UIKE, SHRI CHHOTE LAL [Congress (I)—Madhya Pradesh, Mandla (Res. Sch. Tribes), 1980] s. of Shri Sonulal Uike; b. at Bamhani Banjar Village, Mandla District, July 6, 1942; ed. at Haveli Higher Secondary School, Bamhani Banjar, Mandla and R. D, Degree College, Mandla, Sagar University; B.A. (Preliminary); m. Smt. Ameeran Uike, May 10, 1971; 1 s. and 2 d.; Agriculturist, worked as a clerk in Niyantrak Tar Bhandar, Jabalpur before September, 1979; Mandal Sanyojak, (i) Shri Sugam Ramayan Mandal, Bamhani Banjar, and (ii) Akhil Bharatiya Adivasi Mahasangh, Jabalpur General Secretary, Shri Ram Ras Ramayan Mandal, Jabalpur; Vice-President and Treasurer of National Union of Post & Telegraph Employees, Jabalpur.
Social activities : To work for the Adivasis through the Adivasi Mahasangh Jabalpur; eradication of the evil customs and unnecessarily expensive traditions prevalent among Adivasis and formation of organisation for the unity of Adivasi Society.
Favourite pastime and recreation : Recitation of Ramayana with the help of harmoniam.
Special interests : To work for the welfare and enlightenment of the rural poor; deeply interested in dramas and ‘Ramlilas’.
Accomplishments in letters, art and science: As a student during school and college won several prizes for obtaining distinction in Hindi and English Literature and for outstanding acting in various dramas and plays.
Sports and clubs : Hockey, Volley-ball and Kabadi; Founder and District Representative, Kushti-Sangh, Mandla; Founder and Special Adviser, Haveli Navyuvak Sangh, Bamhani Banjar, Mandla (which organises various types of sports competition, every year).
Permanent address : Bamhani Banjar Village & Post Office, Mandla Tahsil and District, Madhya Pradesh.