POOJARY, SHRI JANARDHANA, B.Com., LL.B. [Congress (I)—Karnataka, Mangalore, 1989]: s. of Late B.J. Amin; b. at Boloor, Mangalore District, Karnataka, April 27, 1937; ed. at St. Aloysins College, Mangalore, New Law College, Bombay; m. Malathi Poojary, January 21, 1968, 3 s. and 1 d.; Lawyer, Agriculturist;
Public Offices held: Union Deputy Minister, January 1982—December 1984, Union Minister of State, Finance, December 1984—December 1989;
Previous Association with Political Parties: Executive Member, Pradesh Congress Committee (I), Karnataka, since 1978; President, Pradesh Congress Committee (I), Karnataka, September 1987—October 1988;
Previous Membership: 6th Lok Sabha, 1977-79, 7th Lok Sabha, 1980-84, 8th Lok Sabha, 1984-89;
Committee Experience: Member, Consultative Committee, Commerce, Tourism and Civil Aviation, 1977-79, Committee on Papers Laid on the Table, 1977-78, Estimates Committee, 1980-82, Public Accounts Committee, May 1, 1990 and Consultative Committee, Ministry of Finance, 1990;
Favourite Pastime and Recreation: Reading, drama;
Delegation to Foreign Countries: Delegate to Commonwealth Finance Ministers’ Conference at Male, October, 1985; Leader, Delegation to the Committee Meeting of Colombo Plan at Sydney, November 1986;
Travels Abroad: Australia, Maldives, Singapore, Thailand, USSR;
Sports and Clubs: Captained the College Badminton Team;
Social Activities: Fighting for the interests of the poor agricultural tenants, free legal aid to the poor, protection to the weaker sections, SCs, STs and minorities; effectively implemented the 20 Point-Programme;
Permanent Address: Matadakani Road, Mangalore—6, Karnataka.