Tut mir Leid. ……….Sie einen
neuen Termin?
••Ich ………. nur noch einen Termin am Mittwoch um 14 Uhr.
……… das okay?
• Ja, das ……….. gut. Vielen Dank!
IV. Ergänzen und konjugieren Sie: „fahren“ 3
1. Ich ……………nächsten Mittwoch nach Frankreich
2. Wie oft ………….. ihr zu euren Eltern? Jedes Wochenende.
3. Paul ………… dem Bus zur Universität.
4. Herr und Frau Meier …………………..oft mit dem Fahrrad.
5. Wann ………….du nach Hause?
Nächsten Montag.
6. Wohin …………… Sie nächstes Jahr? Nach Italien.
V. Kommunikation. Was sagen Sie in diesen Situationen? 3.5
Kreuzen Sie die richtige Antwort an.
1. Sie machen einen. Termin beim Frisör. Was sagen Sie am Telefon?
a. 􀂆 Haben Sie einen Terminkalender?
b. 􀂆 Ich warte auf meinen Termin.
c. 􀂆 Haben Sie am Samstagvormittag einen Termin frei?
2. Sie waren bei Doktor Glas und kommen zwei Stunden zu spät zum Unterricht.
a. 􀂆 Wie geht’s?
b. 􀂆 Tut mir leid, aber ich hatte keinen Stadtplan.
c. 􀂆 Entschuldigung, ich war beim Arzt.
3. Gül möchte am Montagabend mit Ihnen ins Kino gehen. Sie haben keine Zeit.
a. 􀂆 Tut mir Leid. Am Montagabend mache ich Sport.
b. 􀂆 Den Film kenne ich schon.
c. 􀂆 Kommst du am Montag mit ins Kino?
4.Heute ist Montag. Freitag haben Sie einen Termin beim Arzt. Sie rufen in der
Praxis an und sagen ab.
a. 􀂆 Ich kann am Freitag nicht kommen. Ich schreibe einen Test.
b. 􀂆 Ich bin im Stau.
c. 􀂆 Tut mir leid, das passt mir nicht.
5. Am Samstag lernen Sie immer von 15 Uhr bis 17 Uhr mit Peter Deutsch.
An diesem Samstagnachmittag haben Sie keine Zeit. Sie schlagen einen
anderen Termin vor.
a. 􀂆 Ich habe Samstag keine Zeit.
b. 􀂆 Geht es Samstagmorgen?
c. 􀂆 Tut mir leid, aber ich habe den Termin vergessen!
6. Sie sind in Leipzig und haben um 14 Uhr einen wichtigen Termin bei
Frau Strunz in Dresdenjetzt ist es 13 Uhr und der Zug ist noch nicht da.
Er kommt erst in 20 Minuten. Sie rufen Frau Strunz an. Was sagen Sie?
a. 􀂆 Tut mir leid, mein Zug hat Verspätung. Haben Sie so gegen 15 Uhr Zeit?
b. 􀂆 Ich bin noch in Leipzig. Ich habe keine Zeit.
c. 􀂆 Entschuldigung! Wann haben Sie Zeit?
7.Sie haben eine Verabredung im Café. Sie finden das Café zuerst nicht und
kommen eine Viertelstunde zu spät. Was sagen Sie?
a. 􀂆 Entschuldigung, ich hatte keine Uhr.
b. 􀂆 Tut mir leid, ich hatte keinen Stadtplan.
c. 􀂆 Bin ich zu spät?
VI. Übersetzen Sie: 6
1. Excuse me, where ist he Marketing Department?
Oh, that is in the ground floor.
2. In which floor are the toilets?
They are in the second floor on the right.
3. Excuse me, where do I find the Canteen?
In front of the house.
VII. Wortfelder In der Stadt. Ergänzen Sie. 4
a) Wortfeld Verkehr
1. Herr Effenberg war auf der Autobahn im ………….. Er kommt zu spät.
2. In Frankfurt gibt es einen internationalen ……….
3. Hast du einen ……… von Berlin? Wo ist der Bahnhof Zoo?
b) Wortfeld Häuser
4. Eine Uni-Klinik ist ein ……………
5. Musikfans gehen in die ……………..
6. Wir fahren für zwei Tage nach München. Wir schlafen im …………..
7. Ich fahre mit dem Zug zur Arbeit. Jeden Morgen gehe ich zum ……….. .
8. Am Donnerstag gibt es den neuen Walt-Disney-Film im …………
VIII. Was ist wann? Schreiben Sie die Ordnungszahlen in Wörtern. 7
1. Meine Deutschprüfung findet am…………………………… statt.
2. Die Semesterprüfung fängt am ……………. an und endet am ………………..
3. Die Semesterferien beginnen am ………………..
4. Ich bin mit meiner Familie auf Urlaub von…………..bis zum…………
5. Die Wiedereröffnung nach den Ferien ist am………………..
6. Mein Geburtstag ist am ………………
7. Ich bin am…………………….. geboren.
b] Nennen Sie drei Feiertage in Indien. Wann sind diese Feiertage in 2013? 3
X. Einladen: Ergänzen Sie die Verbformen. 3
1. ………du Pedro zu Weihnachten ……… ?
2. Ich ………. Peter zum Essen ………….
3. Meine Chefin ……….uns morgen zum Kaffee ………
4. …………ihr Peter auch zu der Party …………..?
5. Wir ………… unsere Freunde am Sonntag zum Mittagessen ………
6. Meine Mitbewohner …………….ihre Freunde zum Frühstück ………
XI. Jelena’s Terminkalender: Lesen Sie den Terminkalender.
Ergänzen Sie den Text mit den passenden Verben: 3.5
sein – fahren – treffen – machen – kochen – schreiben – nehmen
einkaufen – gehen – kommen – haben – spielen – lernen
1. Das …………… Jelenas Terminkalender.
2. Am Montag ………….sie wie immer von neun bis eins Deutsch.
3. In der Pause um zehn ………….. sie schnell Passfotos für ihr neues
4. Studentenvisum.
5. Sie …………… am Dienstag um vier einen Termin beim Ausländeramt.
6. Am Mittwoch ………….. sie nach dem Unterricht um halb zwei zum Frisör.
7. Von halb sechs bis halb sieben ………… sie Tennis.
8. Am Donnerstag …………… sie Ulrike um sechs.
9. Am Freitag um zehn ……………. sie einen Test.
10. Um fünf nach zwei ………… sie den Zug nach Dresden und ……………. am Abend
11. um fünf nach halb acht wieder nach Hause.
12. Am Samstag …………sie um zehn auf dem Markt ……….
13. Am Sonntag um zwölf ……Pedro. Sie ……….zusammen Mittagessen.
XII. Wie sagt man das auf Deutsch?
Wie heißen die Wörter auf Deutsch im Singular und Plural mit Artikel? 5
Engl. Singular Plural
1. Train
2. Bus
3. Taxi
4. Traffic Signal
5. Bicycle
6. Bus Stop
7. Pedestrian
8. Car
9. Street Lamp
10. Metro Train
XIII. Finden Sie acht Wörter. Schreiben Sie die Wörter mit Artikel. 4
1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.
XIV. Hier sind die Antworten. Stellen Sie die Fragen. 5
1. Der Chef ist in der ersten Etage links, Zimmer 10.
2. Die Toiletten? Gleich hier rechts, neben dem Sekretariat.
3. Die Marketingabteilung ist in der zweiten Etage rechts.
4. Die Kantine ist hinter dem Haus.
5. Die Personalabteilung finden Sie im Erdgeschoss, Zimmer 9.
XV. Anja macht eine Party. Was ist wo? Beschreiben Sie ihr Zimmer vor und 10
nach der Party mit den Präpositionen in, neben, unter, auf, vor, hinter,
an, zwischen. (nehmen Sie fünf Gegenstände als Beispiele!)
(a) vor der Party (b) nach der Party.
XVIII. Ergänzen Sie mit dem Dativ und dem Akkusativ: 5
1. Herr Müller erklärt ________ Kind ________ Fahrplan.
2. Frau Braun gibt ________ Gast ________ Hand.
3. Wir kaufen ________ Kind ________ Buch.
4. Er bietet ________ Freund ________ Zigarette an.
5. Der Verkäufer bringt ________ Frau ________ Kleid.
XIX. Übersetzen Sie ins Deutsche. 10
1. When does our German lesson start? It starts exactly at 10 am.
2. At what time does her music lesson begin? At 3 o’clock sharp.
3. Excuse me, what is the time? It is 6:25 in the evening.
4. How often do you cook? I cook three times a day.
5. What is the time in Japan? It is 4:15 pm.
1. He narrates the story to his daughter.
2. The man opens the door for the lady.
3. Sheela fetches the newspaper for her grandmother.
4. The teacher dictates a lesson to the students.
5. My mother explains a sentence to my brother.

St. Joseph’s College of Commerce M.I.B. 2013 III sem French Question Paper PDF Download

