Name of Member: Shri Harihar Soren
Political Party: Congress (I)
Constituency & State: Keonjhar-ST (Orissa)
Lok Sabha Experience: 7,8
8th Lok Sabha
Members Bioprofile |
SOREN, SHRI HARIHAR [Congress (I)—Orissa, Keonjhar (Res. Sch. Tribes), 1984] s of Shri Srikanta Soren; b. at Pabitradiha Village, Keonjhar Garh, Keonjhar District, August 28, 1929; ed. at D. N. High School Keonjhar; studied upto Matriculation and passed Mukhtiarship Examination (Law); m. Smt. Basanti Soren, February, 1954; 7 s. and 2 d.; Agriculturist and Lawyer; Accountant, Central Cooperative Bank, 1967-77; Vice-President, District Congress Committee, Keonjhar since 1977; Secretary, Adivasi Congress, 1953-54; Member, Seventh Lok Sabha, 1980-84.
Social activities: Worked for the eradication of untouchability, 1954-55.
Special interests: Social service and development of Adivasi language.
Permanent address: Pabitradiha Village, P.O., Keonjhar Garh, Keonjhar District, Orissa.
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