CHANDRIKA PRASAD, SHRI, (Cong.) Uttar Pradesh-Ballia—1971, Son of Shri Rama Prashad; b. at Ballia, July 1, 1917; ed. at L.D. Meston High School, Ballia and Government Intermediate College, Allahabad; Widower; 1 s. and 1 d.; Businessman; took active part in the freedom movement, especially in the Quit India Movement of 1942; absconded from 1942-44 and his property was confiscated by police; jailed from 1944-46; Member, (i) Municipal Board, Ballia, 1946-66; (ii) Zila Parishad, 1966-67; Vice-Chairman, Municipal Board, Ballia, 1962-64; Acting Chairman, Municipal Board, Ballia, 1965-66; President, (i) District Congress Committee, Ballia since 1965, (ii) Technical Supervisory Staff Association Defence Employees, (iii) All India Railway Ministerial Staff Association, (iv) All India Trains Clerk Association, (v) All India Commercial Clerks Association, (vi) All India Marine Association; Member and Vice-President, Signal Telecommunication; Member, (i) Education Advisory Committee, Government of India, (ii) Labour and Employment Committee, Government of India, (iii) Industrial Development Leather Goods, Government of India, (iv) Inland Water Ways Transport Committee, Government of India, (v) Defence Advisory Committee, Government of India, (vi) Hindi Nagri Pracharni Sabha, Kashi, and (vii) All India Congress Committee and also of its Agricultural Cell; Returning Officer, Delhi Pradesh Congress Committee; Member, Fourth Lok Sabha, 1967-70.
Social activities.—Member, (i) High School, Sukhpura, Ballia; (ii) Managing Committee, Town Polytechnic, Ballia; (iii) Ballia Advisory Food Committee, Ballia; President, (i) Town Educational Society, Ballia; (ii) Balika Vidyalaya, Rasra, Ballia; (iii) Shahid Mangal Pandey Higher Secondary School, Nagawan, Ballia; District Convener, Bharat Sevak Samaj, Harijan Kalyan Samiti, Industries Committee and District Co-operative Federation; Founder, District Cooperative Bank, Ballia; Member, Murli Manohar Degree College and Inter College and Gulab Devi Balika Vidyalaya, Ballia.
Special interests.—Public and social work.
Sports.—Football and volleyball.
Permanent address.—”Suraj Sadan”, Ballia.