Name of Member: Shri Gurucharan Naik
Political Party: Swatantra Party
Constituency & State: Keonjhar-ST (Orissa)
Lok Sabha Experience: 4
4th Lok Sabha
Members Bioprofile |
NAIK, SHRI GURUCHARAN, Swa., [Orissa-Keonjhar (Reserved-Sch. Tribes)-1967]: s. of late Shri Brundaban Naik; b. at Mahadevnasa, January 24, 1919; m. Shrimati Annapurna, 1940; 1 S. and 2 D.; Cultivator; Formerly member of the Ganatantra Parishad, now merged into Swatantra Party ; Was in Government Service from 1937 to 1949; Member, Orissa Legislative Assembly, 1952 -67 and was also a member of its Estimates Committee; Member—(I) Orissa Minor Forest Produce Enquiry Committee; (ii) Board of Industry, Orissa; (iii) Orissa State Post-Matric Scholarship Advisory Board; (iv) Tribes Advisory Council, 1953-54 to 1966-67; and (v) Orissa Mutha Head Abolition Enquiry Committee; President, Keonjhar Mines and Forests Workers’ Union, Barbil.
Social activities: Participated in many social activities from time to time; was President of the “Bhauma Maha Sammilanee”, an organisation devoted to the upliftment of the Bhuyan Community; started one M.E. School at Deojhar and helped in establishing several other High Schools and M.E. School in Champua constituency while he was an M.L.A.
Favourite pastime and recreation: Prayer, spiritual thinking and study of religious books.
Special interests: Social work.
Permanent address: Vill. Mahadebnasa, P.O. Deojhar, via Joda, Distt. Keonjhar, Orissa.
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