BANSI LAL, SHRI B.A., LL.B., Hony. Dr. of Law, Hony. D.Sc, [Congress (I)—Haryana, Bhiwani, 1989]: s. of Ch. Mohar Singh; b. at Golagarh, Bhiwani District, Haryana, August 26, 1927; ed. at Punjab University, Law College, Jullundhar, Punjab, Krukshetra University, Haryana and Agriculture University, Haryana; m. Vidya Devi, 2 s. and 4 d.; Agriculturist, Lawyer;
Public Offices held: Chief Minister, Haryana, May 1968—November 1975, 1986-87; Union Minister without Portfolio, December 1, 1975, December 21, 1975; Union Minister, Defence, December 1975—March 1977, Railways, December 1984—September 1985, and Transport, September 1985—June 1986;
Previous Association with Political Parties: Gen. Secy. Mandal Congress Committee, Tosham, Haryana, 1955—58, President, Mandal Congress Committee, Kural, 1958—62, Member, Pradesh Congress Committee, Punjab, 1958—62, President, District Congress Committee, Haryana, 1959—62, Member, Pradesh Congress Committee, Haryana, 1968, Member, Congress Working Committee and Congress Parliamentary Board, 1976-77;
Previous Membership: Seventh Lok Sabha, 1980—84, Eighth Lok Sabha, 1984—86; Rajya Sabha, 1960—66, 1976—80; Legislative Assembly, Haryana, 1967, 1968—72, 1972—75, 1986—87;
Committee Experience: Member, Public Accounts Committee, Haryana Legislative Assembly, 1967, Chairman, Committee on Public Undertakings, 1980—82 and Estimates Committee, 1982—84; Member, Consultative Committee, Ministry of Finance, 1990 and Consultative Committee, constituted under the ‘Punjab State Legislature (Delegation of Powers) Act, 1987’ January 29, 1990;
Favourite Pastime and Recreation: Reading;
Travels Abroad: Myanmar, Afghanistan, USSR, Mauritius, Tanzania, Zambia, Syechelles, U.K., Quwait, Greece;
Other Information: Secy. Praja Mandal, Loharu State, 1943-44; President, Bar Association, Bhiwani, 1957-58; Member, Central Wage Board for Port and Dock Workers, November 1964, May 1968;
Permanent Address: B.N. Chakravarty Road, Hissar, Haryana.