SINGH DEO, SHRI ANANTA NARAYAN, B.Sc., (Janata Dal*—Orissa, Aska, 1989]: s. of Late Raja, B.K. Singh Deo; b. at Dharakote, Ganjam District, Orissa, September 5, 1929; ed. at St. Stephen’s College, Delhi; m. Shanti Devi, April, i960, 1 s. and 3 d.; Political and Social Worker, Agriculturist;
Public Offices held: Chairman, Panchayat Samiti, Dharakote, Distt. Ganjam; Member, Zilla Parishad, Ganjam, 1960—67; Dy. Minister, Orissa, 1967—71, Cabinet Minister, Orissa, 1971—73; Leader of Opposition, Orissa Legislative Assembly, 1980;
Previous Association with Political Parties: District President, Gantantra Parishad, Ganjam, Orissa, 1958—60; Member, Executive Committee and Parliamentary Board Swatantra Party, Orissa, 1970—74; Gen. Secy. Bhartiya Lok Dal, Orissa 1974—77; District President, Janata Party, Ganjam, Orissa, 1977—80; President, Janata Party, Orissa, 1980—82; working President, Janata Party, Orissa, 1982—86; Member, Parliamentary Board, Janata Dal, 1990;
Previous Membership: Legislative Assembly, Orissa, 1967—71, 1971-72, 1977—80;
Committee Experience: Member, Committee on Papers Laid on the Table, January 19, 1990—May 17, 1990, Consultative Committee; Ministry of Law and Justice, 1990;
Favourite Pastime and Recreation: Reading and writing, music;
Publications: Articles in newspapers;
Delegation to Foreign Countries: Study tour to foreign countries;
Travels Abroad: France, Holland, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, U.K., USA, USSR;
Special Interests: Cooperative movement;
Social Activities: Association with social organisations and educational institutions like Brajeswari Dharakote Trust; President, Nehru Seva Sangh, Ranpur; President, Balmikeshwar Anath Ashram;
Other Information: President, Sugar Cooperative Industries, Aska, Orissa; Trustee, Utkal Sammilani Trust; Member, Board of Directors, National Federation of Cooperative Sugar Factories;
Permanent Address: The Palace, P.O. Dharakote, District. Ganjam, Orissa.
* Member, Janata Dal (S) with effect from January 11, 1991.