TIME: 3:00hrs Max Marks: 100
Dictionary not allowed.
I. Choisissez et écrivez la bonne réponse : (5)
1. Je ne mange _______________ d’épinards, je déteste ça !
2. Il va ________________ au cinéma : peut‐être une ou deux fois par un.
3. Je fais __________________ mes devoirs après le déjeuner.
4. Il m’offre _________________ des fleurs pour mon anniversaire.
5. Je me lève _____________________ à 7 h 30.
II. Associez les éléments de deux colonnes : (10)
Les fêtes Réponses Les dates.
La fête des Mères _________________ a. Le 1erMai
La Fête du Travail _________________ b. En février ou en Mars
La Fête Nationale _________________ c. Le 8 Mars.
Mardi gras _________________ d. Le dernier dimanche du mai
Jour International des femmes _________________ e. Le 14 juillet.
III. Conjuguez les verbes selon les consignes entre parenthèses (15)
1. L’année prochaine, je ________________ (étudier‐ futur proche) le français à Antibes.
2. Moi, je‐j’ _________________ (travailler – Passé composé) jusqu’à 2 heures du matin.
3. C’est bien. On _______________ (pouvoir – futur proche).
4. Le voisin ___________________ (téléphoner – Passé récent) pour nous inviter à l’apéritif.
5. Fred, tu ___________________ (lire – Passé composé/négation) mon texto.
6. Nous ____________________ (parler – futur proche/négation) de politique! Ça ennuie tout
le monde.
7. Tu __________________ (trouver – passé récent) un travail ce matin!
8. Mes filles, elles __________________ (rentrer‐ passé composé) à la maison vers 19 heures.
9. Emeline, Bravo! Vous _______________ (gagner – passé récent) le voyage à Paris!
10. Ce soir, mes enfants ___________________ (s’endormir‐ futur proche) tôt.
11. Nous ______________________ (se réveiller – passé récent).
12. Vous ______________________ (s’amuser – passé composé) bien hier ?
13. Anaïs et Clément __________________ (acheter – passé récent) cette voiture la semaine
14. Mon grand‐père ____________________ (tomber – passé composé) malade récemment.
15. Tu ______________________ (aller – futur proche) au cinéma avec Claude, Samedi ?
IV. Complétez les annonces avec les adjectifs possessifs qui conviennent : (5)
1. Beaucoup de gens recherchent la personne de __________ vie. (Votre/ton/leur) Avec cette
émission, nous vous aidons à trouver l’homme ou femme de __________ vie! (Notre/votreleur).
2. Tu es invité(e) à _________ anniversaire,(Son/ton/mon) dimanche à 15h 30! Viens avec
__________ on va danser. (Vos/tes/leurs).
3. Je fête la fin de ________ vie (Mon/Ta/ma) de célibataire le 9 juin.
V. Choisissez la forme correcte : (5)
1. je ne rentre pas ___________ (dans – à) la maison ce soir.
2. Tu pars en vacances ___________ (chez – aux) les amis de mes parents ?
3. Elle travaille ___________ (dans – chez) un salon de coiffure.
4. Je fais toujours mes courses ___________ (Chez – dans) les mêmes commerçants.
5. Elle et moi, on va __________ (Dans – chez) les mêmes magasins.
VI. Choisissez et écrivez : c’est/il est/elle est. (5)
1. ___________ Arnaud Montfort, __________ le fils de Bernard ; _________ acteur et
________ mon acteur préféré!
2. __________ Jo Baker, ________ un homme très généreux.
3. _________ brune et mince et ________ le sosie de Mario Cotillard.
VII. Choisissez le verbe être/faire et conjugues ces verbes si nécessaire : (5)
1. Je dois ________ attention! Il y a beaucoup de voitures!
2. Sara n’/ne _________ pas d’accord avec moi.
3. Je n’aime pas _________ en retard, donc je pars très tôt.
4. ________ ‐ vous en train de regarder la télé ?
5. Nous devons _________ la vaisselle, car mes grands‐parents arrivent bientôt.
VIII. Complétez les deux conversations avec les éléments suivants : (10)
Rousse – une allure sportive – un jeune acteur – elle a les yeux – grand et brun.
1. David Moreno, un petit mot sur votre prochain film : vous avez déjà choisi l’acteur principal.
vous pouvez nous le décrire physiquement ?
‐ Oui, c’est ______________________, il est ______________________________________ ; il a
‐ Et l’actrice ?
‐ Elle est _______________________ et ____________________________ verts.
IX. Compréhension écrite :
Lisez le texte et répondez aux questions suivantes : (10)
Où est‐ce que les Français aiment passer leurs vacances ?
Une Interview
Journaliste de Loisirs Plus : Où est‐ce que vous aimez partir en vacances ?
Lili : Moi, je vais sur l’île de Berder. C’est une très petite île qui se trouve en Bretagne. Elle est
magnifique et j’adore y aller.
Christian : Ma femme est Croate, alors chaque été on va en Croatie. Sa mère est à Zagreb.
Elle a un frère qui habite à 20 kilomètre de Dubrovnik. On visite le pays !
Luc : Moi, je suis un fou de montagne, j’y vais dès que je peux. Mes vacances, c’est les Alpes
ou les Pyrénées, ça dépend. Cet été, je vais faire une randonnée en Suisse. L’année dernière
j’ai fait le tour du Mont‐Blanc. J’ai besoin des sommets et de la nature.
Journaliste : Dans quel autre pays vous aimeriez passer vos vacances ?
Lili : Moi, j’aimerais bien aller aux États‐Unis un jour. Je n’y suis jamais allée.
Christian : Peut‐être en Espagne ou au Portugal.
Luc : Au Népal pour découvrir l’Himalaya !
(a) Dites vrai ou faux : (4)
1. Lili va en vacances en France. V / F
2. Elle ne veut jamais visiter les États‐Unis.V / F
3. Luc va souvent dans les montagnes.V / F
4. La femme de Christian n’est pas française.V / F
(b) Trouver le contraire dans le texte : (4)
1. Rester ×
2. Sage ×
3. Nuit ×
4. Déteste×
(c) trouver un autre mot pour : (2)
1. Un espace ou terrain entoure de la mer =
2. Poser des questions à une personne=
3. Le nom de deux montagnes connus dans le monde :
4. Deux pays qui ne sont pas en Europe :
X. Compréhension de l’oral :
1. Extrait – 1 Écoutez le message et complétez le faire‐part. (6)
______________________________ et Laurent
Sont heureux de vous annoncer
La naissance de leur______________________
Elle s’appelle _____________________
Elle est née le _____ _________________
Elle pèse _______________ et mesure ______________
2. Extrait – 2. Écoutez la publicité et répondez aux questions. (4)
a. Le club est dans quelle ville ?
b. Notez deux sports proposés par ce club.
c. Pour avoir des renseignements vous pouvez appeler au 05 ____ ____ ____ ____.
XI. Écrivez une carte postale d’un voyage : Vous êtes en vacances dans une ville ou pays de
votre choix. Écrivez à votre ami(e) des indications sur la localisation d’un pays (la capitale,
une caractéristique, une célébrité…..) Précisez le type d’activités (sports et loisirs) qu’on peut
y pratiquer. 50‐70 mots (10)
XII. Dictée. (10)

St. Joseph’s College of Commerce M.I.B. 2013 III sem Foreign Exchange Management Question Paper PDF Download

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
I) Answer any SEVEN questions. (7×5 = 35)
1. Assume that the Polish currency (called zloty) is worth USD 0.32. The
USD is worth EUR 0.7. One USD can be exchanged for 8 Mexican pesos.
Last year a dollar was valued at 2.9 Polish zloty and the peso was valued
at USD 0.10.
(a) Would US exporters to Mexico that expect pesos as payment be
favourably or unfavourably affected by the change in the Mexican
peso’s value over the last year?
(b) Would US importers from Poland that pay for imports in zloty be
favourably or unfavourably affected by the change in the zloty’s
value over the last year?
2. State the covered interest parity theorem. Assume that interest rate parity
exists. The one-year nominal interest rate in the US is 7%, while the one
year nominal interest rate in Australia is 11%. The spot rate of the
Australian dollar is USD 0.60. Today, you purchase a one year forward
contract on 10M AUD. How many USD will you need in one year to
fulfill your forward contract?
3. Global Banking Corp. can borrow $5 M at 5% annualized. It can use the
proceeds to invest in Canadian dollars at 9% annualized over a 6-day
period. The Canadian dollar is worth $ 0.95 and is expected to be worth $
0.94 in 6 days. Based on this information, should Global Banking Corp.
borrow US dollars and invest in Canadian Dollars? What would be the
gain or loss in US dollars?
4. What are the quotation conventions adopted by ACI?
5. What is Fundamental Forecasting based on?
6. A valued constituent of a bank wants to remit FFR 200,000. The spot
interbank levels are:
USD/INR 43.3550/3650
USD/FFR 5.9028/48
Calculate the rupee amount to be recovered from the customer taking into
account, Exchange margin of 0.10%
7. A bank issued a demand draft on Montreal for CAD 50,000 at CAD/INR
29.4850. However, after a few days the purchaser of the draft requested
the bank to cancel it and repay the rupee equivalent to him.
Assuming the CAD were quoted in the Singapore market as under:
USD/ CAD 1.4541/4561
And in the interbank market USD/INR 42.5275/5350, how much will the
customer gain/lose on cancellation of the draft? Exchange margin on TT
buying is 0.08%
8. What does the BOP approach state as a theory of exchange rate
9. Distinguish between forward contracts and futures contract.
10. Give a summary of option pay off patterns.
II) Answer any THREE questions. (3×15=45)
11. (a) On 20th May a bank’s customer tenders a 30 days sight bill drawn
under a letter of credit, in his favour opened by the bank’s Singapore
branch. The bill is for Singapore dollars 100,000 drawn on Hongkong. The
customer desires to retain 25% of the proceeds of the bill in foreign
Assuming SGD are quoted in Singapore market as under:
Spot USD/SGD 1.6210/6240
1 month forward 42/40
2 months forward 63/60
3 months forward 84/80
USD are quoted in the interbank market as under:
Spot June 1100/1000
Spot July 2200/2100
3 August 3300/3200
What rate will the bank quote to the customer?
The bank requires an exchange margin of 0.10%, Transit period is 20
days. Interest on post shipment finance is 10%.
Also calculate the rupee amount payable to the customer.
(8 marks)
b) Euro is quoted in Singapore as under:
Spot EUR/USD 1.0125/150
One month forward 0.0050/0.0075
In the interbank market, USD is quoted as follows:
Spot USD/INR 42.1250/1375
1 month forward 6000/6100
The bank loads an exchange margin of 0.15% in the exchange rate for
TT selling and 0.20% for bill selling.
i) A shipping company has asked the bank to quote its TT selling
rate for a freight remittance of EUR 150,000 to Frankfurt
ii) Another customer requires the bank to retire an import bill
drawn on him for Euro 12,000
What rate will the bank quote to the customers?
(7 marks)
12. Explain covered interest parity theory.
13. Explain the corporate motives for forecasting exchange rates. Explain
technical and fundamental forecasting methods. What are some
limitations of using the fundamental technique to forecast exchange rates?
14. (a) On 27th December 2008, Gitanjali Jewellers required State Bank of
India to remit FFR 300,000 to France in payment of import of diamonds
under an irrevocable LC. However due to the bank’s strike, State Bank of
India could remit only on 4th January 2009. Interbank rates were as
PLACE 27th December 2008 4th January 2009
USD per INR 100
4.10/4.15 4.07/4.12
2.7250/60 2.7175/85
4.9575/90 4.9380/ 90
State Bank of India wishes to retain an exchange margin of 0.125%. How
much does Gitanjali Jewellers stand to gain or lose due to the delay?
(8 marks)
(b) Today is April 3rd. Spot USD/INR:48.75/78
Spot April end: 5/8
Spot May end: 12/17
Spot June end: 20/30.
Find the quote on June 20th.
(7 marks)
15. Write a note on Purchasing Power Parity theory and International Fischer
III) Compulsory – Case Study (20 marks)
How BMV dealt with Foreign Exchange Risk
The story: BMW Group, owner of the BMW, Mini and Rolls-Royce brands, has been
based in Munich since its founding in 1916. But by 2011, only 17 per cent of the cars
it sold were bought in Germany.
In recent years, China has become BMW’s fastest-growing market, accounting for 14
per cent of BMW’s global sales volume in 2011. India, Russia and eastern Europe
have also become key markets.
The challenge: Despite rising sales revenues, BMW was conscious that its profits
were often severely eroded by changes in exchange rates. The company’s own
calculations in its annual reports suggest that the negative effect of exchange rates
totalled €2.4bn between 2005 and 2009.
BMW did not want to pass on its exchange rate costs to consumers through price
increases. Its rival Porsche had done this at the end of the 1980s in the US and sales
had plunged.
In the light of the above case study explain what foreign exchange rate risks it might
be facing and methods to manage the same.

