FIRODIA, SHRI MOTILAL KUNDANMAL, B.A., Cong., (Maharashtra-Ahmednagar— 1962): S. of Shri Kundanmal Shobachand Firodia; B. Kolgaon, Distt. Ahmednagar, December 6, 1912; ed. at Fergusson College, Poona, Davar’s College of Commerce, Bombay and Bombay University; m. Shrimati Icharajbai Motilal Firodia; 3 S. and 2 D.; Businessman; Chairman, Maharashtra Co-operative Union Ltd., Bombay and State Industrial Co-operative Association Ltd., Bombay; Director, The Maharashtra State Cooperative Bank Ltd., Bombay and Union Cooperative Insurance Society Ltd., Bombay; Member, Industries Commission (sponsored by the Maharashtra State), Co-operative Bank Ltd., Bombay, Maharashtra State Electricity Consultative Council, Bombay, Maharashtra State Tuberculosis Advisory Board, Bombay, and State Co-operative Advisory Committee, appointed by Maharashtra P.C.C.; Chairman, Ahmednagar District Central Cooperative Bank Ltd., Ahmednagar, Ahmednagar Distt. Co-operative Sale and Purchase Union Ltd., Ahmednagar, District Co-operative Printing Press, Ahmednagar; Director, The Ahmednagar District Land Mortgage Bank Ltd., Ahmednagar, The Nagar District Urban Central Co-operative Bank Ltd., Ahmednagar,. The Poona District Central Co-operative Bank Ltd., Poona, The Rahuri Sahkari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd., Rahuri, Ahmednagar, Kopargaon Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd., Ahmednagar, Karjat Taluk Sale & Purchase Society Ltd., Mirajgaon, Distt. Ahmednagar, Ahmednagar Cooperative Ginning and Pressing Factory, Ahmednagar Shrirampur Sahakari Kapus Vikri Sangh Ltd., Shrirampur, Ahmednagar; Chairman, Nagar District Urban Central Co-operative; Bank Ltd., 1943—57, Municipal School Board, 1953—1957; Member, Ahmednagar Borough Municipality, 1942-43, Bombay State Food Advisory Committee, 1943—45; District Development Council, Central Division, Maharashtra State, 1958—60.
Social activities: Secretary, Fair Price Grain Shop Committee, Ahmednagar, 1943—45 and District Refugee Relief Committee, Ahmednagar, 1947—51; Chairman, T. B. Sanatorium Committee, Ahmednagar; President, Ayurveda Vidyalaya Sanstha, Ahmednagar, and Gorakshan Sanstha, Ahmednagar; Vice-President, Ahmednagar District Leprosy Association, Ahmednagar and Hindi Seva Mandal from 1952—62, Ahmednagar and Member, Managing Committee of Ahmednagar Education Society, 1951—62.
Publications: Editor—’Sahakar Shakti’—Weekly devoted to Agriculture and Co-operation.
Permanent address: Navi Peth, Ahmednagar (Maharashtra State).
[Voting results at the Election:
Electorate: 4,02,466
Shri Motilal Kundanmal Firodia . . 1,13,159
Shri P. K. Bhapkar . . 99,121].