Name of Member: Shri S.S. Samadali
Political Party: Congress
Constituency & State: Jalgaon (Maharashtra)
Lok Sabha Experience: 4
4th Lok Sabha
Members Bioprofile |
SYED, SHRI S. S.. Cong., (Maharashtra-Jalgaon-1967): s. of Shri Samad Ali, b. July 4, 1905; ed. at D.S. High School, Bhusawal; passed High Court Advocates Examination of the Bombay High Court, 1941; m. Shrimati Zebunnisa, May 12, 1926; 5 s. and 4 d.; Advocate; Retired Government servant; Founded along with others the Urdu Library, Bhusawal and Anglo-Urdu High School, Jalgaon; was Honorary Member Social Education Board, and Municipal School Board, Jalgaon for 8 and 4 years respectively; President, Jalgaon Distt. Pensioners’ Association 1951—53; Vice-President, Jamiatul Ulemae-Hind Maharashtra; Vice-President, City Congress, Jalgaon; has been working for Hindu-Muslim Unity, removal of untouchability and prohibition of alcohol and tobacco.
Favourite pastime and recreation: Study of religious books and taking of Indian exercises.
Special interests: Research in Unani and Ayurvedic herbs and medicines and nature cure; study of all religions.
Permanent address: 1, Polanpeth, P.O. & Distt. Jalgaon, Maharashtra.
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