St. Joseph’s College of Commerce M.I.B. 2013 III sem Ethics For Business Decisions Question Paper PDF Download

Time: 3 hrs Max. Marks:100
Section – A
I) Answer any SEVEN questions. (out of 10) (7×5=35)
1. Explain the significance of the RTI Act.
2. Why is surrogate advertising unethical?
3. What is whistle blowing? What is its role in corporate ethical behaviour?
4. What is the Banking Ombudsman Scheme 2006?
5. Discuss the basic objectives of SEBI.
6. What is ASCI? What are its codes?
7. Explain Green Marketing and Green Washing?
8. Discuss CSR and its role in business ethics.
9. Briefly explain the six stage model of Kohlberg.
10. Explain Kantianism and its relevance to business organisations.
Section – B
II. Answer any THREE questions. (out of 5) (3×15=45)
11. Discuss the major HR related ethical issues in the Indian Context.
12. Explain the areas in marketing ethics (the 4 Ps) with suitable examples.
13. What is the role of board of directors in ensuring ethical business.
14. Discuss the important laws passed in India for protecting consumers.
15. Discuss the different obligations of a company to ensure corporate
Section –C
III) Case Study – compulsory question. (1×20=20)
Ethics of Ads targeting Children
Over the years, there have been several controversies surrounding ads for children.
Though there are strict guidelines and laws against advertising many products
targeted at children in USA and UK, in India, there are no such regulations.
Every advertisement has a target audience. The question is whether there should be
stricter regulations for advertising that focus on more vulnerable sections, especially
children. Is it alright to show smart looking middle class mothers, usually played by
popular actresses or models, serving their children a meal of instant noodles or
cereals fortified with small quantities of vitamins?
A WHO report mentions that there has been intense lobbying by the private sector
against proposals restricting ads of food products for children. This sector of
marketing has been growing in tandem with globalisation and the fastest growth has
been registered in China and India.
1. Why do marketers target children?
2. What are the pros and cons of this strategy?

St. Joseph’s College of Commerce M.I.B. 2013 III sem Advanced Computer Applications For Business Question Paper PDF Download

Duration: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
I) Answer any SEVEN questions Out of TEN. (7×5=35)
1. Explain data processing cycle with relevant example?
2. What is real time data processing? Specify any two advantages of real time data
3. What are the main objectives of information systems audit?
4. Explain the factors to be considered while planning an information systems audit in
an IT organization?
5. Discuss the stages in security life cycle with relevant example?
6. How is Information Technology impacting the changes in the 21st century workplace?
7. What is ITES? Discuss the application of ITES in various areas of business?
8. What are the business advantages of Ms-Excel application?
9. “One of the main advantages of MIS is to facilitate effective managerial decision
making” Discuss?
10. What are the components of a computer system? Explain the utility of the computer
II) Answer any THREE out of FIVE. (3×15=45)
a. Explain the framework for conducting information systems audit? (10 marks)
b. Discuss the relationship between capability maturity model Levels and IS audit with
an example? ( 5 Marks)
12. “The 21st century business is built on highly sensitive information” Discuss the
statement from the perspective of an Information technology organization?
13. What is BPO? Explain the conceptual framework of BPO implementation in any
service sector?
14. a) What are advantages of computer applications in various areas of business?
(10 marks)
b) What are the computer related jobs available in the market for a commerce
graduate? (5 marks)
a) Explain in detail the phases of system development life cycle with relevant
examples? (12 marks)
b) Is SDLC part of Information Technology project management method? ( 3 marks)
II) Case Study – Compulsory question (No Choice) (1×20=20)
Noida Public Library is the biggest library in Noida. Currently it has about 300 members.
A person who is 18 or above can become a member. There is a membership fee of Rs 400
for a year. There is a form to be filled in which person fills personal details. These forms
are kept in store for maintaining members’ records and knowing the membership period.
A member can issue a maximum of three books. He/she has three cards to issue books.
Against each card a member can issue one book from library. Whenever a member
wishes to issue a book and there are spare cards, then the book is issued. Otherwise that
request is not entertained. Each book is to be returned on the specified due date. If a
member fails to return a book on the specified date, a fine of Rs 2 per day after the due
return date is charged. If in case a card gets lost then a duplicate card is issued. Accounts
are maintained for the membership fees and money collected from the fines. There are
two librarians for books return and issue transaction. Approximately 100 members come
to library daily to issue and return books.
There are 5000 books available out of which 1000 books are for reference and cannot be
Records for the books in the library are maintained. These records contain details about
the publisher, author, subject, language, etc. There are suppliers that supply books to the
library. Library maintains records of these suppliers. Many reports are also produced.
These reports are for details of the books available in the library, financial details,
members’ details, and supplier’s details.
Currently all functions of the library are done manually. Even the records are maintained
on papers.
Now day by day members are increasing. Maintaining manual records is becoming
difficult task.
There are other problems also that the library staff is facing. Like in case of issue of
duplicate cards to a member when member or library staff loses the card. It is very difficult
to check the genuinely of the problem. Sometimes the library staff needs to know about the
status of a book as to whether it is issued or not. So to perform this kind of search is very
difficult in a manual system. Also management requires reports for books issued, books in
the library, members, and accounts. Manually producing the reports is a cumbersome job
when there are hundreds and thousands of records.
Management plans to expand the library, in terms of books, number of members and
finally the revenue generated. It is observed that every month there are at least 50-100
requests for membership. For the last two months the library has not entertained requests
for the new membership as it was difficult to manage the existing 250 members manually.
With the expansion plans, the management of the library aims to increase its members at
the rate of 75 per month. It also plans to increase the membership fees from 400 to 1000
for yearly and 500 for half year, in order to provide its members better services, which
includes increase in number of books from 3 to 4.
Due to the problems faced by the library staff and its expansion plans, the management is
planning to have a system that would first eradicate the needs of cards. A system to
automate the functions of record keeping and report generation. And which could help in
executing the different searches in a faster manner.
1. What is System analysis and Design? What is the role of Systems analyst in
performing SAD? (5 marks)
2. As a systems analyst, perform the system analysis and design (SAD) and identifying
the problems of the current system study the feasibility of a new automated system
and provide solution to the management of the library?- (15 marks)

St. Joseph’s College of Commerce M.I.B. 2013 I sem Managerial Communication Question Paper PDF Download

St. Joseph’s College of Commerce (autonomous)

End Semester Examination – september  2013


MIB – I Semester

Managerial Communication

Time:2 Hours                                                                                                                         Max. Marks-70

Section – A

  1. I) Answer any Four of the following questions in about 150 words.                                      (5×4= 20)

1) Attempt a suitable definition of the term ‘communication’ and elaborate your answer.


2)  What are semantic barriers to effective communication? How can they be  overcome?


3) Write a short note on ‘Qualities of a Good report’.

4) What is the importance of audience analysis in effective oral presentation?

5) What is an e-mail? Discuss its advantages.

Section – B


  1. II) Answer any Four of the following questions.                              (4x10m =40)

6)  Suppose you want to take a car loan from STATE Bank of India, Bangalore. Write a letter to the

Chief Manager, SBI branch of your locality requesting him/her to send you all the information

related to car loan by SBI.


7)  Explain the term ‘Business Etiquettes’. The best rule for anyone to follow is to eat the way you are

accustomed to. Elaborate this statement in reference to Business  etiquettes.


8) What is a business report? While drafting a report, what technicalities should be kept in mind?
9) Assume that you are Arun Singh, the Director of NIIT, Kolkata. Draft a letter to a prospective

student, mentioning the value of NIIT training and the relevance of its   course. Refer to any

newspaper advertisement of NIIT.



10) What are the essential elements in the introduction, body and conclusion of an oral presentation?








Section – c


III) Choose the correct preposition in the following sentences.                          (5×2=10)

11) More than twenty years have now passed…….. (since, when) I had my flight.

12) The title ‘Bharat Ratna’ was conferred ……. (to, on) him at a ceremony.

13) Two cars collided ………. (with, into) each other near the school.

14) This is the road to go ……. ( through, by).

15) He grew tired of hard work and began to despair…….. (with, of) success.




St. Joseph’s College of Commerce M.I.B. 2013 I sem International Business Environment Question Paper PDF Download




International Business Environment

Time: 3 hrs                                                                                                         Max.  Marks:100


                   Section –A

  1. Answer any SEVEN                                                                 (7 x 5 = 35)


  1. Make a critical assessment of WTO’s assistance to world trade.
  2. What are the main objectives of the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP)?
  3. Thrust of mercantilism.
  4. State the government strategy to achieve the objectives of the Indian Foreign Trade Policy 2004-2009.
  5. Special Economic Zone (SEZ) programme in India Boon or Disaster?
  6. Indian seller of goods and Chinese buyer agreed that as per the rules of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the arbitration would be held in Singapore. The Chinese buyer, however, filed an application in the Indian High Court seeking an injunction restraining the Indian seller from selling or alienating its goods, property or assets. Indian seller took the objection that, as per the agreement, the place of arbitration was at Singapore. As such, provisions of the Part-I of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 were not applicable and the application for interim relief was liable to be dismissed. Decide with reasons in the light of authoritative judgment on the above issue.
  7. Discuss in detail the reasons that prompt the companies for doing business globally.
  8. Highlight the function of theory of comparative advantage in global business.
  9. Critically discuss the various dimensions of technology transfer international business.
  10. Write short notes on: (a) GDP         (b) GNP


Section – B

  1. Answer any THREE                                                          (3 x 15   = 45) 


  1. Good business are not born, but are made by the combined efforts of all stakeholders, board of directors, government and the society at large.” In the light of this statement, bring out the various responsibilities of business towards different grouping of good corporate social responsibility.


