SHARMA, SHRI ANANT PRASAD, (Cong.) Bihar-Buxur—1971, Son of Shri Ram Naresh Sharma; b. at Village Gautarh, District Shahabad (Bihar), December 25, 1919; ed. at D.A.V. School, Asansol, Middle School, Shahpurpatti, Arrah Town School and Bihar National College, Patna; m. Shrimati Tara Devi; 2 s. and 4 d.; Trade Union Worker and Cultivator; left college studies to join the national movement; was Assistant General Secretary of the Bihar Unit of the All India Students Federation while in College; Member, (i) Executive of the Congress Party in Parliament, 1965-66; (ii) Chairman, Reception Committee, A.I.C.C, Patna, 1970; President, (i) P.C.C., Bihar, since July, 1968, (ii) Permanent Special invitee, Congress Working Committee, January 1970 to April 1971; President, (i) Eastern Railwaymen’s Congress, (ii) South Eastern Railwaymen’s Congress, (iii) Union of Railway Workers on Eastern Railway and (iv) Union of Railway Workers on South Eastern Railway from 1951; (v) Eastern Railway Press Workers’ Union since 1954; (vi) National Federation of Indian Railwaymen (formerly Indian National Railway Workers’ Federation) since 1969, also remained its General Secretary from 1949 except for three years when he was its Vice-President/Assistant General Secretary; Member, (i) Small Savings National Central Advisory Board, (ii) Working Committee, INTUC and (iii) Whitley Council; Permanent Member, Shri Aurobindo Ashram (Society), Pondicherry; was Member, (i) All India Council of Technical Education, (ii) Class IV Promotion Committee set up by the Railway Board, (iii) Railway Convention Committee of Parliament, 1964, (iv) Prevention of Alarm Chain Pulling and Ticketless Travelling Committee of the National Railway Users’ Consultative Committee, 1966, (v) National Labour Commission’s Study Group for Industrial Relations, Eastern Region and (vi) National Labour Commission’s; Study Group on Rail Transport; (vii) Member, Railway Convention Committee during Third Lok Sabha; represented Indian Labour at the I.L.O. at Geneva, 1956; Organizing Secretary, Indian National Trade Union Congress, 1963-68; represented Indian Labour at Golden Jubilee of I.L.O. at Geneva in June, 1969; led Indian Parliamentary Delegation to Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia, 1970; represented India at the Anniversary Celebrations of Iraqi Revolution held at Baghdad in July, 1970; Member, two-man Goodwill Mission to Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya; Indian delegate, Silver Jubilee U.N.O., 1970; Member, Third Lok Sabha, 1962-67 and Rajya Sabha, 1968-71; represented I.N.T.U.C. at Second Self Managers’ Congress and International Top Trade Union Round Table Conference at Sarajevo (Yugoslavia), 1971; Chairman, Committee on Petitions, 1971.
Hobby.—Reading books on trade unionism particularly on Gandhian Trade Unionism.
Favourite pastime and recreation.—Prayers and religious discourse.
Special interests.—Trade union activities.
Sports.—Badminton, volleyball and basket ball.
Travels abroad.—Switzerland, France, Germany, U.K., Egypt, Gibraltar, Aden, U.S.S.R., Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Yugoslavia, Indonesia, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, and U.S.A.
Permanent address.—Village Gautarh, P.O. Shahpur-Patti, District Shahabad, Bihar.