MISHRA, SHRI SHYAM NANDAN, M.A., B.L., Janata, (Bihar—Begusarai—1977) : s. of Shri Murlidhar Mishra; b. at Gonawan, Patna, October 20, 1920; ed. at R.H.E. School, Sursand, G.B.B. College, Muzaffarpur; Patna College and Patna “Law College; m. Smt. Dhrubswamini Devi, 1 d.; Lecturer, T.N.J. College, Bhagalpur, Previously associated with Congress and Congress (O); imprisoned in connection with the ‘Quit India, Movement, 1942-43; was detained for 19 months during emergency in 1975; Secretary, Election Sub-Committee of the All-India Congress Committee, I952; Member, All-India Congress Committee (O), Working Committee and Parliamentary Board till January, 1977; was convener of Congress Socialist Forum and Centre of Socialist Studies; Member, National Committee of Janata Party; Member, (i) Provisional Parliament, 1950-52, Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister, June 1951—May, 1952, (ii) First Lok Sabha, 1952—57, and (iii) Second Lok Sabha, 1957—62; Deputy Minister for Planning, September, 1954—April, 1962; Member, Rajya Sabha 1962 —71; Member, Executive Committee, Congress Party in Parliament, 1963—67; Deputy Leader, Congress Party in Parliament, 1967-69; Leader, Congress (O) and Leader of Opposition, in Rajya Sabha, 1969-71; Member, National Executive of Janata Party in Parliament; Member, (i) Indian Delegation to the 10th Session of Economic Commission for Asia and Far East, Ceylon, 1954, (ii) Indian Delegation to the 17th Session of United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation, New York, 1954, (iii) Delegation, to Inter-Parliamentary Council, Dublin, 1965, and (iv) Parliamentary Delegation to U.S.S.R., 1965; Leader, Congress Party Delegation to German Democratic Republic, 1967; Member of the Delegation to the Nineteenth Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference, London, September, 1973; Chairman, Joint Committee on Lokpal Bill, 1977.
Favourite pastime and recreation: Reading of poetry, Ancient Indian Philosophy and gardening.
Travels abroad: Visited Sri Lanka, U.S.A., Ireland, U.S.S.R., German Democratic Republic, Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Federal Republic of Germany, Italy, France and U.K.
Permanent address: Punaura House, Rasoolpur, Zilani, Kalmbagh Road, Muzaffurpur.