  1. Make a critical assessment of different approaches to world trade and commerce.


  1. Explain the various strategies followed at various stages of product life cycle in global business. And discuss the motive for PLC in global trade.


  1. Enumerate the main motive within social and cultural Environment of global trade.


  1. Discuss the following technology impact on global business

(a) E-Business                (b) EFT                (c) SWIFT


Section – C

  • Compulsory Case study                                                             ( 1 x 20 = 20)


 India has imposed anti-dumping duties on imports of compact discs recordable (CDRs) from China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Chinese Taipei. The move is expected to give some relief to domestic producers of CDRs. The Central Board of Excise and Customs (CBEC) had notified the imposition of anti-dumping duty in the range of $0.050 to $0.099 per piece. Imposition of duty is expected to level the field for domestic players. The domestic industry had petitioned the government against such imports as these were eroding their margins.

The designated authority – Director General of Anti-Dumping (DGAD) had made a recommendation to the CBEC in this regard. The authority, in its final findings, had concluded that the CDRs had entered Indian market from the identified countries at price less than their normal value in the domestic market.

“The domestic industry had suffered material injury and the injury has been caused to the domestic industry both by volume and price effect of dumped imports of subjected goods originating in or exported from the subject countries”, it had said. The authority maintained that dumping margins of the CDRs imported from these countries were substantial and above the de minims and recommended imposition of definitive anti-dumping duties.


Answer the following questions


  • What is dumping? Illustrate.
  • How did Directorate General of Anti dumping and Allied Duties (DGAD) come to the conclusion of dumping of CDRs?
  • Under what conditions DGAD would have suspended the investigations?
  • With whom the appeal against the order of DGAD may be filed and in how many days?





Class: MIB                                                                                                                Semester: I

          Subject: International Business Environment

Time: 3 Hours                                                                                                    Max: 100 Marks



Section –A                                                                

     Answer any SEVEN questions                                                                                    7 x 5 = 35         

  1. Make a critical assessment of WTO’s assistance to world trade
  • The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only international organization dealing with the global rules of trade between nations. Its main function is to ensure that trade flows as smoothly, predictably and freely as possible.
  • The goal is to help producers of goods and services, exporters, and importers conduct their business
  • Administers the WTO Agreements and facilitates their operation and implementation

Various assistance of WTO

  • Provides a forum for trade negotiations among member states on matters covered by the Agreements and for further liberalization of trade amongst members
  • Responsible for the settlement of differences and disputes between members
  • Responsible for periodic reviews of the trade policies of members
  • In addition provides technical assistance and training for developing countries
  • Cooperates with other international organisations on subjects of mutual interest


  1. What are the main objectives of the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP)?
  • Policies are designed to regulate, direct, and protect national activities. The exercise of these policies is the result of national control, which provides a government with the right to shape the environment of the country and its citizens.
  • Analyze the most common reasons for countries to protect certain industries. And to discuss the mechanisms used to provide protection.
  • Enhance exports of major export.
  • Commodities Identify potential export commodities.
  • Diversify export destinations.


  1. Thrust of mercantilism

Mercantilism, which emerged in England in the mid-16th century, asserted that it is in a country’s best interest to maintain a trade surplus, to export more than it imports.

Thrust Areas

  • Promotion of National wealth and power
  • Importance of trade surpluses
  • Trade surplus leads to a net gold inflow, and thereby to greater national wealth and power
  • correlation between nations and households
  • Encourage domestic production and exports, discourage imports


  1. State the government strategy to achieve the objectives of the Indian Foreign Trade Policy 2004-2009.

Objective: Simplifying procedures and bringing down transaction costs

  • Transaction costs are incurred at the pre and post-production stages, and arise out from several procedural complexities associated with administrative processes, availability of finance and transportation problems.
  • For enhancing the growth of exports it is important to reduce the transaction costs involved.
  • Simplified and less stringent bureaucratic procedures like single window clearance and business friendly approach
  • Better technology due to higher levels of foreign investment, faster loading/unloading methods
  • Flexible labour laws and Cheap availability of power and raw materials


  1. Special Economic Zone (SEZ) programme in India Boon or Disaster?
    • Political Influence / Interference
    • Strict Policy
    • Setting up of new infrastructure
    • Resettlement and rehabilitation policy
    • Slow on approval for IT SEZ’s
    • Problem of alienation and discrimination.


  1. Indian seller of goods and Chinese buyer agreed that as per the rules of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the arbitration would be held in Singapore. The Chinese buyer, however, filed an application in the Indian High Court seeking an injunction restraining the Indian seller from selling or alienating its goods, property or assets. Indian seller took the objection that, as per the agreement, the place of arbitration was at Singapore. As such, provisions of the Part-I of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 were not applicable and the application for interim relief was liable to be dismissed. Decide with reasons in the light of authoritative judgment on the above issue.

Based on Negotiation, Agreement – Consider Arbitration and Conciliation. Without affecting two countries bilateral relationship.

  1. Discuss in detail the reasons that prompt the companies for doing business globally.
  • Greater integration and interdependency of national economies; leading to freer movement of goods, services, capital, and knowledge
  • Rise of regional economic integration coalition
  • Growth of global investment and financial flows
  • Convergence of consumer lifestyles and preferences
  • Globalization of production
  • Exchange of products and services across national borders; typically through exporting and importing.



  1. Highlight the function of theory of comparative advantage in global business.

Theory of comparative advantage

It makes sense for a country to specialize in the production of those goods that it produces most efficiently.

  • According to the law of comparative advantage, a country must specialize in those products that it can produce relatively more efficiently than other countries.
  • Superior features provide good products
  • Unique benefits in global competition
  • Beneficial for two countries to trade even if one has absolute advantage in the production of all products.


  1. Critically discuss the various dimensions of technology transfer international business.
  • Defines the concept as ‘‘the movement of know-how, technical knowledge, or technology from one organizational setting to another’’.
  • Analyze an astonishingly wide range of organizational and institutional interactions involving some form of technology-related exchange.

Dimension Technology Transfer

  • Transfer agent
  • Transfer medium-
  • Transfer object
  • Transfer recipient
  • Demand Environment


  1. Write short notes on

(a) GDP- The total value of all goods and services produced within a nation’s borders over one year, no matter whether domestic or foreign-owned companies make the product.

(b) GNP- The income generated both by total domestic production as well as the international production activities of national companies.


     Answer any THREE questions                                                                               3 x 15   = 45 


  1. Good business are not born, but are made by the combined efforts of all stakeholders, board of directors, government and the society at large.” In the light of this statement, bring out the various responsibilities of business towards different grouping of good corporate social responsibility.


Responsibilities towards various groups

  • Owners / shareholders
  • Employees
  • Consumers
  • Government
  • Community and Society At Large



  1. Make a critical assessment of different approaches to world trade and commerce.



  1. Explain the various strategies followed at various stages of product life cycle in global business. And discuss the motive for PLC in global trade.
  • It’s important for marketers to understand how to move their product through the different stages by manipulating the marketing mix. A product life cycle consists of the introductory, growth, maturity and decline stages.
  • These stages need to be supported with correct pricing, promotion and distribution to reach the target market.












  1. Enumerate the main motive within social and cultural Environment of global trade.





  1. Discuss the following technology impact on global business

(a) EBusiness

  • Reduction in physical boundaries and distance;
  • Serve larger customer base more efficiently;
  • Target specific customer groups;
  • The Internet is an interactive marketing medium;
  • More detailed information on customer transactions; and
  • Improved transaction efficiency.


 (b) EFT

  • EFT Global provide an efficient, safe and effective method to accept or make payments by EFT/ACH methods reducing administrative overheads and adding process efficiencies to your business.
  • Electronic fund transfers (EFT’s) are processed using the worldwide payment networks. EFT is a paperless system that provides for the inter-bank clearing of electronic entries for participating financial institutions
  • With the global emergence of electronic payments replacing paper based transaction methods it is now more important than ever for businesses to process transactions fast, efficient and accurately; enhancing business capabilities, reducing administrative overheads and allowing you concentrate on core business functions.


          (c) SWIFT- Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications

  • Quick and cheap
  • Secure and reliable
  • Standardized forms
  • Speed-More Reliable and Fast, Accurate
  • Costs- Cheaper
  • Volume – Manage Large
  • Security – More Authentic service
  • Uniform Formats


St. Joseph’s College of Commerce M.I.B. 2013 I sem Management Concepts & Organizational Behaviour Question Paper PDF Download





Duration: 3 hours                                                                                      Max. Marks: 100



  1. I) Answer any seven from the following:                                                (7 x 5= 35)


  1. Name four different schedules of reinforcement. Describe how each may be used for organizations.
  2. What are values and how do they differ from attitudes?
  3. What are the organizational challenges present in the current Indian scenario?
  4. The issue of who should be responsible for dealing with work stress – the individual or the organization – is an important one. What do you think?
  5. Explain the roles that a manager plays in an organization. How is a leader different from a manager?
  6. What are the negative effects of a highly cohesive group? Explain groupthink in this context.
  7. Bring out the ethical issues involved on power and politics.
  8. How do you relate Pavlov’s experiment in Classical conditioning to human     behavior? Give examples as to how a known stimuli results in known   responses.
  9. Explain the managerial grid with the example of a diagram.
  10. Critically analyze Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs theory.




  1. II)   Answer any three of the following:                                                       (3×15=45)


  1. What are the major sources of interpersonal conflict? Which do you think is most relevant in today’s organizations?
  2. What are the major personalities attributes influencing OB?
  3. Explain the contingency theories of leadership.
  4. Explain the attribution theory.
  5. “People influence organizations, and organizations influence people”. Explain the statement.




III) Case Study  – Compulsory question.                                                     (1x 20=20)

General Electric Corporation consists of over 186 companies organized into 43

strategic groups and six business sectors. With over 250 000 employees, it is one

of the oldest consumer and industrial products manufactures in America. For

over 40 years it has been one of the largest defense contractors. For the US armed

services it builds jet engines, radar systems, missile components and a variety

of replacement parts. It also builds military hardware for purchase by friendly

countries after the Department of Defense and the Commerce Department have

cleared the transactions.


