Shri Devaraya G. Naik Member of Parliament (MP) from Kanara (Karnataka) Biodata

Name of Member: Shri Devaraya G. Naik

Political Party: Congress (I)

Constituency & State: Kanara (Karnataka)

Lok Sabha Experience: 7,8,9,10

Tenth Lok Sabha
Members BioprofileNAIK, SHRI DEVARAYA G.

[Cong.(I) – Kanara (Karnataka)]

Father’s NameDate of Birth

Place of Birth

Marital Status

Spouse’s Name


Educational Qualifications



Permanent Address

Present Address

Positions held










19 Jan., 1990 to Sept., 1990

June, 1990



Social and Cultural Activities

Special interests

Favourite Pastime
and Recreation

Sports and Clubs

Other Information


Shri Ira Naik1st June, 1947

Gavinagundda in Distt. Uttar Kannada (Karnataka)

Married on 13th May, 1975

Smt. Geetha

Three sons

B.A., B.G.L.

Educated at Karnataka Arts College, Dharwad and Renukacharya Law College, Bangalore

Agriculturist, Political and Social Worker

‘Gowri Kripa’, Yellapur Road, Sirsi, Distt. Uttar Kannada (Karnataka). Tel. 6547

28, South Avenue, New Delhi-110011. Tel. 3792427


Secretary, D.C.C.(I), Uttar Kannada (Karnataka)

Chairman, Village Panchayat, Kodsar, Siddapur

Convenor, D.C.C.(I), Uttar Kannada (Karnataka)

Elected to Lok Sabha (Seventh)

Member, Consultative Committee, Ministry of Industry Member, Committee on Petitions

Re-elected to Lok Sabha (Eighth)

Member, Public Accounts Committee

Elected to Lok Sabha (Ninth) for the third time

Member, Consultative Committee, Ministry of Urban Development

Member, Rules Committee

Member, Committee on Agriculture

Elected to Lok Sabha (Tenth) for the fourth time

Member, Estimates Committee

Member, National Council Youth Congress (I)

Upliftment of the ryots, poor and the downtrodden; promotion of education in backward areas


Reading and drama

Volleyball and badminton; Member, Rotary Club, Sirsi, Uttar Kannada, 1991

Director, Primary Land Development Bank, Siddapur, 1974; Member, Land Tribunal, Siddapur, 1974-78 and Land Tribunal Sirsi, 1978-80; Member, Agricultural Produce Marketing Committee, Siddapur, 1978-83.



These Biodata of present and past Members of Parliament are taken from Also any reference to the location of a particular State, or Country in the bio-profile of Members (particularly in the columns ‘place of birth’ or ‘Educated at’) is given by the Members themselves while filling up of the Proforma after their election to the Lok Sabha. Any discrepancy in data should be brought to our notice for correction. Our Email: [email protected]

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