GULSHAN, SARDAR DHANNA SINGH, Akali, [Punjab—Bhatinda (Res. Sch. Castes)—1977]: s. of Sardar Kishan Singh; b. at Nanki Ganda Vanna Village, Bhatinda District; m. Smt. Vasant Kaur, June, 1928; 1 s. and 5 d.; Agriculturist; Political and Social worker; participated in Independence Movement and was imprisoned several times during 1922-23 and 1933, opposed the care-taker Government of PEPSU State in 1951 and was sentenced for two and a half years, remained in Hissar jail for eleven months in connection with Punjabi Suba Movement In 1960; participated in Delhi Gurudwara Independence Movement of Akali Dal and remained in Gwalior jail for two months, opposed declaration of Emergency in 1975 and remained in Bhatinda Jail for ten months; General Secretary, Akali Jatha of erstwhile Nabha State for eight years, Senior President, Akali Dal of erstwhile PEPSU State, 1947—57; Chairman, Scheduled Castes Department of Shiromani Akali Dal since 1972; Member, (i) Censor Committee of Sessions Judge, 1948—50, (ii) Punjabi Suba Committee, 1965-66, (iii) Subordinate Service Selection Board Punjab, 1968-69, (iv) Guru Nanak University Senate Amritsar, 1973, (v) Refugee Relief Committee, 1974, (vi) Railway; and Post and Telegraph Advisory Committees; Member, (i) Erstwhile PEPSU Legislative Assembly, 1952—57, (ii) Punjab Legislative Assembly, 1957—62, 1972—77; (iii) Public Accounts Committee, Punjab 1974; Member, Third Lok Sabha, 1962—67; Minister of State in the Ministry of Education, Social Welfare and Culture since August, 1977.
Social activities: Construction of Harijan Dharamshalas, work for social welfare in Harijan Bastis and for emancipation of Harijans from bad habits such as drinking and gambling.
Favourite pastime and recreation: Agriculture.
Special interests: Poetry and Sports.
Publications: Thirty-five books of poetry published; bow busy with religious essays and political and historical research work, ‘Punjab Te Sikh Rajniti.
Travels abroad: Burma; Malaya and Iran.
Permanent address: Mandi Rampura Phul, Bhatinda District, Punjab,