Name of Member: Shri Moti Lal Malviya
Political Party: Congress
Constituency & State: Khajuraho (Madhya Pradesh)
Lok Sabha Experience: 1,2
Second Lok Sabha |
Members Bioprofile |
MALVIYA, SHRI MOTI LAL, Cong., [Madhya Pradesh— Khajuraho (Reserved—Sch. Castes)—1957]: S. of Shri Ram Lal; B. Ratlam, February 24, 1925; ed. at the Harijan Udyog Shala, Delhi; m. Shrimati Indu Bala, May 2, 1947; 1 S. and 2 D.; Teacher and Author; Editor, Uthan, a Hindi monthly; Secretary, Bengal Hindi Mandal for four years; Member, Asthai Samiti, All India Hindi Sahitya Sammelan; President, Dehat Varg Sangh, Vindhya Pradesh; Ex-Member V.P.C.C. and now Member, M.P.C.C.; Sahitya Ratna; Member, First Lok Sabha (1952—57).
Social activities: Removal of untouchability and upliit of Harijans; rehabilitation of displaced persons from West Pakistan.
Hobbies: Reading and writing.
Special interest: Social service.
Favourite pastime and recreation: Story-writing; Playing on Sitar.
Publications: Viyogi Hari, Doha Ratnawali, and Vikalank.
Pervianent address: Kasturba Kutir, Harijan Niwas, Kingsway, Delhi-9.
[Voting results at the Election:
Electorate: 6,81,039
Shri Moti Lal Malviya .. 1,48,547
Shri Nathu Ram .. 75,619
Shri Pyare .. 74,485]
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