WAHID, SHRI T. ABDUL, B.A., LL.B., Cong, (Madras—Vellore—1962): S. of Shri T. Abdul Rahim Sahib; B. Ambur, July 15, 1910; ed. at Government Mohamedan College, Madras and Law College, Madras; m. Shrimati T. Muheebunissa, June 7, 1937; 1 S. and 2 D.; Businessman; Member, (1) Government of India’s Export Advisory Council, 1948—52 and again since 1954, (2) Government of India’s Leather Development Council since 1953, (3) Leather Advisory Committee of the Khadi and Village Industries Commission, Bombay since 1958, (4) Chemical Division, Council of the Indian Standards Institution, New Delhi, since 1952, (5) Managing Committee of the Leather Export Promotion Council Madras since 1957, (6) Managing Committee of the Southern India Skins and Hides Merchants Association, Madras, (7) National Chamber of Commerce, Madras, (8) Advisory Committee of the Export Risks Insurance Corporation, Government of India, 1980, (9) Enquiry Committee appointed by the Government of Madras in 1948 to report about the condition of the E.I. Tanning Industry and to recommend for its development, (10) Railway Users Consultative Committee of the Southern Railway for the year, 1952-53; Associate Member, Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry, New Delhi since 1959.
Social activities: (1) Hony. Secretary, the C. Abdul Hakim’s Educational Trust and Muslim High School, Madras since 1945; (2) Hony. Secretary, Muslim Educational Society, Ambur since 1958; (3) Life Member, Southern Indian Education Trust, Madras; (4) Member, Managing Committee of (i) The Anuman, Madras, and (ii) The Muslim Educational Association of Southern India.
Special interest: (1) Commerce and Industry, (2) Public Economy, (3) Finance and Education.
Travels abroad: U.S.A., U.K., Hong Kong, Japan and Middle Eastern countries.
Permanent address: 19, Vepery High Road, Periamet, Madras-3.
[Voting results at the Election:
Electorate: 4,34,404
Shri T. Abdul Wahid
. . 1,14,872
Shri N. Sivaraj
. . 90,906
Shri R. Rajaratnam
. . 47,186
Shri T. R. Puroshutham Reddiar
. . 6,632
Shri Viswanatha Mudaliar
. . 5,721
Shri Ganesh Mudaliar
. . 5,110
Shra Annalthango, G.M.
. . 4,871
Shri Mohamed Pasha
. . 3,506
Shri Rangaswami Naidu
. . 1,164].