BEHERA, SHRI BHAJAMAN, B.E., [Janata Dal-Orissa, Dhenkanal, 1989]: s. of Bhagirathi Behera; b. at Bagdia, Dhenkanal District, Orissa, November 1, 1943; ed. at Revenshaw College, Cuttack, Orissa, University College of Engineering, Burla, Orissa; m. Golapi Behera, June 27, 1970, 3 s. and 1 d.; Engineer, Teacher, Economist, Trade Unionist, Educationist, Political and Social Worker; Agriculturist;
Public Offices held: Dy. Minister, Orissa, January 1973—February 1973; Minister of State, Orissa, December 1976—March 1977, June 1980—March 1985; Cabinet Minister, Orissa, March 1985—December 1986; Union Minister of State, Petroleum & Chemicals, April 21, 1990—November 10, 1990;
Previous Association with Political Parties: President, District youth Congress, Orissa, March 1975—December 1976; Gen. Secy. Pradesh CongressCommittee(I), Orissa, January 1987—October 1987; Chairman, State Parliamentary Board, Janata Dal, Orissa, March 1989 onwards;
Previous Membership: Legislative Assembly, Orissa, March 1971—March 1973, March 1974—March 1977, June 1980—March 1985, March 1985—September 1989;
Committee Experience: Member, Estimates Committee, April 1971—January 1973, Committee on Members Amenities, April 1988-April 1989, Library Committee, April 1988—September 1989, Orissa Legislative Assembly; Member, Committee on Government Assurances, January 19, 1990—June 1990;
Favourite Pastime and Recreation: Reading and writing;
Special Interests: Survey of forest reserves in Orissa, devising ways of storing rain water for irrigation;
Sports and Clubs: Indoor games (Chess & Playing cards);
Social Activities: Organising and educating SC, ST and other backward castes and khandayat youths of Orissa against social atrocities;
Permanent Address: Village & P.O. Bagdia, District Dhenkanal, Orissa.