RAO, SHRI M. S. SANJEEVI, B.E., D.I.C. (London), M.I.E.E, [Congress (I)—Andhra Pradesh, Kakinada, 1980] s. of Shri M. Pallam Raju; b. at Bhiminupatnam, Visakhapatnam District, August 3, 1929: ed. at Guindy Engineering College, Madras and Imperial College of Science and Technology, London; Widower; 2 s.; Consulting Electronic Engineer; Senior Scientific Officer, Defence Science Services, Bangalore and Hyderabad; Head, Line Communications, DLRL, Hyderabad; Director, ELICO Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad; Chairman and Director, (i) Hyderabad Electronic Instruments Ltd., Secunderabad, (ii) Andhra Pradesh Fisheries Corporation, Kakinada; Director, (i) Nagarjuna Fertilizers and Chemicals Co. Ltd., Kakinada, (ii) Marine and Communication Electronics (India) Ltd., Hyderabad; Vice-President, Hyderabad Science Society, Hyderabad; Member, (i) High Level, Committee on Developing Traffic at Minor Ports of India, 1971-73, (ii) National Harbour Board, 1971-74, (iii) High Powered Electronic Development Committee, Andhra Pradesh, 1974-76; Member, Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly, 1970; Member, (i) Fifth Lok Sabha, 1971—77, (ii) Sixth Lok Sabha 1977—79, (iii) Committee on Subordinate Legislation, 1974-76 and (iv) Consultative Committee, Atomic Energy, Space and Electronics 1971-79; Led the Delegation to the Third World Seminar at Baghdad (Iraq) on Problems of Development and Struggle for a New World Economic Order, 1976.
Favourite pastime and recreation: Travelling and gardening.
Accomplishments in letters, art and science; other achievements: Worked as Research Scientist in A.E.I. Research Laboratories in Black-Heath, London for four years; developed sophisticated secrecy system for the army.
Sports and clubs: Member, Secunderabad Club, Hyderabad, and Cosmopolitian Club, Kakinada.
Travels abroad: Widely travelled; spent considerable time in U.K., U.S.A., U.S.S.R.., Japan and most of the countries of Europe, West Asian and South American countries.
Permanent address: Pallam Raju House, Kakinada-533001, Andhra Pradesh.