KHARE, DR. NARAYAN BHASKAR, B.A., M.D., Hindu Mahasabha (Madhya Bharat—Gwalior—1952): S. of Shri Bhaskar Rao Khare; B. Panvel, March 19, 1884; ed. Maratha High School, Bombay, Government College, Jubbulpur and Medical College, Lahore; m. Shrimati Sunder Gokhale, 1900, Shrimati Kale, 1912 and Shrimati Mathura Kelkar, 1919 one after the death of the other; 2 S. and 7 D.; Medical Practitioner; Member, Indian National Congress, 1916—38: President of the former C.P.P.C.C, Harijan Sewak Sangh, Nagpur and Member, A.I.C.C., for several years; Suffered imprisonment for participating in Civil Disobedience Movement; Member, C.P. Legislative Council, 1924—30, resigned in pursuance of the mandate by the Lahore Congress, in 1929; Founder and Editor of a Marathi paper “Tarun Bharat” to carry on Congress propaganda in 1926; Congress M.L.A. (Central), 1935—37; Initiated the Arya Marriage Validation Bill which was later put on the Statute Book; M.L.A. (C.P.), 1937—43; First Congress Premier of the former State of C.P. and Berar, 14th July, 1937 to 29th July, 1938; Formed the Capital Punishment Relief Society to help the Chimur and Ashti prisoners; Member, Incharge of Commonwealth Relations Department, Viceroy’s Executive Council, 7th May, 1943 to 3rd July, 1946; As a Member of the Viceroy’s Executive Council was responsible for placing on the Statute book the Indian Reciprocity Act Amendment Bill and enforcing it against South African Europeans for getting acquitted all the highly placed Indians in Malaya, like Dr. Goho, who were charged with high treason and collaboration with the Japanese, for securing rights of citizenship for Indians domiciled in America, for withdrawing the High Commissioner of India from South Africa, for applying economic sanctions against South Africa and for lodging complaint against South Africa in U.N.O.; Presided over the Annual Session of the Brihan Maharashtra Parishad at Khandwa; Prime Minister of the former Alwar State, 19th April, 1947 to February, 1948; Member, Constituent Assembly of India, July, 1947 to February, 1948; Joined Hindu Mahasabha on l5th August, 1949, and was its President from 1949—51; Was a member of the Maharaja Bagh Club and Indian Gymkhana Club, Nagpur; Vice-President of the All India Hindu Mahasabha, 1954.
Hobbies: Chess and Bridge.
Special interest: Politics.
Favourite pastime: Long walks.
Publications: “My Defence”, “Some speeches and statements of Dr. Khare”, “Biography” in Marathi—Vol. I, published in 1943 and Vol. II in 1950.
Permanent address: Indira Mahal, Dhantoli, Nagpur (Madhya Pradesh).