MIRZA, SHRI BAKAR ALI, B.A. (Madras), B.A. (Hons), (Oxon), Cong.. (Andhra Pradesh-Secunderabad-1967): s. of Dr. Safdar Ali Mirza; b. at Hyderabad March 7, 1900; ed. at Nizam College, Hyderabad (Dcccan), Christian College Madras, St. Catharine’s, Oxford University; m. Dr. Prabhabati Das Gupta, M.A., (Columbia). PH.D. (Frankfurt), 1940: President, Oxford Majlis; Delegate to the International Students Conference at Prague, 1926; Delegate to League against Imperialism at Brussels, 1927; Editor, “Bharat”, an Oxford magazine; was Assistant Conservator of Forests in the Hyderabad Government; resigned and joined A.I.C.C, Labour Research Department, 1929; General Secretary, Bengal Jute Workers Union, 1929—35; arrested in 1930; Labour Officer, Osmanshahi Mills, Singareni Collieries, 1942; Member, (1) Osmania University Senate, 1949; (2) Board of Governors of Hyderabad public School, 1948—56; was Member of Provisional Parliament; Delegate to the Inter-Parliamentary Union at Istanbul, 1950; Member (1) Parliamentary Delegation to Russia and Mongolia, 1963; (2) Commonwealth Observer’s Team to British Guiana to observe and report on the elections in that territory in 1964; General Secretary. Hyderabad Pradesh Congress, 1951-52; Member, Hyderabad and Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commissions, 1952—58; Literary Adviser (press) to Govt. of Afghanistan, 1961 Member, Third Lok Sabha, 1962—67.
Hobbies: Reading and writing.
Special interests: International a Hairs.
Travels abroad: England, France, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Italy, Turkey, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, USSR, Mongolia and British Guiana.
Publication: ‘Hindu-Muslim Problem’.
Permanent address: Baitul Ashraf Saifabad, Hyderabad (A.P.).