CBSE Class 1 Science Syllabus

CBSE Class 1 Science:

  The syllabus which are covered under the CBSE Class 1 Science are:

  • Living and non living things
  • Plant and animal life
  • My body
  • Food
  • Homes
  • Health and hygiene
  • Safety and first aid
  • Air, water and weather
  • Our universe
  • Light and sound
  • People who help us

The above topics in detail are:


  • Living and non living things:

            Those things which have life and can move, grow, reproduce are called as living things. On the other hand, those things which do not have life and do not grow, move or reproduce are called as non-living things.

           Best example of living beings are humans, animals, plants. Example for non living things are pencil box, rubber, paper, etc.,


  1. Name any two examples for non-living things:

           Answer: Pencil, rubber

  1. Which need air, water and sunlight?

           Answer: Plants


  • Plant and animal life:

             Plants can be of different types and shapes. Every plant is unique and has different characteristics when compared to other plants. But however, any plant may have stem, roots, flowers, leaves, etc., There are also few plants like cactus which have flowers but no leaves.

             Plants make their food through a process called as photosynthesis. The leaves of the plant contain a pigment called chlorophyll which gives green color to the leaves. This chlorophyll helps the plant to make their own food through the process called photosynthesis in which the plant mainly requires sunlight, water and other nutrients as their food. During this process of photosynthesis, plants release fresh oxygen and inhales harmful carbon dioxide.

            Plant reproduction takes place either asexually or sexually. Asexual reproduction is the process of producing the offspring through only one single parent whereas sexual reproduction is the process which produces the offspring through the fusion of the gametes. Apart from the above things, plants have wide variety of uses such as it provides clothing, fuel, shelter, and many other necessities for human life.


Animal life:

            Just like plants, every animal is different from another. For example, the skin pattern for a cheetah is different from that of a deer. Also, the bodily structure and strength differs for every animal.  Most of the animals such as fish, reptiles, mammals, reptiles and birds have simple life cycle. They are born either directly through their mother or through hatching the eggs. Then they grow similarly just like their own species and die.

           Most of these animals have only three stages of growth such as before birth, young and adult. In all the stages, the physical appearance of the animal varies only in sizes but not in appearance. There are different varieties of animal species such as amphibians, insects, reptiles, birds, mammals, etc. Amphibians like frogs undergo metamorphosis in which they spend their childhood under the water breathing with the help of gills and they start breathing with the help of lungs once they are grown up.

Insects have four stages in life cycle:

These four stages are

  • Egg
  • Larva
  • Pupa
  • Adult


  1. Name any one amphibian animal:

          Answer: Frog

  1. Write any two land animals:

          Answer: Cat, dog

  1. I make the seeds for the plants. Who am i?

         Answer: Flower

  • My body:

       Our body is made up of many organs which are responsible for individual task.

Respiratory system:

          This is a system which helps the humans to respire. With the pair of lungs, it inhales oxygen and exhales carbon dioxide.            

Excretory system:

          This system is responsible for removing waste from the human body. A pair of kidneys helps in the process of excretion.

Nervous system:

          This consists of nerves, spinal cord, brain and all sensory organs that connect these nerves to the rest of the body. These organs are responsible for the control of the body and communication among its parts.

Circulatory system:

          The functions of a circulatory system is to deliver the oxygen, removal of carbon dioxide and other waste materials from the body, supplying nutrients and other useful molecules to all the body parts.


  1. Name the organ for respiration:

          Answer: Lungs, nose, trachea, bronchi

  1. The system which helps to produce babies is called as ___

          Answer: Reproductive system

  1. What are the parts involved in the digestive system?

          Answer: Mouth, stomach, intestines, Liver and pancreas


  • Food:

   The basic nature of different types of food, how long they stay consumable, when does a food gets spoiled?, how did the people find their foods earlier, Who prepares our own food?, different types of taste that our mouth can feel, how do the plants make their food are the key concepts which are covered under this chapter.


When food gets spoiled:

       A food gets spoiled when it its atmosphere changes or when the food is prepared long time ago. For example, milk gets spoiled during summer season due to the excess heat in the outside temperature.

Who produces food we eat?

              This chapter makes children to know about the people who really work hard for our daily foods. They study about the farmers, their daily routines in the agricultural farms, how they preserve the crop from natural calamities and so on.


What food did people eat earlier?

             Our ancestors or grandparents would have not eaten the same type of food which we eat now. Thus, different types of food habits are followed during olden days in different places.

Taste buds:

         Our taste buds can feel different types of taste such as sweet, sour, bitter, pungent and salt. This chapter tells the importance of taste buds and different kinds of taste that human beings can enjoy.

What are the foods for plants?

                     Just like foods for animals and humans, plants also need food for surviving. The key requirements for a plant are water, air and sunlight. These are said to be the food materials for the plants.


  1. Name any three foods that are rich in vitamins:

Answer: Broccoli, papaya, citrus fruits

  1. Rice and jute grow well in ____ types of soil

Answer: Alluvial soil


  • Homes:

               A Home is different from the house because house is just a place of shelter and it can be a concrete building. But a home is different. It can be any place the living being chooses to live for. For example, for animals the home can be the dark forest whereas for the humans the home can be their own houses built with the help of several construction materials.


  1. Name any two animals that can be tamed as domestic animals at our houses?

Answer: Cat, dog.


  • Health and Hygiene:

         Health education plays a very important role in everyday life. To prevent illness and to always stay positive, a clear understanding of health and hygiene is very much necessary. Health is cleanliness and cleanliness is one of the main defense against diseases.

