RATH, SHRI SOMNATH, B.A., B.L., [Congress (I)—Orissa, Aska 1984] s. of late Shri Kashinath Rath; b. at Badagada Village, Sorada Taluk, Ganjam District, Orissa; February 17, 1924; ed. at Khalikote College, Berhanpur, Ganjam District, Revenshaw College, Cuttack; m. Smt Anasuya Rath; 3 s. and 3 d.; Advocate; participated In the Freedom Movement while a student; Minister of State twice and Cabinet Minister twice in Government of Orissa; President Ganjam District Congress (I) Committee till 1980; Member, A1CC; Chairman Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Orissa Branch, (India); 1980-84; Working President “Bharat Krishaka Samaj” Orissa Branch; Founder and Chairman of Governing Bodies, (i) Kabisambrat Upend m Bha Bhaja College, Bhanjanagar, (ii) Sabetri Women’s College, Bhanjanagar, (iii) B.Ed., College, Bhanjanagar, (iv) Law College, Bhanjanagar, District Ganjam, Orissa; was Senate and Syndicate Member, Berhampur University; was President, Bhanjanagar, Regional Co-operative Marketing Society and Director in appex Co-operative Societies; and President, Co-operative Land Development Bank, Bhanjanagar; while student in Khalikote College, organised student Congress and Secretary Social Service Guild in Revenshaw College; President, “Bhanja Sahitya Parishad; Member, Orissa Legislative Assembly, 1971-74, 1974-77 and 1980-84; Speaker, Orissa Legislative Assembly, 1980-84; presently Member, Panel of Chairmen, Lok Sabha.
Social activities: Founded many High Schools, Colleges, Co-operative Institutions, so also literary institutions; associated with many social and literary institutions and President of Labour Unions.
Favourite pastime and recreation: Reading and writing.
Special interest: Reading literature and organisation of educational, co-operatives and literary institutions.
Awards: Recipient of “Karvey Award” as State Health Minister of Orissa State standing first in Family Planning in India.
Publications: Contributed many articles on poet laureate Kabi Samrat Upendra Bhanja, social, economic, political and spiritual subjects in different journals and periodicals.
Sports and clubs: President, Nehru Memorial Football and Sports-Association Bhanjanagar, Ganjam District.
Travels abroad: U.S.A., U.K., Sri Lanka, Fiji, Australia, Thailand, Malaysia, Japan and periodicals.
Permanent address: P.O. Bhanjanagar, District Ganjam (Orissa).