All defence contracting firms in the USA have started efforts to prevent or eliminate fraudulent and deceptive business practices. These programmes have been stimulated by the provisions of the 1986 False Claims Act and the investigative practices of the US Justice Department and the Defense Criminal Investigative Service, both components of the US Attorney General. Besides spelling out fraudulent practices, remedies and penalties, the law specifically protects whistle­blowers. A whistle­blower is an employee who reports corporate wrong­doing such as bribes, kickbacks, false accounting practices or cheating to federal officials. The law noted above specifically protects such individuals from retaliation (termination, pay loss, job transfer, demotion, discipline or harassment) by their employers for informing the federal officials or for giving testimony in government initiated suits against defence contractors. Further, whistle­blowers can receive up to 25 per cent of the fine or penalty assessed against the firm when wrongdoing is proven. General Electric mounted an ambitious campaign to comply with the False Claims Act. In spite of internal controls and employee training, GE has been charged with fraudulent defence contracting activities several times in recent years. One such case involved a long­time employee named Chester Walsh. He blew the whistle on a scheme designed to create payoffs and kickbacks to a GE manager and an Israeli general. During the 1980s the pair defrauded the US government of about $42 million. Mr Walsh charged that Herbert Steindler, a GE marketing official who handled Israeli accounts, conspired with Israeli Air Force General Rami Dotan to prepare and submit false invoices for payment for military equipment and services which were never provided by GE which then passed the bills on to the appropriate US defence agency. The ruse lasted for several years until Mr Walsh detected it.  Rather than report the illegal activities right away, Mr Walsh learned the details of the 1986 law and he gathered irrefutable evidence of the conspiracy. For four years he assembled documents and recorded conversations. By 1991 he had reported the abuses and he filed suit against his employer under the False Claims Act. The US Justice Department and the US Air Force investigated the charges. Eventually 24 GE employees were dismissed or disciplined, including Mr Steindler. In Israel, General Dotan was convicted of bribery and related  crimes and given a 13­year prison sentence. Mr Walsh received $11.5m of the $69m GE had to pay the federal government to end the case.




  • Do you think that fraudulent business practices are more common in very


large organisations? If so, why?


2 )    Why did Mr Walsh wait for four years to reveal the conspiracy between


Mr.  Steindler and General Dotan? In your mind did he gain anything by


delaying his accusation?


3)    What are your recommendations to GE for preventing fraudulent practices


and encouraging ethical employee conduct?




St. Joseph’s College of Commerce M.I.B. 2013 I sem Mathematics And Statistics For Managers Question Paper PDF Download




Mathematics and Statistics for Managers


Duration: 3 hours                                                                                        Max. Marks: 100



  1. Answer any SEVEN                             (7 x 5  = 35)


  1. Assume that the life expectancy of women in a country follows linear relationship with respect to time. Given that in 1980 the life expectancy was 65 and in 2005 it was 75 years. Find the linear relationship between life expectancy and time. Estimate life expectancy of women in the year 2015.
  2. A student has 3 places where he can take his breakfast. The college canteen charges Rs.20 for an egg roll, Rs.10 for a cake and Rs.5 for tea. A fast food place charges Rs.15 for an egg roll, Rs.15 for cake and Rs.6 for tea. A nearby restaurant charges Rs.40 for an egg roll, Rs25 for cake and Rs.10 for tea. A student wishes to buy 2 egg rolls one cake and a tea. Represent the following information in the form of a matrix. Through matrix operations find the cost of breakfast at different places.
  3. “Each type of average has its own particular field of usefulness” Briefly discuss the characteristic features of different averages.
  4. In a single throw of two dice, what is the probability of getting a total of 9?
  5. A card is drawn from a regular pack of cards and a gambler bets that it is a spade or an ace. What are the odds in favour of his winning this bet.
  6. Explain any ten properties of a normal distribution curve.
  7. What is the difference between decision making under uncertainity and risk?

Explain the    various decision criterion under risk.

  1. Find the coefficient of correlation between the values of x and y using concurrent deviation method.
x 78 89 97 69 59 79 68 61
y 125 137 156 112 107 136 123 108


  1. Fit a straight line trend by the method of least squares for the following data about sales of a trading firm.


Year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

’00,000 Rs.

75 90 91 95 98


  1. The following table shows the gain in weight by 25 children in a year. Find the mean, median and the mode of weight gained.


Gain in weight


1.5 2 2.4 3 3.2 3.4
No. of children 4 5 8 5 2 1


  1. For the following data calculate Range, Inter Quartile Range, Quartile Deviation and its coefficient 10, 15, 18, 20, 20, 22, 23, 25, 27, 30




II ) Answer any THREE questions. Each carries 15 Marks          .                                        (3×15=45)


  1. a) Using matrices solve the following system of equations.

3x+4y+5z=18,   2x-y+8z=13,   5x-2y+7z=20

  1. b) The total cost of production of a firm is given by the function C= 12x2 – 8x + 4

Find i)  Total cost for an output of 15 units

  1. ii)  The average cost for an output of 12 units.

iii) The marginal cost for an output of 16 units.

  1. iv) The revenue function when the price is Rs.400.
  2. v) Profit maximizing output with the above revenue function.
  3. vi) Maximum profit

vii) Profit for an output of 20 units                                                             (8+7)


  1. A purchasing agent obtains samples of 60 watt bulbs from two companies. He had the samples tested in his own laboratory for length of life with the following results:
  2. a) Which company’s bulbs do you think are better in terms of average life?
  3. b) If prices of both companies are same, which company’s bulbs would you buy?


Length of

Life (in hours)

Samples from
Company A Company B
1700-1900 10 3
1900-2100 16 40
2100-2300 20 12
2300-2500 8 3
2500-2700 6 2









  1. a) Given the prices and the average monthly quantities purchased by children calculate Index numbers based on Laspeyer’s, Paasche’s, Dorbish and Bowley’s and Fisher’s Method.
Item 2005 2010
Price Quantity Price Quantity
Comic Books 8 1 10 2
Toffees 1 30 2 25
Icecreams 5 5 6 10
Play-articles 10 1 15 1









  1. b) Given the payoff table find the regret table and calculate EMV, EOL, EVPI, EPPI and identify the best decision.





Probability Conditional Payoffs

(‘000 Rs)

Stock per week







1000 pairs 0.6 50 -10 -70
3000 pairs 0.3 50 150 90
5000 pairs 0.1 50 150 250



  1. a) Let A and B be events with P(A)=3/8, P(B)=5/8, and P(A and B)=3/4 Find P(A or B), P(A/B), P(B/A), P(Ac), P(Bc), P( Ac and Bc).
  2. b) In a railway reservation office, two clerks are engaged in checking reservation forms. On an average, the first clerk checks 55% of the forms, while the second does the remaining. The first clerk has an error rate 0 .03 and second has an error rate of 0.02. A reservation form is selected at random from the total number of forms checked during a day, and is found to have an error. Using Baye’s theorem Find the probability it was checked i) by the first  ii) by the second clerk.
  3. c) An organization has two packaging machines: old and new. The new machine is more efficient if the materials are of good quality, on the other hand the old machine performs better if the materials are of poor quality. In the previous batches 80% materials have been of good quality and 20% of poor quality. The profit details are given below. Using decision tree decide which machine should be used under the condition that the quality of material is not known at this stage.










Good 2400 2000
Poor 800 1600


  1. a) Fit a poisson distribution for the following data and calculate the theoretical frequencies:


X 0 1 2 3 4
f 122 60 15 2 1


  1. b) The marks of 1000 students in an examination follows normal distribution with mean 70 and standard deviation 5. Find the number of students whose marks will be i) less than 65 ii) more than 75  iii) between 65 and 75.
  2. c) The number of  telephone lines busy at an instant of time is a binomial variate with probability 0.1 that a line is busy. If 10 lines are chosen at random, what is the probability that  i) no line is busy            ii) atmost 2 lines are busy.                                                                                                                                                         (5 + 5 + 5)




III ) Compulsory Question                                                                                        (20marks)


16.a) A psychologist wanted to compare two methods A and B of teaching. He selected a random sample of 22 students. He grouped them into 11 pairs so that students in a pair have approximately equal scores on an intelligence test. In each pair one student was taught by  method A and the other by method B and examined after the course. The marks obtained by them are tabulated below. Find the spearman’s rank correlation coefficient. Interpret the result.


A 24 29 19 14 30 19 27 30 20 28 11
B 37 35 16 26 23 27 19 20 16 11 21


  1. b)    The  general sales manager of Kiran- Enterprises, an enterprise dealing in the sale of readymade garments is trying with the idea of increasing his sales to Rs.80,000. On checking the records of sales during the last 10 years, it was found that the annual sale proceeds and advertisement expenditure were highly correlated to the extent of 0.8. The average and variance of sales and advertisement expenditure are given in the table.

Find the two regression equations. How much expenditure on advertisement would you suggest the general sales manager of the enterprise to incur to meet his target sales.


  Sales Advertisement


Average 45,000 30,000
Variance 1600 625






St. Joseph’s College of Commerce M.I.B. 2013 I sem Economics For Managers Question Paper PDF Download





Economics for managers

Duration: 3 hours                                                                                      Max. Marks: 100



  1. Answer any SEVEN        (7 x 5  = 35)


  1. Explain the term explicit and implicit cost with an example.
  2. Explain short run equilibrium of the firm under perfect competition.
  3. Differentiate between selling and social cost with a example.
  4. What are isocost curves? state through a schedule
  5. Explain increase and extension of demand through a figure.
  6. What is meant by dual pricing?
  7. What are learning curves?
  8. Differentiate between AC and MC.
  9. Explain the concept of marginalism.
  10. Differentiate between Micro and Macro economics.


Section – B


  1. Answer any THREE out of FIVE.                                             (3 x 15   = 45) 


  1. What is Producers equilibrium. Explain the Producers Equilibrium with the help               of a diagram.
  2. Explain Price and output determination of a discriminating monopolist.


  1. a) with the help of the following data calculate TVC.AC.MC.AVC.AFC
output 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
TFC 250            
Tc 350 500 800 1000 1300 1800 2500


  1. Explain the relationship between LAC and SAC.


  1. What is Price elasticity of demand? Explain the different degrees of price elasticity. state its significance.




  1. Explain the short run and long run equilibirium of the firm under perfect competition. explain with suitable figs



Section – C


  • Case Study – compulsory question.   (20 marks)



  • Kinley associates have been manufacturing bisleri water for the last 40 years.  In the last five years they have ventured to manufacture water filters.  Each at the rate of 6500/- each year increasing the price between 10 and 12%.


