BOSE, SHRI P. C., B.A., Cong., (Bihar—Dhanbad—1957): S. of late Shri Priyanath Bose; B. Khasial village, Jessore District (East Pakistan), August 17, 1899; ed. at Jharia H.E. School, Narail Victoria College (East Pakistan) and K. N. College, Berhampur, (Calcutta University); m. Shrimati Mrinalini, August 13, 1917; 2 S. and 3 D.; Workers’ delegate to I.L.O. Geneva, 1928; Indian delegate to British Commonwealth Labour Conference, 1928; General Secretary, Indian Miners’ Association, 1932-46, and President since 1946; Gave evidence before Royal Commission of Labour and Bihar Labour Enquiry Committee, 1939; Member, Mines Rescue Stations Committee since 1939; President, Manbhum D.C.C., 1941; Vice-President, All-India Trade Union Congress, 1945; President, Indian Mine Workers’ Federation, 1946-47, and Treasurer, 1951-52; Member, Bihar Legislative Assembly, 1946-52; Member, Congress Legislative Party, Bihar, 1946-52; Member, Labour Sub-Committee, Bihar, 1946-52; Workers’ Representative, Indian Coal Mining Committee, Geneva, 1947 and Asian Regional Labour Conference, New Delhi, 1947; Member, Coal Mines Conciliation Board, . 1947; Member, Jharia Mines Board of Health since 1947; Member, Bihar Central (Standing) labour Advisory Board, 1947-52; President, Dhanbad Sub-District C.C., 1947-49, 1949-51 and 1951-54; President, Dhanbad Sub-District Panchayat Committee since 1948; Member, Coal Mines Welfare Fund Advisory Board and Coal Transport Advisory Board since 1948; Member, Industrial Housing Board since 1949; Member, General Council, I.N.T.U.C, 1950-52; Member, Bihar P.C.C., 1951-54; Member, Governing Body, Jharia Raj H. E. School, Jharia K. C. Girls’ School and Jharia Banga Vidyalaya; Member, First Lok Sabha; As a Congressman, joined Civil Disobedience and Satyagraha movements during the period 1930 to 1945; courted imprisonment five times and was in jail for about six years.
Hobbies: Travelling and studies.
Special interests: Labour welfare and rural development, special study of labour problems and labour organisations in Europe.
Favourite pastime and recreation: Walking and witnessing outdoor games.
Sports and Clubs: Vice-President, Jharia Sports Association, and Member, Kumar Sporting Club, Jharia,
Travels abroad: Europe and Middle East.
Publications: A booklet on “Problems of Coal Industry”.
Permanent address: P.O. Jharia, Dt. Dhanbad, (Bihar).
[Voting results at the Election:
Electorate: 4,20,606
Shri P. C. Bose . , 67,095
Shri Kanailal Pal .. 28,436
Shri Mahesh Desai .. 27,116
Shri Kamta Prasad Mahato .. 16,901]