GANPAT SAHAI, SHRI , B.A.. LL.B., Cong.. (U.P.—Sultanpur—1967): s. of Shri Ram Sahai; b. at Sultanpur, August 15. 1882: ed. at Government High School, Sultanpur, Canning College, Lucknow and Muir Central College, Allahabad; Jhalawar Gold Medalist for standing- First in English in the University of Allahabad; m. Smt. Kesh Kumari Devi 1896; 1 s, and 2 d.; Professor of English, and Logic in Muir Central College, Allahabad, 1907; Lawyer; successfully fought the famous U.P. Zamindari Abolition case on behalf of the U-P. Government; joined the Indian National Congress in 1908 after resigning professorship of Allahabad Universitv as a protest against the iniquitous partition of Bengal; participated in the Home Rule agitation led by Dr. Annie Besant; suspended legal practice in 1920 in response to the call of Mahatma Gandhi; suffered imprisonment on a number of occasions in the cause of the Country’s light for freedom; President, (1) Municipal Board, Sultanpur, for two terms; (2) District Board, Sultanpur, 1930—45; (3) District Congress Committee, 1920-21 and 1936-67; (4) Bar Association, Sultanpur, on a number of occasions; (5) District Anti-Corruption Committee; was Member, P.C.C., U.P., and A.I.C.C.; Member, (1) U.P. Government Servants Disciplinary Proceedings Enquiry Committee; (2) U.P. Government Museum Advisory Board; (3) U.P. Legislative Assembly, 1945—52; (4) Second Lok Sabha, 1961-62; also Member of various Advisory Committees and Select Committees of the U.P. Legislative Assembly and Lok Sabha.
Social activities: Founded a number of educational institutions, including an Intermediate College for girls, in the name of his wife, Smt. Kesh Kumari Devi, and a Degree College; District Scout Commissioner; Special Marriage Officer; Created a trust of all his immovable property valuing over rupees three lacs for running a Prakritik Chikitsa (naturopathy), Yogasan Shiksha Prasar and Samaj Seva Kendra at Sultanpur.
Hobbies: Yogie exercises, including daily Pranayam.
Favourite pastime and recreation: Asana and Pranayam.
Special interests: Yoga Philosophy, spiritual culture and Naturopathy.
Sports and clubs: Cricket, Football and Tennis; Member, Sultanpur Club.
Permanent address: Ganpat Sahai Marg, Civil Lines, Sultanpur, Uttar Pradesh.