WADIWA, SHRI N. M., M.A., LL.B., Cong., [Madhya Pradeah—Seoni (Reserved—Sch. Tribes)—1962]: S. of Shri M. G. Wadiwa; B. Kelod, March 2, 1910; ed. at Morris College and University College of Law, Nagpur; m. Shrimati Usha, June 4, 1937; 1 S. and 1 D.; Lawyer; Office bearer in Vyayamshala of Physical Education Society, Nagpur, 1931—37; Chairman, Development Standing Committee, Janapada Sabha, Chhindwara, 1948—53; Joint Secretary, Women’s Hospital, Chhindwara, 1953-54; Secretary, Maharashtra Mandal Library, Chhindwara; Member, Board of Secondary Education, Madhya Pradesh; Member, District Archaeological Society; Holder of Vyayam Visharad Degree of Nagpur Physical Education Society; Member of various Managing Committees of High Schools at Chhindwara, Chaurai, Lodhikhera etc.; Member, Legislative Assembly, Madhya Pradesh and its Estimates Committee and Privileges Committee, 1952—57; Member, Tribes Advisory Council, Madhya Pradesh, 1949—62 and various Sub-Committees concerning tribal welfare; Member, Multi-purpose Tribal Block Study Committee (Elwin Committee); Member, Scheduled Areas and Scheduled Tribes Commission (Dhebar Commission); Vice-President, D.C.C., Chhindwara, 1955-56; Member of the Study Sub-Committee of the All India Federation of Educational Associations—Aboriginal Section; Member, Second Lok Sabha, 1957—62 and its Privileges Committee, 1957-58; Member, Tribes Advisory Committee (Central), 1961-62; Vice-President, Vanvasi Sewa Mandal, Mandla and Adivasi Shikshan Prasarak Mandal, Yeotmal; Secretary, Bharatiya Adimjati Sewak Sangh, Delhi; Member, District Red Cross Society.
Social activities: Tribal welfare and uplift of backward classes.
Hobbies: Photography, Fretwork.
Favourite pastime and recreation: Light reading, outdoor Indian games, swimming and scouting.
Special interests: Physical culture (Asanas); Indian games of Hututu, Khoko, Atyapatya, etc.
Clubs: Member, Vyayamshala, Chhindwara.
Permanent address: Advocate, Chhindwara, Madhya Pradesh.
[Voting results at the Election:
Electorate: 4,17,744
Shri N. M. Wadiwa . . 63,909
Kunwar Murawat Shah . . 47,244
Shri Gendlal . . 40,578].