PATEL, SHRI MANUBHAI M., B.A. (Hons.) M.A., Cong ., (Gujarat- Dabhoi-1967): s. of Shri Motilal; b. at Baroda, October 11, 1920; m. Shrimati Pramoda, 1945 ; 1 s. and 3 d.; Social worker; Secretary, Gujarat Students Congress, 1945-46; G.O.C. Congress Seva Dal, 1947-1957 (Gujarat State ); Member, Pradesh Congress Committee Gujarat, 1956-67; Secretary, Ahmedabad Congress Committee; Secretary, Reception Committee Congress Session at Bhavnagar, 1960; Member, Legislative Assembly, Gujarat State, 1962—67; Deputy Minister, Education-Transport, Gujarat State, 1962—64; Member, (j) Estimates Committee of the State Assembly, 1964—67; (ii) Gujarat State Education Council, (iii) Gujarat State Prohibition Board, (iv) Executive Committee, Servants of the People Society.
Social activities: Secretary, (1) Social Education Committee, Ahmedabad, 1952—54, (at Nashabandi Mandal, Bombay State. 1958—60. (iii) Nashabandi Mandal. Gujarat State since 1960. (iv) All India Prohibition Council since 1965. (v) Balvantray Mehta Nature Cure Centre, Baroda; Member, Gujarat State Khadi & Village Industries Board since 1964; President, Baroda District Neera Tad-Gud Sangh: Chairman, (i) Panch Shila Cooperative Housing Society, Ahmedabad, 1960—62, (ii) Lala Lajpatrai Central School Committee, Baroda, (iii) Lala Lajpatrai Labour Contract Society, Baroda.
Hobbies: Swimming and gardening.
Favourite pastime and recreation: Reading.
Special interests: Education-Cultural History, Archeology, Village Industries, Prohibition.
Sports and clubs: Cricket, Volleyball, Indian games.
Travels abroad: U.S.S.R., Finland, Denmark, Sweden. U.K., France, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Egypt and Afghanistan.
Permanent address: Limda Pole, Raopura, Baroda.