  • A. Their sales record is as follows with the help of data calculate the trend for each of the five years and the forecast for 2013 and 2014.

Analyse their trend of sales of the water filters.                                 (10 marks)


Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Sales (000’s) 210 230 280 390 560



  1. The total sales for the year 2012 was 8000. Their fixed cost available indicated rs 400000/-, the variable cost being rs 2500. Price per unit was rs 5200 at the whole sale market.  Find the BEP.  Find profits or losses at 1200 unit sales.                                                                                               ( 10 marks)




St. Joseph’s College of Commerce M.Com. 2013 IV Sem Business Policy And Strategic Management Question Paper PDF Download



M.Com. – IV Semester

Business Policy and Strategic Management

Duration: 3 Hrs                                                                                            Max. Marks: 100 

Section – A

  1. Answer Seven questions out of Ten.                      ( 7 x 5 = 35)


  1. Differentiate between “intended and realized strategies”? Substantiate with examples.


  1. What is meant by empowerment of the board? Mention three aspects for empowering the



  1. State five major categories of financial ratios of a company. Briefly explain each of them.


  1. Discuss situations when it is best to pursue stability strategy.


  1. Is there any ideal or best organization structure? Discuss.


  1. Explain SBU structure with a diagram.


  1. Enunciate the Directional Policy Matrix pioneered by Shell company.


  1. Define strategic allegiance. Discuss the objectives behind strategic allegiance.


  1. Comment on the major areas which govern HRM policies and functions?


  1. What are the major characteristics of an effective strategy evaluation system?


Section – B

  1. Answer any Three questions out of five.           ( 3 x 15 = 45 )


  1. What is the difference between corporate mission and corporate objectives? Write on important guidelines for objective setting? Give one example each of good objective setting and bad objective setting.
  2. Distinguish between core competence, distinctive competence, strategic competence and threshold competence. Use Examples.
  3. What is the general strategy of industry leaders? Differentiate and explain five attack or offensive strategies of challengers?
  4. Analyze marketing policies and plans with respect to strategy implementation in terms of 4-Ps and marketing mix application.
  5. Who are participants in strategic evaluation system? Explain the strategic controls in the implementation process?

Section – C

  • Compulsory Case study                                                                                  (1 x 20 = 20)


The Evolution of Strategy at Procter and Gamble.

Founded in 1837, Cincinatti-based Procter and Gamble has long been one of the world’s most international companies. Today, P&G is a global colossus in the consumer products business, with annual sales in excess of $ 68 billion, some 56% of which are generated outside the United States. P&G sells more than 300 brands – including Ivory soap, Tide Pampers, IAMS pet food, Crisco, Gillette and Folgers- to consumers in 180 countries. It has production operations in 80 countries and employs close to 138, 000 people globally.

P&G established its first foreign factory in 1915 when it opened a plant in Canada to produce Ivory soap and Crisco. This was followed in 1930 by the establishment of the company’s first foreign subsidiary in Britain. The pace of international expansion quickened in the 1950s and 1960s as P&G expanded rapidly in western Europe, and then again in the 1970s when the company entered Japan and other Asian nations. Sometimes P&G entered a nation by acquiring an established competitor and its brands, as occurred in the case of Great Britain and Japan, but more typically the company set up operations from the ground floor.

By the late 1970s, the strategy at P&G was well established. The company developed new products in Cincinnati and then relied on semi autonomous foreign subsidiaries, to manufacture, market, and distribute those products in different nations. In many cases, foreign subsidiaries had their own production facilities and tailored the packaging, brand name and marketing message to local tastes and preferences. For years, this strategy delivered a steady stream of new products and reliable growth in sales and profits. By the 1990s, however, profit growth at P&G was slowing.


The essence of the problem was simple; P&G’s costs were too high because of extensive duplication of manufacturing, marketing and administrative facilities in different national subsidiaries. The duplication of assets made sense in the world of the 1960s, when national markets were segmented from each other by barriers to cross-border trade. Products produced in Great Britain, for example, could not be sold economically in Germany due to high tariff duties levied on imports into Germany. By the 1980s, however, barriers to cross-border trade were falling rapidly worldwide and fragmented national markets were merging into larger regional or global markets.  Also the retailers through which P&G distributed its products, such as Wal-Mart, Tesco in the United Kingdom and Carrefour in France, were growing larger and more global. These emerging global retailers were demanding price discounts from P&G.

In 1993, P&G embarked on a major reorganization in an attempt to control its cost structure and recognize the new reality of emerging global markets. The company shut down some thirty manufacturing plants around the globe, laid off 13,000 employees and concentrated production in fewer plants that could better realize economies of scale and serve regional markets. These actions cut some $600 million a year out of P&G’s cost structure. It wasn’t enough! Profit growth remained sluggish.

In 1998, P&G launched its second reorganization of the decade. Named Organization 2005, its goal was to transform P&G into a truly global company. The company tore up its old organization, which was based on countries and regions, and replaced it with one based on seven self-contained global business units, ranging from baby care to food products. Each business unit was given complete responsibility for generating profits from its products, and for manufacturing, marketing and product development. Each  business unit was told to rationalize production, concentrating it in fewer, larger facilities; to build global brands wherever possible, thereby  eliminating marketing differences among countries; and to accelerate the development and launch of new products. In 1999, P&G announced that, as a result of this initiative, it would close another ten factories and lay off 15, 000 employees, mostly in Europe where there was still extensive duplication of assets. The annual cost savings were estimated to be about $ 800 million. P&G planned to use the savings to cut prices and increase marketing spending in an effort to gain market share and thus further lower costs through the attainment of scale economies. This time the strategy seemed to be working. Between 2003 and 2006, P&G reported strong growth in both sales and profits. Significantly, P&G’s global competitors, such as Unilever, Kimberly Clark and Colgate Palmolive, were struggling in 2003 to 2006.




  1. What strategy was Procter and Gamble pursuing until the late 1990s?


  1. Why did this strategy succeed for so many years? Why was it no longer working by the 1990s?


  1. What strategy did P&G adopt in the late 1990s and early 2000s? Does this strategy make

more sense? Why?




St. Joseph’s College of Commerce M.Com. 2013 II Sem Enterprise Resource Management Question Paper PDF Download



M.Com. – IV Semester


Duration: 3 Hrs                                                                                                         Max. Marks: 100 

Section – A

  1. Answer any SEVEN Each carries five marks.        (7 x 5 = 35)
  2. Explain the ERP Benefits
  3. Give explanation the concept “SITE Methodology” in implementation of ERP?
  4. What are the steps involved in the ERP implementation life cycle?
  5. What are the Selection criteria for ERP Packages?
  6. Explain the sub-system of sales and distribution module

(i) Order Management          (ii) Customer Management

  1. What are the subsystems in a Human Resource Management Module?
  2. Differentiate ERP and E-Commerce.
  3. Discuss how ERP helps in better decision-making?
  4. Define Supply Chain Management. Explain advantages of S.C.M.?
  5. Explain essential element of Business Process Re-engineering?


Section – B


  1. Answer any THREE questions. Each carries 15 marks.            (3 x 15   = 45)


  1. Explain with examples the conceptual model of ERP and its evolution.
  2. What is Business Process Re-engineering? Why it is required? Who needs it

and steps involved in Business Process Re-engineering.

  1. Write short notes on (1) Vendors (2) Consultants (3) End Users.



  1. What are the components of Supply Chain Management (SCM)? and also

discuss the SCM’s various tasks.

  1. What are the factors that are essential for the successful

implementations of ERP?


Section – C

  • Compulsory Case study (1 x 20 = 20)


Examine and make Comment evidently on the following:


(a) “A company’s strategic plan, its attitude towards the use and integration of

Information and technology and its financial position are the key factors in determining the information related direction it takes”.


(b) What impact would “Research and Development” and “Information Explosion “have on the need for by management in a manufacturing company?




St. Joseph’s College of Commerce M.Com. 2013 II Sem Strategic Human Resource Management Question Paper PDF Download


End Semester EXAMINATIONS – APRIL 2013 – ii semester

Strategic Human Resource Management

Duration: 3 Hrs                                                                                                Max. Marks: 100


  1. Answer any seven of the following.                           (7×5=35)
  2. Answer True or False in the following;

(a). Organizations are not static things and changes constantly takes place in the environment in which business operates.

(b). SHRM is concerned with analysing the opportunities and threats existing in the external environment.

(c).  A large firm active in a number of industries may adopt a combination strategy.

(d).  One of the main objectives of providing Fringe Benefits and Service Programmes  is  to recruit and retain the best talents.

(e). “Minimum Wage” and “Living Wage” do not differ in their meaning.

  1. Define the term Strategy. Give the features of Strategy.
  2. Give the reasons for Industrial disputes.
  3. Give the meaning of the terms  (a) E-HRM,   (b). Compensation.
  4. “Safety measures implemented in the organizations will succeed only when employees at all levels are educated in safety methods and procedures adopted in the organizations”. Highlight the Activities involved in “safety education and training” programmes.
  5. Explain the (a)Time-Rate and     (b)Piece rate system of wage payment
  6. Explain some of the causes of Fatigue.
  7. What do you mean by HR Management? State its objectives.
  8. Explain the meaning of Work Environment. Explain the factors which influences work environment.
  9. Explain Requisites for an effective PerformanceAppraisal .


  1. Answer any three of the following:                    (3×15=45)
  2. What is E-Recruitment? Give its advantages. Also explain the Centralized and Decentralized form of Recruitment.
  3. “HR managers have adopted a proactive approach in this current trend of revolutionary changes in the business.” Explain the major challenges before HR manager. Also explain the ethical issues involved in HRM.
  4. Explain the meaning of Strategic Human Resource Management. Explain its merits and demerits.
  5. Give the benefits of training. What do you mean by Training need analysis/assessment. Explain the three levels at which need assessment is carried out.
  6. What do you mean by Industrial Accidents? Explain the causes of industrial accidents and the ways of avoiding Industrial accidents.


  • CASE STUDY – Compulsory question. (1×20=20)

Mr.Naik, AGM Materials is fuming and fretting. He bumped into Mr.Kamath, GM Materials, threw the resignation letter on his table, shouted  and walked out of the room swiftly.

Naik has reasons for his sudden outbursts. Perhaps, details of the story will tell why he put in his papers, barely four months after he took up his present assignment.

