CHAKRAVARTI, SHRI P. R., M.A., (Economics), M.A., (Political Science), Cong., (Bihar—Dhanbad—1962): S. of late Shri S. P. Chakravarti; B. at Dacca (East Pakistan), 1903; ed. at Dacca University; Unmarried; Teacher; Hony. Permanent Secretary, and Secretary, Parliamentary Department A.I.C.C., New Delhi; Was Member of University Court and Executive Council, Dacca and Delhi; Member, Governing bodies of different Colleges and Educational institutions; Was Parliamentary Secretary to late Shri Sarat Chandra Bose and was also his Private Secretary when he was the Minister of Works, Mines and Power, Government of India, in 1946; Member, Delhi State Legislative Assembly, 1952—56 and Chairman of its Estimates Committee; Visited U.S.A. as Adviser to Indian delegation on the U.N.O.
Social activities: Associated with several Social Service agencies in different capacities.
Accomplishment in letters, art and science: Regular contributor to Journals—Modern Review, Economic Review, Illustrated Weekly, Amrit Bazar Patrika, INFA.
Hobbies: Reading and Writing.
Favourite pastime and recreation: Exodus into hills and Health Resorts.
Sports: Football, Cricket and Tennis during student life.
Travels abroad: Europe, China, U.S.A. and West Germany.
Permanent address: C/o A.I.C.C., 7, Jantar Mantar Road, New Delhi.
[Voting results at the Election:
Electorate: 4,51,555
Shri P. R. Chakravarti . . 75,170
Shri S. Trigunait . . 50,964
Shri Arjun Agarwala . . 34,405
Shri C. Mukherjee . . 22,748
Shri Rameshwar Prasad . . 8,378
Shri K. P. Mahato . . 4,600
Shri Babulal Sultania . . 2,540].