Name of Member: Shri Lal Babu Rai
Political Party: Janata Dal
Constituency & State: Chapra (Bihar)
Lok Sabha Experience: 9,10
Tenth Lok Sabha |
Members BioprofileRAI, SHRI LAL BABU
[J.D. – Chhapra (Bihar)] |
Father’s NameDate of Birth
Place of Birth
Marital Status
Spouse’s Name
Educational Qualifications
Permanent Address
Present Address
Positions held
Special Interests
Favourite Pastime and Recreation
Sports and Clubs
Other Information
Shri Deo Narayan Rai29th July, 1946
Chirand in Distt. Saran (Bihar)
Married on 11th May, 1965
Smt. Sharda Devi
Three sons and one daughter
B.A., B.L.
Educated at Rajendra College, Chhapra and College of Commerce, Patna (Bihar)
Lawyer and Political worker
Vill. Lodipur, P.O. Chirand, Distt. Chapra, Saran (Bihar) Tel. 2355
20, South Avenue, New Delhi-110011. Tel. 3792204
Elected to Lok Sabha (Ninth)
Member, Consultative Committee, Ministry of Surface Transport
Re-elected to Lok Sabha (Tenth)
Welfare of the poor and communal harmony
Football and Volleyball
Participated in Jai Prakash Movement, 1974-77. |
These Biodata of present and past Members of Parliament are taken from Also any reference to the location of a particular State, or Country in the bio-profile of Members (particularly in the columns ‘place of birth’ or ‘Educated at’) is given by the Members themselves while filling up of the Proforma after their election to the Lok Sabha. Any discrepancy in data should be brought to our notice for correction. Our Email:
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