The year was 2005 when Naik quit the prestigious SAIL plant at Vishakhapatnam. As a manager materials, Naik enjoyed powers- he could even place an order for materials worth Rs. 25 lakhs. He needed nobody’s prior approval.

Naik joined a pulp-making plant located at Harihar in Karnataka, as AGM Materials. The plant is a part of the multi-product and multiplant-conglomerate owned by a prestigious business house in India. Obviously, perks, designation and reputation of the conglomerate lured Naik away from the public sector steel monolith.

When he joined the eucalyptus pulp making company, little did Naik realised that he needed  the prior approval to place an order for materials worth Rs. 12 lakhs. He had presumed that he had the authority to place an order by himself worth half the amount of what he used to do at the mega steel maker. He placed the order, materials arrived, were received, accepted and used up in the plant.

Trouble started when the bill for Rs. 12 lakhs came from the vendor. The accounts department withheld payment for the reason that the bill was not endorsed by Kamath. Kamath refused to sign on the bill as his approval was not taken by Naik before placing the order.

Naik felt fumigated and cheated. A brief encounter with Kamath only aggravated the problem. Naik was curtly told that he should have known company rules before venturing .Naik decided to quit.

Q.16.  Does the company have an Orientation programme ?if yes, how effective is it.?

  1. 17. If you were Naik what would have you done?









St. Joseph’s College of Commerce M.Com. 2013 II Sem Security Analysis & Portfolio Management Question Paper PDF Download


End Semester Examinations –  April 2013 – ii semester


Duration: 3 Hrs                                                                                                Max. Marks: 100

Section – A

  1. Answer any SEVEN questions.             (           7 x 5 = 35)


Question 1


Y ltd. retains Rs.7, 50,000 out of its current earnings. The expected rate of return to the shareholders if they had invested the funds elsewhere is 10%. The brokerage is 5% and the shareholders come in 20% tax bracket. CDT payable by company on dividend distributions made by it is 30%. Find the cost of retained earnings.

Question 2


  1. Explain CAPM equation used for computing Re ?
  2. Explain the graphical representation of CAPM i.e; SML


Question 3


How do you compute cost of debt in case of redeemable debentures? Explain with the help of an example?


Question 4


Explain the role of credit rating agencies? What procedure is followed by them in evaluating the prospective client?


Question 5


Give a brief note on support and resistance levels?


Question 6


Explain the long straddle strategy in respect of stock of Infy having an Exercise price of 1110. The call option on the same is selling for Rs. 45 and put option for Rs. 125. Also show the payoff taking 5 different hypothetical stock price on maturity?


Question 7


Distinguish between Mutual funds and Hedge Funds?


Question 8


  1. When will you go long on a Call option?
  2. When will you go short on a put option?



Question 9


Explain the difference between open ended and close ended funds?


Question 10


Distinguish between equity shares and preference shares?


Section – B

  1. Answer any THREE questions.                                      (3 x 15 = 45 )


Question 11


X Ltd proposes to replace an old machine by a new machine. The old machine has a book value of INR 40 lacs and can be immediately sold for INR 70 lacs. If not sold today, it will have negligible salvage value at the end of 5 years from now. The new machine cost INR 200 lacs and has a life of 5 year at the end of which it is expected to have a salvage value of INR 80 lacs. This replacement is expected to result in cost savings to the extent of INR 42 lacs per year for 5 years. Depreciation @ 20% WDV, Tax rate = 30% applicable to Capital Gains also. Kc = 13%. Appraise the replacement project?


Question 12

Based on the following information, determine the NAV of a regular income scheme on per unit basis:


Particulars Amount

(INR in crores)

Listed shares at cost (ex-dividend) 20
Cash in hand 1.23
Bonds and debentures at cost 4.3
Of these, bonds not listed and quoted 1
Other fixed interest securities at cost (assuming to be at par) 4.5
Dividend accrued 0.8
Amount payable on shares 6.32
Expenditure accrued 0.75
Number of units (INR 10 face value) 20 lacs
Current realizable value of fixed income securities of face value of INR 100 106.5
The listed shares were purchased when index was 1,000
Present Index is 2,300
Value of listed bonds and debentures at NAV date 8


There has been a diminution of 20% in unlisted bonds and debentures.


Question 13

  1. If we have a 12% INR 1,000 face value 10 year bond presently trading at a discount of 3% redeemable at a premium of 5% and paying a coupon semi-annually. Calculate the YTM of the bond.


  1. b) Consider annual coupon and compute post-tax YTM given tax rate 30% and C.G. tax rate 10%. When will realised yield same as YTM?


     Question 14

Current share price of Reliance is INR 480. It has paid a dividend of INR 15 for the current year. This DPS is expected to remain same for the next 2 years. After which it will grow at the rate of 25% p.a. for the years 3 to 5 and finally grow at a constant rate of 12% pa forever thereafter. If Re is 14% what should be the share price.


Question 15


On Jan 1, the stock of TISCO trades at 600. 1 monthfuture on the stock trades at 590. Risk free interest rate is 10% p.a and annualized dividend yield on the stock is 6%. Lot size is 600 Shares.

  1. Find out the theoretical future price.
  2. Check out for the arbitrage opportunity and show the process of arbitrage if price on maturity happens to be

Case 1 Rs. 500     Case 2 Rs. 700

Section – C

  • Compulsory Case study                                        (1 x 20 = 20 )       
  1. The historical rate of returns of two securities over the past 10 years are given. Calculate the covariance and the correlation coefficient of the two securities:


Years : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Security 1

(Return %)

: 12 8 7 14 16 15 18 20 16 22
Security 2

(Return %)

: 20 22 24 18 15 20 24 25 22 20


Further explain the significance of positive, zero and negative correlation between two securities?


St. Joseph’s College of Commerce M.Com. 2013 II Sem Operations Research For Business Decisions Question Paper PDF Download


End Semester Examinations –  April 2013 – ii semester

Operations Research for Business Decisions

Duration: 3 Hrs                                                                                                Max. Marks: 100


  1. I) Answer any SEVEN Each carries FIVE  marks.                                                      (7 x 5 = 35)
  2. The Handy- Dandy company wishes to schedule the production of a kitchen appliance that requires two resources- labour and material. The company is considering three different models and its production engineering department has furnished the following data. Supply of raw material is restricted to 200 Kgs. Per day. The daily availability of labour is 150 hrs. formulate a linear programming model to determine the daily production rate of the various models in order to maximize the total profit. Formulate the problem and write the dual.
  A B C
Labour ( hrs per unit) 7 3 6
Material ( kgs. Per unit) 4 4 5
Profit ( Rupees per unit) 40 20 30


  1. Use graphical method to solve the following Linear Programming Problem.

Minimize Z= 40x + 36y

Subject to constraints



5X + 3Y >=45

Where x, y  >=0

  1. Define Operation Research. Explain the main phases of an OR study.
  2. Which are the special variables used in Simplex and Big M Method. Explain how and why they are used? What do they indicate?
  3. Explain the terms: i) feasible solution     ii) optimal solution     iii) unrestricted variables
  4. iv) Unbounded solution v) redundancy constraint
  5. Using least cost method find an initial solution to the transportation problem to maximize profit.


D1 D2 D3 D4 Availability
S1 40 25 22 33 100
S2 44 35 30 30 30
S3 38 38 28 30 70
Requirement 40 20 60 30  


  1. In an Assignment problem explain the following special cases
  2. i) unbalance                ii) maximization            iii) Prohibited assignment
  3. iv) multiple optimal solution    v) travelling salesman problem
  4. Give some applications of queuing theory and explain the terms
  5. i) queue         ii) traffic intensity         iii) service channel          iv) queue discipline      v) balking
  6. A confectioner sells confectionery items. Past data of demand per week in hundred kilograms with frequency is given below:
Demand/week 0 5 10 15 20 25
Frequency 2 11 8 21 5 3

Using the following sequence of random numbers, simulate the demand for the next 10 weeks. Also find the average demand per week.

Random Numbers: 35, 52, 90, 13, 23, 73, 34, 57, 37, 83

  1. Define dynamic programming problem. List and explain the terminologies of dynamic programming problem.


III)   Answer any THREE questions.  Each carries FIFTEEN marks.                                                   (3×15 = 45)

  1. Solve the following LPP using Simplex Method

Maximize Z= 3x + 2y

Subject to,

-x +2y <= 4

3x + 2y <=14

X – y <=3

Where x, y >= 0

  1. Stronghold construction Company is interested in taking loans from banks for some of its projects P, Q, R, S, T. the rates of interest and the lending capacity differ from bank to bank. All these projects are to be completed. The relevant details are provided in the following table. Assuming the role of a consultant, advice this company as to how it should take the loans so that the total interest payable will be the least. Are there alternate optimal solution? If so indicate one such solution.
Bank Interest rates in

% for projects



( in thousands)

Pvt.  Bank 20 18 18 17 17 Any amount
Nationalised Bank 16 16 16 15 16 400
Co-operative Bank 15 15 15 13 14 250
Amount required

( in thousands)

200 150 200 125 75  


  1. A company has four sales representatives who are assigned to four different sales territories. The monthly sales increase estimated for each sales representative for different sales territories ( in lakh rupees) are shown in the following table. Suggest an optimal assignment and the total maximum sales increase per month. If for certain reasons sales representative ‘B’  cannot be assigned to sales territory III, will the optimal assignment schedule be different? If so find that schedule and effect on total sales.
Sales Territories->



A 200 150 170 220
B 160 120 150 140
C 190 195 190 200
D 180 175 160 190







  1. The extension counter of the Citizen’s bank in the premises of a state university enrolls all new customers (students) in savings bank accounts. In the month of August , as the classes begin a lot of new accounts have to be opened for new students enrolled. The bank manager estimates that the arrival rate during this period will be poisson distributed with an average of 3 customers per hour. The service is exponentially distributed with an average of 15 minutes per customer to set up a new account. The bank manager wants to determine the operating characteristics for this system to know whether the current strength of one server is sufficient to handle the increased traffic. Analyse the problem by determining all factors connected with the queueing system.
  2. Solve the following capital budgeting problem using dynamic programming.

An organization is planning to diversify its business with a maximum outlay of 5 crores. It has identified three different locations to install plants. The organization can invest in one or more of these plants subject to the availability of these funds. The different possible alternatives and their investment (in crores of rupees) and present worth of returns during useful life (in crores of rupees) of each of these plants are summarized in the table. Find the optimal allocation of the capital to different plants which will maximize the corresponding sum of the present worth of returns.

