DEO, SHRI PRATAP KESHARI, B.A., B.L., U.A., (Orissa—Kalahandi—1977) : s. of late Shri Maharaja Brajmohan Deo; b. at Bhawani-patna, October 5, 1919; ed. at Ravenshaw College, Cuttack, Patna College and Patna Law College; m. Smt. Kasturika Modini Debi, February 1, 1941; 2 s. and 2 d.; Ruler of Kalahandi, 1939-47.; previously associated with Gantantra Parishad, Swatantra Party; Vice-President, Eastern States Union, 1947; President (i) Gantantra Parishad, 1954-55 and 1959-60; Chairman, Board of Forestry and Agricology, Eastern States Agency; President, (i) Wild Life Preservation Society, Delhi, (ii) Sree Neelachal Seva Sangha, New Delhi, and (iii) Rajaji Memorial Committee; Member, (i) Central Board of Wild Life, and (ii) Central Board of Archaeology; Life-Member, (i) Bombay National History Society, (ii) Asiatic Society of Calcutta, (iii) Numismatic Society of India; Bhandarkar Research Institute, Poona; President, General Council, Rajkumar College, Raipur, 1957—60; Fellow, (i) Utkal University 1957—60, (ii) Sambalpur University since 1960; Member and Deputy Leader of the Opposition, Orissa Legislative Assembly, 1952—56; Member, (i) Forest Enquiry Committee, Orissa, 1958-59, (ii) State Department Advisory Board, Orissa, 1958-59, (iii) National Railway User’s Consultative Committee, 1962—64; Member, Second Lok Sabha, 1957—62, Third Lok Sabha, 1962— 67, Fourth Lok Sabha 1967—70, Fifth Lok Sabha, 1971—77; Leader, (i) Gantantra Parishad in Parliament, 1957—62, (ii) Swatantra Party in Parliament, 1962 and 1971—75 and (iii) Bhartiya Lok Dal in Parliament, 1975-76; Member, (i) Estimates Committee, 1959-60, 1962—64; (ii) Railway Convention Committee and (iii) Consultative Committee, (a) External Affairs, (b) Education and Youth Services and (c) South Eastern Railway; Leader, Indian Delegation to Commonwealth Parliamentary Asociation Conference at Lagos.
Social activities: Keenly interested in welfare of Adivasis, removal of untouchability, anti-tuberculosis work, removal of illiteracy, Library movement and promotion of national and emotional integration.
Favourite pastime and recreation: Photography, stamp collection, collection of herbarium, gardening and bee-keeping, nature and wild life study, shikar, trekking and riding.
Special interests: Archaeology, study of classics and old Oriya literature, research in history and comparative study of Constitutions of different countries in the World.
Publications: Books published, (i) My Humble Contributions, (ii) Turbulent Five Years, (iii) The Forgotten Forts of Kalahandi.
Sports and clubs: Tennis, cricket, football, squash shooting; Member, (i) Cricket Club of India, Bombay, (ii) Culcutta Club, Calcutta, (iii) Gymkhana Club, New Delhi, (iv) Waltair Club, Waltair, (v) Bhubaneshwar Club, Bhubaneshwar, and (vi) Wheeler Club, Bhawanipatna.
Travels abroad: U.K., France, West Germany Italy, Switzerland, U.A.R., Pakistan, Holland, Belgium, U.S.A., Canada, Australia, Japan, Hong Kong, Nigeria, Fiji, Hawai, Thailand, Burma and Singapore.
Permanent address: Bhawanipatna, Kalahandi District, Orissa.