         Similarly, hygiene means the art of keeping oneself healthy. The purpose being hygienic is to make man healthier. It not only depends on the individual’s health but also the whole community can be safe by practicing hygiene.

Few of the tips for Hygiene are:

  1. Brush and floss regularly
  2. Bathe regularly. This will not only keep you fresh but also remove all the unnecessary dirt and dust from the skin.
  3. Trim your nails
  4. Wash your hands
  5. Get good sleep

   Practicing this will keep anyone healthy and hygienic.


  1. What is the correct temperature that frozen foods can be kept at?

          Answer: -18 degree or lower

  1. What is the reason for drying your hands after wetting them?

         Answer: Because germs and bacteria easily spread with wet hands.


  • Safety and first aid:

             Help which is given during the emergency situations before the person can get the medical attention is called as first aid. This first aid treatment contains the first aid box which includes all the major instruments necessary to treat the patient.

             The first aid may contain scissors, sticky tapes, antiseptic cream, disposable sterile gloves, bandages, pain killers, distilled water for cleaning the wounds, thermometer, etc. But however, before an accident occurs it is very much necessary to be careful preventing any accidents.

First aid tips for burns:

  1. Remove the clothes around the wounded area.
  2. Run cool water (Not very cool) into the wounded area until the pain eases.
  3. Lightly apply gauge bandage.
  4. Do not put any ointments, butter or cream without medical supervision.
  5. Do not break any blisters that might have formed.

      First aid tips for dog bite:

  1. Clean the wound immediately
  2. Run it under the warm water thoroughly until the wound is thoroughly cleaned.
  3. Encourage to bleeding from the wound. This will prevent any bacteria entering into the wound.
  4. Take any pain killers.
  5. Immediately seek medical attention.


  1. Write true or false:
  • The meaning of red in the traffic signal is “Stop”

             Answer: True

  1. The immediate help given to an injured person before he gets medical attention is called as ____

Answer: First aid


  • Air, water, weather:

               Air is an invisible gaseous substance present around our atmosphere. Air pollution   occurs when the air contains dust, fumes, odour and it can be harmful to the humans, animals and even plants. The substances that causes pollution is called as pollutants.

     Thus, it is the duty of all individuals to keep our air clean and fresh. Few of such ways are:

  1. Avoid burning woods, plastics, bottles, etc.,
  2. Avoid smoking
  3. Keep your surroundings and atmosphere clean
  4. Use air filters in your home

       Water is a colorless, odorless liquid which occupies most of the seas, lakes, ponds in the Earth. Around 71% of human body is made up of water. A human cannot survive long without water. Thus, water is a very important source for the living beings survival.


Water pollution:

                 Water in the lakes, ponds, rivers are often contaminated by the human activities. This is called as water pollution. Let’s check out the few ways to control the water pollution.

  1. Please to do not dispose any oil substances, ghee foods, chemical substances into the toilet or sinks at your houses.
  2. Do not flush pills, medicines, chemicals into your toilet.
  3. Use limited pesticides to your garden. Instead make use of environment safe liquids to your gardens.
  4. Do not make use of more detergents, soaps and powders while washing your clothes or dishes.


         Weather is all around us all time. Weather controls our everyday life right from the food habits to

the types of clothes to wear. During winter season, we often see people wearing fur clothes, woolen

clothes, coats, jackets to keep themselves warm. Similarly, during summer people use to wear cotton

dresses to keep themselves cool throughout the whole day.

There are different types of weather such as stormy, windy, cloudy, hot, cold, rainy, foggy, snowy,

misty, etc., These are divided into following seasons such as

  • Autumn
  • Winter
  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Monsoon


  1. We need ___ for breathing?

          Answer: Oxygen

  1. Rainwater flows down to ______

         Answer: River

  1. Name the elements that determine the weather of the place?

        Answer: Humidity, Wind speed, rainfall, Temperature and air pressure


  • Our Universe:

             This lesson covers the major topics such as solar system, nine planets, meteoroids, stars, galaxy, etc. Solar system is made up of sun and all the other smaller particles move around it. Apart from the sun, there are eight other planets which revolve in different orbits.

They are:

  • Mercury
  • Venus
  • Earth
  • Mars
  • Jupiter
  • Saturn
  • Uranus
  • Neptune

The Universe contains billions of galaxies, each containing billions of stars. The space between the galaxies and stars are extremely empty.


  1. Is the Sun moving?

Answer: Yes. All the planets move around the sun and in turn the whole solar system (Sun at the centre) revolves around the centre of galaxy, milky way.

  1. What is the biggest planet in the universe?

Answer: Jupiter


  • Light and sound:

           Sound and light both travels as waves. Sound waves travel million times slower than the light waves. Light waves are capable of moving through an empty space whereas sound waves moves much slower than the light waves and can travel through any substance such as solid, liquid and gas.


  1. What is a light?

          Answer: A form of energy that travels through in waves

  1. Why does not sound travel in a vacuum?

          Answer: There are no atoms to vibrate to carry the sound waves. Thus it needs a medium to travel.


  • People who help us:

       Different people do different jobs and provide numerous services to us. These people are called community helpers. Few examples of such community helpers are plumber, doctor, postman, farmer and many others. Thus, this lesson covers the services provided by them and the type of work carried out by them.


  1. Who is a cobbler? What is his nature of work?

          A cobbler is a person who repairs shoes.

  1. Name any two instruments used by a carpenter?

         Answer: Driller, hammer

Thus, these are the topics which are covered under the syllabus of CBSE class 1 science stream.

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