Alternatives Plant1 Plant2 Plant3
Cost Return Cost Return Cost Return
1 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 1 15 2 14 1 3
3 2 18 3 18 2 7
4 4 28 4 21






Section – C

III)  Compulsory Question .                                                                                                                       (1×20=20)

  1. The casualty room of a hospital receives between zero and six emergency calls each night according to the following probability distribution.
calls 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
probability 0.05 0.12 0.15 0.25 0.22 0.15 0.06


The medical team at the casualty room classifies each emergency call into one of the three categories: minor, medium or major emergency. The probability that a particular call will be each type of emergency is as below:



Minor Medium Major
Probability 0.30 0.56 0.14


The type of emergency call determines the size of the medical team scheduled to treat the emergency. A minor emergency requires two person medical team, a medium emergency requires three person medical team and a major emergency requires five person medical team.

Simulate the emergency calls received for 10 nights, compute the average number of each type of emergency call each night and determine the maximum number of medical team members  that may be required on any given night.

Random Numbers:

Number of calls during ten nights:  65, 48, 08,05, 89, 06, 62, 17, 77, 68

Emergency type for each call :  71, 18, 12, 17, 89, 18, 83, 90, 18, 08,

26, 47, 94, 72, 47, 68, 60, 88, 36, 43,

28, 31, 06, 39, 71, 22, 76.


St. Joseph’s College of Commerce M.Com. 2013 II Sem Marketing Strategies And Planning Question Paper PDF Download





Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                        Max. Marks: 100

Section – A

  1. Answer any seven                                    (7X5=35)


  • “Industrial marketing is more complex than consumer marketing”. Explain your answer?
  • Within the framework of STP, explain the segmentation variables used in industrial markets?
  • Describe the various phases in buying decision process?
  • Channel design is a dynamic process? Comment
  • Explain the Sheth Model of industrial buying behavior?
  • Discuss the Michael porter’s generic strategic framework used in formulating strategy at SBU level?
  • Explain in detail the buy grid framework?
  • Discuss the unique nature of high tech marketing strategy?
  • Describe the main purchasing practices that will guide a company in taking purchase decisions. Also mention the organization customers involved?
  • Explain the various types of E-commerce. What all can be the Non technical drawbacks?

Section – B

  1. Answer any three                           (3X15= 45)


  • Describe the steps to be followed for developing a positioning strategy for a Small Scale motor manufacturer in a highly competitive market. Also explain the target market strategies that can be adopted?
  • Marketing logistics or physical distribution consists of various activities. Describe the main tasks involved and differentiate supply chain management and logistics management.
  • Explain the process of new product development and the application of product life cycle theory to market strategies?
  • A leading computer software company wants to introduce a new high tech software package to industrial market segments. Explain the various pricing strategies that can be adopted by the company and the factors to be considered in pricing decisions?
  • Indicate the steps involved in carrying out strategic planning at corporate level. Also explain the methods used to decide the allocation of resources to SBU’s.


Section – C

  • Compulsory case study.                        (1X20 = 20)


  • Marriott International, Inc is a leading worldwide hospitality company. Its heritage can be traced to a small hotel opened in Washington.D.C in 1972 by J.Willard and Alice. S. Marriott. As of 2010, Marriott International has nearly 3000 lodging properties located in the United States and 69 other countries and territories. Its brands include Marriott, Renaissance, Courtyard, Residence Inn and Ramada international.

The Marriott International is planning for a further expansion and diversification of its activities. Explain the marketing research process to be undertaken by the Marriot managers in order to have a better understanding of the market and the customer.






St. Joseph’s College of Commerce M.Com. 2013 III Sem French Question Paper PDF Download

                                    ST.JOSEPH’S COLLEGE of COMMERCE. (AUTONOMOUS)

                                           END SEMESTER EXAMINATION MARCH 2013



MARCH – 2013.


TIME: 2:30hrs                                                                                                                  Max Marks: 80

Dictionary not allowed.

  1. Mettez les adjectifs possessifs : Leurs, mon, ton, notre, sa (5)
  2. J’ai un chien. Il s’appelle Browny. __________ chien est petit et il a quatre pattes.
  3. Moi et ma famille habitent à Sanjay Nagar dans un appartement. ___________ appartement est grand et clair.
  4. Mon ami qui s’appelle Céline a une voiture. __________ voiture rouge est stationnée dans la rue.
  5. pierre et Vincent ont beaucoup de livres. Ils ont rangé ____________ livres sur la table.
  6. Tu habites à vivek Nagar ? ____________ quartier est près de Koramangala ?
  7. Remplissez avec les propositions de nom de pays : à, aux, en, des, d’, du. (6)
  8. J’habite __________ Inde.
  9. Je vis ___________ Madagascar.
  10. je suis née __________ Pays-Bas.


  1. la première lettre vient ________ Brésil.
  2. la deuxième lettre vient _______ Iran.
  3. La troisième lettre _______ Philippines.

III. Mettez les prépositions suivantes : près, en face de, dans, devant                                       (4)

L’université de St.Joseph’s se trouve ___________________ la rue Brigade, ______________ l’église St Patrick. ___________________  l’université on voit « krantiSweets » et elle se situe __________ du centre commercial « Eva ».

  1. Posez les questions pour les réponses données : (6)
  2. __________________________________________________________________________ ?

Réponse : J’habite à Sahakar Nagar.

  1. __________________________________________________________________________ ?

Réponse : J’aime le parc de Lalbagh parce que c’est très tranquille.

3.__________________________________________________________________________ ?

Réponse : Je m’appelle Sandrine.

  1. Complétez avec les adjectifs possessifs : Cette, ces, ce, cet (4)
  2. Pourquoi le bus ne s’arrête pas à ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_________________ endroit?
  3. ____________ château est magnifique.
  4. Il y a cinq chambres chez moi. Mais je partage __________ chambre rouge avec ma sœur.
  5. Regarde ___________ garçons, ils jouent très bien.
  6. Conjuguez les verbes entre les parenthèses : (6)
  7. Moi et ma belle-mère ___________ (faire) du shopping à Jayanagar.
  8. Je ________________ (prendre) le bus no027 pour aller à Shivajinagar.
  9. Les enfants, vous _____________ (vouloir) aller au parc aujourd’hui ?
  10. Tu ne ______________ (pouvoir) pas venir chez moi à 6h ?
  11. Elles _____________ (aller) au cinéma au Forum.
  12. Il _____________ (devoir) réviser bien la grammaire française.

VII. Choisissez les pronoms toniques qui conviennent :                                                                (4)

  1. pierre n’aime pas ce film. Je suis d’accord avec ________ (elle/nous/lui).
  2. Ils sont dans le Louvre. Devant ___________ (nous/elles/eux) il y a le tableau « le Joconde (Mona Lisa) ».
  3. Sophie se promène dans le jardin, mais n’aperçoit (to see) pas le chien derrière ________(lui/toi /elle).
  4. Nous voulons venir chez Camille. Ne pars pas sans _________ (vous/eux/nous).

VIII. Associez les éléments :                                                                                                                  (6)

Professions                          Réponse                  Actions

Un acteur

Un chef

Une coiffeuse

Un photographe

Un boulanger

Une institutrice







1. Coupe les cheveux.

2. Fait des photos.

3. Vend du pain, des croissants.

4. Joue dans les films.

5. Enseigne les petits enfants.

6. fait la cuisine dans un restaurant.


  1. Écrivez les adjectifs masculins/féminins : (4)

Masculin                                                             Féminin

1. Sympathique


3. Sportif.







  1. Donnez l’impératif des verbes suivants : (5)
  2. N’______________ (oublier– vous) pas d’apporter vos livres.
  3. ________________ (faire-tu) ta salade grecque.
  4. _______________ (regarder-nous) la télévision.
  5. _______________ (téléphoner- tu) – moi.
  6. _______________ (venir- vous) chez nous.
  7. Barrez l’intrus. (5)

Ex : acteur – chanteur – pâtissier – réalisateur.

  1. Plages – montagnes – cinéma – paysages.
  2. Athlétique – dynamique – petit – décisif.
  3. Chien – tigre – éléphant-lion.
  4. Gros – intelligent – grand – beau.
  5. Quatre-vingt-deux – quatre-vingt-treize   –  quatre-vingt-cinq   –  quatre-vingt-sept.


XII. Remettez le dialogue en ordre :


_______ A. Tomas : Je suis bibliothécaire

_______ B. Dana : Oui, et toi ?

_______ C. Dana : Je m’appelle Dana, je suis institutrice.

_______ D. Tomas : Oui, ça va.

_______ E. Tomas : Comment tu t’appelles ?

_______ F. Dana : Quelle est votre profession ?

_______ G. Tomas : Salut, je m’appelle Tomas.

_______ H. Dana : Moi, j’aime travailler avec les enfants. Et vous? Et pourquoi

cette profession ?

_______ I. Tomas : Tu vas bien ?

_______ J. Tomas : Je ne communique pas facilement, mais, j’adore les livres.


XIII. Lisez la compréhension des écrits et répondez aux questions :                                           (10)






Nice, 19 Mars

Chère Sophie,

J’ai 25 ans le 19 Mars ! pour cette occasion, j’organise une soirée karaoké dans un restaurant japonais au port de Nice. C’est samedi prochain à 20h 30. Est-ce que tu peux venir ?

Voici mon téléphone :

À samedi. J’ai hâte ! (hurry)



1. Qui a écrit cette carte ?

ð  Yuko.         ð Sophie.

2. Ce document est

ð Un message professionnel.  ð un message formel.  ð un message amical.

3. Pourquoi la personne a écrit cette carte ?

ð Pour faire de la publicité.

ð Pour inviter son amie.

ð Pour fixer un rendez-vous.

4. L’anniversaire a lieu à quel moment de l’année ?

ð L’hiver. ð L’été. ð L’automne.

  1. Le numéro de téléphone de Sophie est :

ð   ð  ð

XIV. Remplissez la fiche sur vous-même :MINIMUM  5 PHRASES EN TOTALE.

  1. (NOM) :__________________________________________________________________


  1. (PROFESSION) : ___________________________________________________________


  1. (VOS GOÛTS/LOISIRS) : _____________________________________________________



  1. (CARACTÈRES PHYSIQUES/DE PERSONNALITÉ) : _________________________________



  1. (VOTRE IMAGE DE « VOTRE FEMME/HOMME DE VIE ») : __________________________






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