SINGH, SHRI BRAJ RAJ, M.A.(Prev.), LL.B., Sahitya Ratna, Socl., (U.P.—Firozabad—1957): S. of Th. Gaurishanker Singh, B. Kuberpur village, Khairgarh, Mainpurr Distt., November 13, 1921; ed. at Balwant Rajput College, St. John’s College and Agra College, Agra; m. Sushila Devi, June 24, 1943; 3 S.; Legal practitioner; Secretary, District Socialist Party, Agra; President, Hind Kisan Panchayat, Agra District; President, Mazdoor Panchayat, Firozabad, and President, Adhikar Raksha Samiti, Firozabad; Member, Indian. National Congress till 1948, then Member of Socialist Party, subsequently Member of Praja Socialist Party, now again Member of Socialist Party; Led Quit India movement of students in Agra district in August 1942 and went underground for two months thereafter; Organised’ the Socialist Party in Agra District; Led the Anti-Irrigation Rates satyagraha in Agra District in 1954, and was sentenced to six months imprisonment, but released after three months when the Special Powers Act of 1932 was declared ultra vires by the Allahabad High Court; Has worked for the eradication of the evils of drink etc. among the sweepers and for the removal of purdah in Hindu society; Has worked for the organisation and setting up of several labour unions, including those of the mehtars and the peasantry, at Agra and Firozabad.
Accomplishments in letters: Has composed thousands of Hindi poems and written a novel and several short stories, in Hindi.
Hobbies: Kabaddi playing and long jump.
Special interests: Hindi poetry and literature.
Sports: Badminton.
Permanent address: Vishwa Sadan, Arya Nagar, Firozaoad, Distt. Agra, U.P.
[Voting results at the Election:
Electorate: 4,11,952
Shri Braj Raj Singh .. 1,04,637
Ch. Raghubir Singh .. 81,722
Shri Shiv Shanker Sharma …. 30,098]