Name of Member: Shri C. Dass
Political Party: Congress
Constituency & State: Tirupathi-SC (Andhra Pradesh)
Lok Sabha Experience: 3,4
4th Lok Sabha
Members Bioprofile |
DASS, SHRI C. Cong., [Andhra Pradesh— Tirupati (Reserved—Sch. Castes)—1967): s. of Shri C. Bhushayya; b. at Chalicheemala Palle, Distt. Chittoor, June 7, 1922; Widower: 3 g and 2 d.; Congress worker and Organiser ; Charkha Sangham, Madanapalli. 1942—52; took part in the 1942 Quit India movement and suffered imprisonment: took part in the liberation struggle of Mysore in 1947 and led the second batch of Satyagrahis from Chittoor District; General Secretary. Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Association, Madanapalli; Member, (1) Panchayat Samiti, Madanapalli; (2) Zila Parishad, Chittoor; (3) Andhra Pradesh Ryot-Kooli Sangham; (4) T.T. Devasthanam, Tirupati 1963—1966; (5) Committee on eradication of untouchability and Economic and Educational Uplift of the Scheduled Castes, Government of India; (6) Central Harijan Board. Government of India; Member. Third Lok Sabha, 1962—67.
Social activities: Interested in Harijan uplift, started six Harijan hostels in Chittoor District and founded the Harijan Hostels, Madanapalli in 1946.
Hobbies: Khadi spinning and weaving.
Special interests: Harijan uplift.
Permanent address: 3/92, T. N- V. Reddi Street, Madanapalli, P.O. Chittoor District (A.P.).
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