BOSU, SHRI JYOTIRMOY [C.P.I. (M)—West Bengal, Diamond Harbour, 1980] s. of Shri S. C. Bosu; b. at Calcutta, December 18, 1920; ed. at J.B. Institute and Bangabasi College, Calcutta; m. Smt. Anima Bosu, March 1946; 1 s.; Was Granted a Commission in the Army, served during World War II: later as a Battery Captain with the 353 Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment and 353 Field Regiment, Royal Artillery, London, 1952-54; Worked as Tea Taster, Assessor and Valuer (trained in the United Kingdom); was senior grade Convenanted Officer in British Firms in Europe and India till 1959; imprisoned for leading a demonstration of unemployed youths; Detained in Jail under MISA during internal Emergency, 1975-77; had also undergone imprisonment on earlier occasions; came in contact with the Communist Party of Great Britain in 1952 and with the Communist Party of India in 1955; President, Indo-Soviet Friendship Society; President and Executive in a number of Trade Union organisations; Secretary, Hindu Muslim Friendship Committee, South Calcutta, 1946-47; Member, (i) Fourth Lok Sabha, 1967-70, (ii) Fifth Lok Sabha, 1971-77, and (iii) Sixth Lot Sabha, 1977-79; Chairman, (i) Public Accounts Committee of Parliament, 1973-74 and 1974-75, (ii) Committee on Public Undertakings, 1977; Member, Un-employment Committee set up on a Government Assurance given on his resolution in Lok Sabha; Member, Inland Water Transport Committee; Chief Whip, C.P.I. (M) in Lok Sabha; presently Member, (i) Business Advisory Committee, and (ii) House Committee; Life Member and an Executive Member, Inter-Parliamentary Union.
Social activities: Worked for communal harmony during the communal riots in Calcutta in 1946 and was able to save a number of lives.
Favourite pastime and recreation: Travelling and Shikar.
Sports and clubs: Member, (i) Calcutta Club Ltd., and (ii) Darjeeling Gymkhana Club Ltd.; Life Member, Bengal United Services Club Association.
Travels abroad: U.K.. U.S.A., Italy, Switzerland, France, Holland, Germany, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Spain, African countries, Luxemburg Austria, Yugoslavia, Greece, Turkey, Syria, Iran, Iraq, United Arab Republic, Belgium etc.
Permanent address: 19, Ballygunge Station Road, Calcutta-19, West Bengal.