MEHTA, SHRI JASWANTRAJ, B.A., LL.B., Cong., (Rajasthan—Pali—1962): S. of Shri Ganeshraj Ji Mehta; B. Jodhpur, November 16, 1898; ed. at Jaswant College, Jodhpur and Agra College, Agra; m. Shrimati Chand Kanwar, 1917; 2 S. and 2 D.; Administrator and Lawyer; Chief Secretary for six years, Jagir Commissioner for twelve years, Acting legal Adviser to Ijlas-e-Khas and Legal Remembrancer for some time in the former State of Jodhpur; Resigned in the year 1946 due to difference of opinion with Government on its food policy; Enrolled as Advocate of the High Court and elected President, Marwar Bar Association; Elected to Jodhpur State Legislative Assembly in 1947 and was appointed as the first and only popularly elected Minister in 1947-48; Resigned to make way for Congress Government; Rejoined as Senior Member, Board of Revenue, Jodhpur State, 1949; Served in Rajasthan for 3 years as Revenue Secretary, Famine Commissioner, Jagir Commissioner and Commissioner of Customs and Excise respectively; Resigned in 1952 to contest bye-election to Lok Sabha; While in service of Jodhpur State, reorganized the State Secretariat and drew up scheme for the reorganisation of the District Administration; Served as Member or, Secretary or Convener or President of the following Committees:—
Separation of the Judiciary from the Executive Committee, 1937, Jagirdars Judicial Powers Enquiry Committee, 1938, All India Federation Committee, 1939, General Famine Committee, 1939, Franchise Committee, 1940, Municipal Revenues Demarcation Committee, 1940, Marwar Special War Committee, 1940, Jagirdars Taxation Enquiry Committee, 1945 etc. of the former Jodhpur State; and Revenue Enquiry Committee, 1950, and Venkatachar Jagirdari Abolition Committee, 1951, of Rajas than; Member, First Lok Sabha and Second Lok Sabha; Member Committee on Estimates and Committee on Government Assurances of Lok Sabha.
Social activities: Promotion of inter-caste and inter-communal harmony.
Special interests: Farming and mining.
Favourite pastime: Game of Bridge.
Publication: All India Federation.
Permanent address: Ladnu House, Jodhpur.
[Voting results at the Election:
Electorate: 4,83,809
Shri Jaswantraj Mehta . . 99,720
Shri Chiman Singh . . 80,461
Shri Khangar . . 25,022
Shri Mithalal Trivedi . . 14,264].